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IFBC 3 - discussion



According to the schedule, Match 11 will already start while match 9 and 10 aren't completed. While match 9 and 10 need to be finished, as the winners of those two matches fight in Match 11.



We reported a rule break regarding batory-san attacking us as a slovakian team member. He was reported immediately but kept on duelling, and he is still in the game, can you please act accordingly?

Thank you for your work,


Not crying this time:

Why can an adventurer ghost after being hit five times? :D I'd love an open look in the calculation of adventurer bonus cuz I don't believe in wiki and fights anymore.


With Update 2.125:
Fort Battles (not on beta)
Reduce number of attackers in the fort battles:
  • small: 46v42,
  • medium: 92v84
  • large: 130v120.

Will this also be inplemented here? Or will the tournament be finished with the 50-42 numbers?

Deleted User - 6799

Yea too late now..
But one can imagine it would be a bit different and a bit "fun" Event instead, if it was done before.


For the tournament itself I am 100% sure, that the numbers of the fights are not important, because we have the circuit system.

But a change now would affect the fights themselfs and would them make less/not comparable.

Deleted User - 6799

Even though I like it, Circuit system doesn't ensure "fun" and doesn't prevent abusing the broken state of the game with things like 35 duelers on Attack.

It sucks to be a Tank/Blocker especially in Defense for the reasons that were mentioned hundreds of times.

Besides, knowing the outcome of a Battle from start (any decent Attack can win easy) isn't fun either.
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Today, we saw adventure bonus...

Oh wait, excuse me, actually we didn't.

But yeah it's a game.
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Deleted User - 340

Today, we saw adventure bonus...

Oh wait, excuse me, actually we didn't.

But yeah it's a game.
You did more adventurers bonus on the fight. Why do you complain ? You hold your Worker's tower with bonus on every single round in the earlier rounds.
Like please, give us something to :D