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Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4


At this point, with the sets still increasingly messing things up and the uncertainty of level cap increase, I'd be happy if the changes just meant we had a single other option in defences than "bail inside and wait for attack to mount" every. single. night.


I have seen and attended many local and international events, but I think this is the most disgraceful one.
@Syntex it is clear who will win, players should not waste their time because the things that are being done seem like an event that has been planned before and even the award winners are known..
As for the 2 hours issue, we, all players, will give you 2 hours as a gift.


I have seen and attended many local and international events, but I think this is the most disgraceful one.
@Syntex it is clear who will win, players should not waste their time because the things that are being done seem like an event that has been planned before and even the award winners are known..
As for the 2 hours issue, we, all players, will give you 2 hours as a gift.

Can I, please, ask you, who will win? Since it's so clear to you, I would like to know it as well


As I read these writings of yours, I come to the conclusion that you probably don't know how to play the west very well


Event Coordinator
Community Manager
Thank you everyone for the feedback provided so far, and we are again really sorry for the mistake with the marketing links. We have been working hard in the last days to mitigate as much as possible the disadvantage created this way, therefore we have removed the items/money from the players who had used the extra money to buy items.

Thank you for your patience and understanding!


Hello @Syntex,

thank you for update about Toolkit. Can we also ask for short review of this one?
I have originally assumed this is included in allowed scripts as it is widely one of the most used ones, very helpful and causes no harm to anybody.
Mostly used for sending other players database of your inventory and fast access to quest guides.

Could you please let us know if it can be white-listed too?

Thanks :)

Lilly unchained

This event is poorly planned from the outset.
What kind of draw was that? Fair? Certainly not and the emotions that prevailed during the draw - sensational.
A link that should never have been active was active. Why? Because it was not limited.
The people who clicked on it were blocked for 2 hours. All of them?
Quite a few people couldn't log into the world for days. Do they get compensation for not being able to help their team?
Why are there so few supporters on the event world? There isn't one at the moment!
Accusing the players of having logged in twice is not always correct. According to @Syntex's forum post, players were on the correct team list, but were then on the wrong team in the event world. And it takes days to swap them? Do they get any compensation? They couldn't join the team because it wasn't certain until the end whether you would be able to swap the players.
No wonder many players have serious doubts about fairness.


Event Coordinator
Community Manager
Hello @Syntex,

thank you for update about Toolkit. Can we also ask for short review of this one?
I have originally assumed this is included in allowed scripts as it is widely one of the most used ones, very helpful and causes no harm to anybody.
Mostly used for sending other players database of your inventory and fast access to quest guides.

Could you please let us know if it can be white-listed too?

Thanks :)
I will look at it.

This event is poorly planned from the outset.
What kind of draw was that? Fair? Certainly not and the emotions that prevailed during the draw - sensational.
A link that should never have been active was active. Why? Because it was not limited.
The people who clicked on it were blocked for 2 hours. All of them?
Quite a few people couldn't log into the world for days. Do they get compensation for not being able to help their team?
Why are there so few supporters on the event world? There isn't one at the moment!
Accusing the players of having logged in twice is not always correct. According to @Syntex's forum post, players were on the correct team list, but were then on the wrong team in the event world. And it takes days to swap them? Do they get any compensation? They couldn't join the team because it wasn't certain until the end whether you would be able to swap the players.
No wonder many players have serious doubts about fairness.

Registration ended on Wednesday, we prolonged the deadline. But we cannot guarantee that they will be added ASAP. In case of late registrations, they need to wait. If they are in 2 teams, that can only happen because they signed up both without a team and with a team, so that is their fault, and that is causing the most delay in our work, so they have to wait and be thankful we will still put on their desired team, and not in the one which they signed up first (without team). We will sort out these things in the upcoming 1-2 days.

After the comments received on Monday, no wonder why even less supporters are willing to dedicated their free time to help. No one likes to be insulted for something which they do for the community, voluntarily. So while I understand things could work faster, please understand that any negative hate comments will just make these procedures slower.

Now with the last action we did mitigate the disadvantage as much possible.