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Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4


one week is not enough in my opinion. on previous edition we had more than one week and we already had the sets ready, with a bigger number of players...

consider that this game is not a full time job and not everyone has time to figure it all out in one week. the mixed teams at least are in chaos


We are now two days waiting for instructions about player change with no response. Mentioning it here as well in case guys don't check the ticketing tool to increase our chances of getting more time for our new guns to get some proper preparation (X to doubt?).


I think this is very clear, why it is that way: There are only 14 Forts and 15 Battles.
One battle, which seems to be yours, needs to be called out after the first one happend today. After that you should be the owner of this fort as defender.


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I mean, now I feel dumb, we literally didn't think about that lmao. Thanks


Event Coordinator
Community Manager
Yes, your battle will be declare tonight, after the first one ends.
We are now two days waiting for instructions about player change with no response. Mentioning it here as well in case guys don't check the ticketing tool to increase our chances of getting more time for our new guns to get some proper preparation (X to doubt?).
We have added information when you create a ticket in the right category.

Darth Shith

Could you please remove the substituted players out of the towns? It's a little annoying to count character classes when the removed players are still inside the teams. :)


will there always be problems to login on the account or battle when there will be 5 battles at once or will this be fixed?


So, we received rewards
But what about this part:
  • All players who participate in this voting, regardless of their vote, will receive a guaranteed Booby Trap and 50 Bonds for the IFBC 4 event, regardless of which settings will be implemented!
  • We will pick randomly 4 winners who receive 444 Nuggets on their desired server!


Event Coordinator
Community Manager
Could you please remove the substituted players out of the towns? It's a little annoying to count character classes when the removed players are still inside the teams. :)
Leaders have to contact us on Support.

I'm having trouble getting the starter gear. Any advice?
Please use this link and login to the game: https://www.events.the-west.net/?mac=IFBC4. The link will be deactivated on Tuesday 23:59.

I am having trouble to log in after we won practise battle. Any advice?
It was a server error.
So, we received rewards
View attachment 289
But what about this part:

We will announce them soon.


Can I ask why there is an extra battle not documented anywhere happening today 21:00 CEST?
Some items and questlines are time gated and require certain fort fight attendance which gives these teams advantage.

If this is about lags from few days ago, every single fight experienced that and I do not see any other teams having extra battles as compensation.



@Syntex can someone respond to this?
why there was extra battle? MIX1 Team was apparently not even informed and asked about this, I talked to their leader.

some GMs on saloon dont have any information about the battle at all, is there someone behind the scenes just working in favor of specific team?

why the silence?



Event Coordinator
Community Manager
Because of the issue on Sunday, there was a request received on support to do the battle again, because they could not play while the server was not available. I did see the ticket only yesterday afternoon, I scheduled the battle as soon as possible. It would have been the responsibility of the leaders to communicate that.


ALL battles experienced SAME issues.

No other team was given the same opportunity. Not even defending team was involved in the discussion.

There are quests which require you to participate in battles, get hits/dodges, now this team can complete some of them and have better gear for their first main event fort battle. We are not even their opponents but i find it really disgusting you don't care about that.

What steps will be taken to eliminate the unfair advantage, and why was no one informed about the battle. No communication, no announcement, wasn't offered to any other team.

What leaders are responsible for what exactly? There is no mention in rules that we can message you about extra battles.
Why exactly did the team who won anyway request a compensation battle and didn't even contact the enemy team?
Their only purpose was to get ahead, on which they suceeded.

Looking forward to your next reply