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Feedback International Gold Rush V2


no participation prize?

so if you don't use nuggs? you are already lost? and don't get anything for the effort
or are there some other prizes to be gained without nuggs?


I wish there would be 2 reward categories like the last international gold rush, for people who use nuggets and for people who dont use nuggets... otherwise if you are not willing to spend a lot of money on nuggets its not worth trying to win something


not even possible
cause premium is nuggs
and the difference between free and nuggs is too big to even attempt it

participation prize should be at some level 100 or 150 or so
so that people don't log in once and don't do anything anymore
I would understand that

recap on the server?
its just a normal start up with a world bonus?
and missions with a craft item you can't make are switch with the prods of that item?
no extra's are given at the start? such as recipes clothing or so on?
so you have to do everything 100% yourself

guy incognito

Special quests:
  • We have created special quests for crafting, so you will be able to craft items without having to trade with other players.
So as an example, if you are a tonic peddler and you need 50 jug with water (field cook makes those) for crafting, you need to do the special quest "Jug with Water" 50 times?

guy incognito

I guess they changed the quest
instead of water jugs you gonna need jugs and water
thats how I read it :cool:
Yes thnx, but I think you're referring to the point below. I also read that as "if you need to do a quest that on normal worlds requires a crafted jug with water, on this event world you can do the quest with a separate jug and a separate glass water with no crafting needed"
  • For this event certain quests have been modified. Those that require a third party craft will instead require the ingredients for that craft.

I wasn't asking for quests though, but for when you e.g. want to reach a high crafting level. The bullet point below suggests that e.g. if you are a blacksmith that requires Resin, you could do a special quest "Resin" that requires a jug and saw multiple times untill you have enough Resin to do the crafting you want.
  • We have created special quests for crafting, so you will be able to craft items without having to trade with other players.
Is my reading of that correct?


They are pulling your leg on 1st april with fake trash but in reality they do nothing. Banning paying ppl after 1 hour of playing..



some comms allow scripts
if you log in and deactivate all scripts
you still get banned without using any
so the script detector is as always with everything from inno buged as hell
doesn't surprise me a bit
all new things from inno are useless or bugged

Alice Kingsleigh

Yeah ! I didn't use a script, I was doing my quests for the free VIP, I wrote a ticket but no answer...
Do you have to be a GM to be unbanned ? :rolleyes:


Yeah ! I didn't use a script, I was doing my quests for the free VIP, I wrote a ticket but no answer...
Do you have to be a GM to be unbanned ? :rolleyes:
Same here, havent used any script, I have installed scripts as mentioned in screenshots. Wrote a ticket hour ago, havent answered yet, but GM from net already unbanned, nice :)


Gotta love InnoGames, using Tw-calc and Tw-essentials give you automated processes :D Meanwhile net GM got unbanned twice? But any other player haven't received an answer to their ticket , is that really how InnoGames work? GM's get special privileges? Oh hey I'm a GM , let me hop into discord and let them know to unban me .. GOOD JOB INNO , some of us actually spent money as well , will you compensate us for losing so much XP for using a tolerated script?


Gotta love InnoGames, using Tw-calc and Tw-essentials give you automated processes :D Meanwhile net GM got unbanned twice? But any other player haven't received an answer to their ticket , is that really how InnoGames work? GM's get special privileges? Oh hey I'm a GM , let me hop into discord and let them know to unban me .. GOOD JOB INNO , some of us actually spent money as well , will you compensate us for losing so much XP for using a tolerated script?
Now I got answer, but still banned. I requesed the unbann, Now im waiting the answer