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Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4


Yeap i saw that.

But its not correct that the have banned for 2 hourspeople who used link from IBC4 PRACTICE to take the starter box.
It is not players mistake.

It was ADMINS mistake who let the old link working...

It's an unfair Ban for players.

We havent start very nice.

Admin's mistake, payed by some players.


I like how it says about unfairness meanwhile every single Town that is built has different clothes in it yet in the announcement it says all towns will not have any clothes and only Admin town will have clothes for "FAIRNESS" guess that word doesn't exist all the time.


Event Coordinator
Community Manager
Okay guys. So I was awake until 4 a.m last night to fix the issue caused by duplicate registrations. And I was not alone, some dedicated team members worked all the weekend day and night to create your character manually, spending many hours with them. No one on the event server is getting paid (not even myself), we all do this event for you.

So, while I understand your frustration, but I do not want to see more comments about our team being lazy and doing nothing. Yeah, you can complain that was a mistake, we all do mistakes and we are sorry for that. We could have also banned the players who submitted a duplicate entry, but we did not. Using an old marketing link is not okay. We always publish on home page these links. And about the GM posting a link, how no one can remember who was it? I am not aware of anyone posting it.

Please try to understand the situation, we do our best, but is not easy when so many things go wrong. Some mixed teams had to be changed at least 10 times in the last 24 hours, because some people registered in 2 teams.


Event Coordinator
Community Manager
Then just do not punish players för clicking a link, which was not deactivated by the staff.
The link should have been deactivated, was on my list. But the server was started before I could do it. Otherwise we would not been able to start today.

And again, this is not to punish them, is to balance the advantage they received. The other option would have been a total character reset, but that would have required much more time for us to fix, so some players would have got a new character in more than 2 hours. This way they still have some items remained.


No point in bragging all around here, it won't change anything, wait for the ban time to pass and move on. Even I got banned because i just used the codes, not like i bought any item off the shop, and did like, what, 3 or 4 missions.

It is fully staff's fault because they forgot to deactivate the promo codes indeed. It is also our fault for trying to exploit or just trying out if it works. Both parties fault, but indeed I don't see a 2 hours ban as a good punishment, because as i said, it was both parties fault. 1h was enough. But now because of the exploit, people already have 9hrs command on, which they can farm products even if they're banned, so again, the ban was kinda off the charts, because it doesn't solve anything.

Probably more attention next time, even if the team worked very hard for the course of the week, daily, to organize the event.

The link should have been deactivated, was on my list. But the server was started before I could do it. Otherwise we would not been able to start today.

And again, this is not to punish them, is to balance the advantage they received. The other option would have been a total character reset, but that would have required much more time for us to fix, so some players would have got a new character in more than 2 hours. This way they still have some items remained.
As i said, the ban doesn't solve anything since most of the players who exploited it already started the full work command list. It just slows a few players, that's all. You can see the entire PL team at work already with sets full. The only good solution was a hard reset of the event start.


Event Coordinator
Community Manager
Has it been determined which teams those who registered without a team will play in?
Most of them are in MIX2 and MIX3. Some waiting to be added to existing teams. Only a few 1-2 were not assigned, who submitted a ticket in the last 12 hours.


No point in bragging all around here, it won't change anything, wait for the ban time to pass and move on. Even I got banned because i just used the codes, not like i bought any item off the shop, and did like, what, 3 or 4 missions.

It will be interesting to see, if those, who used up all the money for doing some shopping, will keep, what they got.