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Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4


Why would it be unfair for someone that will not make the quest? If more people want to make quest that require FF then simply put a few more awesomia battles or just increase the capacity.
Don't you think everybody wants to do important quests, that require fortbattles on a fortbattle championship?
The max amount of players in one battle is 228+278 = 508, which is still not enough to have everybody on the server (assumption of ~ 1000 players). Having multiple battles would even increase the unfairness as there can not be a limitation for players who already participated in such a awesomia battle.
Therefor the fairest solution by far is to have just the regular battles, that everyone needs to plan such quests in into their tactics


i was talking to criminus about this and he suggested to have multiple battles at once with 2 towns at each side so everybody could fit in
If we really have such things, that should be announced as soon as possible to have equal knowledge and preperation time as such a process would change the start procedure quite a bit.

Henry Higgins

Questions to be answered (It's growing longer...)

~ Will potions be sold at the discount or original price (100k vs 1000k)
~ Will towns need to be constructed
~ Will forts be given out, or will they need to be conquered/built/etc
~ What was the determination of the Labor Point poll
~ What was the determination on toolkit script
~ Battles begin Friday or Monday
~ Why did Kostas eat a ban in the salon? :D

Okay that's it for now. Thursday April 04

Henry Higgins

Question regarding Stage 1 Eliminatory Battles...

When your team plays against another division from the same and opposite conference, it says either attack or defend

Will that be guaranteed 1 attack and 1 defense or is this random? How is this chosen?
There seems to be quite an advantage to defending, hence my concern.


Question regarding Stage 1 Eliminatory Battles...

When your team plays against another division from the same and opposite conference, it says either attack or defend

Will that be guaranteed 1 attack and 1 defense or is this random? How is this chosen?
There seems to be quite an advantage to defending, hence my concern.
It shouldn't be random , I guess they will use coin flip or something similar like they do in Football when deciding from which side they will start or will they have ball control.

IF it will be random.

Henry Higgins

It shouldn't be random , I guess they will use coin flip or something similar like they do in Football when deciding from which side they will start or will they have ball control.

IF it will be random.
I mainly mean, in those two battles, will it be guaranteed that your team gets 1 attack and 1 defense. Which one that is, either vs same conf div or other conf div, isn't as important to me as being stuck with 2 attacks.


There's a serious issue that needs to be addressed and a possible solution to be found:

Regarding Easter , as we know , Easter is celebrated 2 different dates because of Catholics having it earlier and Orthodox having it later. Since Catholics have already made Easter , Orthodox Easter is on 5th of May and the Big Weekend starts on 28 of April until 05 of May. We ask for fairness and we ask for battles on this weekend to be postponed for the next weekend 06/04 and beyond. Most people will be with family gatherings and they will be mostly at Church , it's obvious that more than 50% of players of a team will not be able to participate in battles because of this hence we ask for this weekend to be postponed. Is that possible @Syntex

We ask this because we seek fairness , as this event is all about fairness , it will be respectful to do this and I'm sure if it was the other way around , it would've been the same thing.


Do people still go to church nowadays? I'd say that's kinda exaggerated, majority won't care. I think we should start the event as soon as possible, people already spent some time on testing server, I think it would be best to not prolong the event but try to keep it shorter so all of us don't burn out.


Do people still go to church nowadays? I'd say that's kinda exaggerated, majority won't care. I think we should start the event as soon as possible, people already spent some time on testing server, I think it would be best to not prolong the event but try to keep it shorter so all of us don't burn out.
I'm sorry but your comment has 0 value of point. Catholics don't really go to church as much as we Orthodox do. That's a fact , so you should respect that, calling it exaggeration for going to Church is disrespectful. The ones who their idea won WANT FAIRNESS and nothing else , whatever we say in this forum @firet0uch comes and says because of fairness this and that. Then because of fairness, the big weekend should not consist any battles. That would be only fair since the idea winners care that much about fairness.