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Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4


The numbers from the announcement are for a 32 teams tournament with 4 divisions per conference.
as we only have 2 divisions per conference, there will only be 2 division champions.
What I dont know, is how this affects the number of wildcards given.

I posted in the german West forum how I unverstand it:
Beitrag im Thema 'IFBC4' https://forum.the-west.de/index.php?threads/ifbc4.79972/post-909605
maybe you can use a translator.


The numbers from the announcement are for a 32 teams tournament with 4 divisions per conference.
as we only have 2 divisions per conference, there will only be 2 division champions.
What I dont know, is how this affects the number of wildcards given.

I posted in the german West forum how I unverstand it:
Beitrag im Thema 'IFBC4' https://forum.the-west.de/index.php?threads/ifbc4.79972/post-909605
maybe you can use a translator.
Well, thank you for reply - but still I see couple of problems in your proposal. In contrast with mine understandment - the group stage would be quite sensible, it would eliminate 5 teams instead of one - making it somehow meaningful. Problem for me is the imbalance in games played accross the divisions 14-13-13-12. That would seriously benefit N1 and S1 division - just because of the higher amount of possible points in final ordering.


Well, thank you for reply - but still I see couple of problems in your proposal. In contrast with mine understandment - the group stage would be quite sensible, it would eliminate 5 teams instead of one - making it somehow meaningful. Problem for me is the imbalance in games played accross the divisions 14-13-13-12. That would seriously benefit N1 and S1 division - just because of the higher amount of possible points in final ordering.
In the original Post there would have been 9 teams eliminated out of 16 after the first stage in each conference. So that would be 18 elims from 32 teams.
In my idea as you said it would be 5 elims from 15, or 6 from 16. So not that much ;)

about the different amout of battles: if two or more teams have the same points, you count the win percentage, which would Benefit the teams with less games.
So both sides with more or less games could benefit: more games with the Option to win one more round and less games to have a better win-percentage.

But of course I am only guessing... maybe an official can make a Statement about stages etc.


In the original Post there would have been 9 teams eliminated out of 16 after the first stage in each conference. So that would be 18 elims from 32 teams.
In my idea as you said it would be 5 elims from 15, or 6 from 16. So not that much ;)

about the different amout of battles: if two or more teams have the same points, you count the win percentage, which would Benefit the teams with less games.
So both sides with more or less games could benefit: more games with the Option to win one more round and less games to have a better win-percentage.

But of course I am only guessing... maybe an official can make a Statement about stages etc.
Still unfortunately what I´ve read between the lines one side of the battle is more likely to be winning the battles than the other, so if any team would have greater/lower amount of possibilities to play this side, it makes inbalance no matter what balancing criteria like % of available points obtained is kept in place. :(


Idea to have equal amount of battles inside a conference:
N1 and S1 only battle 3 of 4 teams against each other. (in the cross conference battles)
That would lead to (per team):
N1 13 battles
N2 13 battles
S1 12 battles
S2 12 battles

Al Sah-him

We need 1-2 more hours, because of the delays caused by duplicate registrations.
1-2 hours from your message or 1-2 hours from the initial information of when the server is to start? will you fire up the world between 3:30pm and 4:30pm or between 5pm and 6pm?


  • Start: 2024-04-15 between 12:00 and 16:00 CEST
since that timeframe isnt even over yet id guess from the time he posted

Zajecza Lapka

  • Attackers:defenders: 46 vs 42 OR 50 vs 44 (the exact ratio will be announced after the registration period ends)

Are we the only team who still doesn't know answer in this matter?

Yeah. Prob you're the only one. There're server msg on test server that they're gonna increase it to 44vs50.