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Feedback International Gold Rush V2


Congratulations to all, even if some people don't deserve congratulations! After all, it has been proven that we were not using any script or program. However I was banned for the last 2 days just enough to lose the 1st place! May you all enjoy the winnings!


My little story.
Used Dobby2 from the first level.
I expected a quick ban, but everything was not banned and was not banned. I started it once every day and did nothing else.
So the first week passed and there was no ban.
This continued for the second and third week.
The script worked successfully without stopping.
Three days before the end of the event, I was upset that I didn't get the expected ban :(
That's why I stopped the script.


My little story.
Used Dobby2 from the first level.
I expected a quick ban, but everything was not banned and was not banned. I started it once every day and did nothing else.
So the first week passed and there was no ban.
This continued for the second and third week.
The script worked successfully without stopping.
Three days before the end of the event, I was upset that I didn't get the expected ban :(
That's why I stopped the script.

If you didn't get reported to support, you were likely never investigated.

As support keeps telling me, they need reports from players to take any action. Would be nice for them to automatically check everyone and this is why I encouraged toto to report any he wants.

While your story is sad to hear it happened, it doesn't surprise me at all because as with most things in life flaws abound.


I have not visited the event forum for a long time. I learned that some kind of reward is possible for all participants. If it's not too late, how and when can you get it?


There is also a participation reward for everyone! Stay tuned, we will announce it soon what is it exactly!

Your The West Team
