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IFBC 3 - discussion


In my town, there is some confusion if it is allowed to duel players from teams, who are also already out of the tournament.
I mean, there is no harm in duels between spectators, right ?


From rules perspective duels between watchers are technically fine.
But when you only do one duel against a participant you will get banned and will be not rewared for taking part at this championship at all.


From rules perspective duels between watchers are technically fine.
But when you only do one duel against a participant you will get banned and will be not rewared for taking part at this championship at all.

Thank you for the clarification.


As you might recognize the circuit will not take place on tuesday as announced previously. In one of the countries, tomorrow, Tuesday, is a national holiday, which we of course respect and therefore move our schedule back one day at a time.
Czech republic have national holiday on Friday as well. Are u going to respect it as well?


Czech republic have national holiday on Friday as well. Are u going to respect it as well?
Of course. I already told some players of this team they should contact us using the support.
With the matches we are a little bit more free with the circuits in the tournament and will find a solution for this.


From rules perspective duels between watchers are technically fine.
But when you only do one duel against a participant you will get banned and will be not rewared for taking part at this championship at all.

Could this be added to the rules?

"Participation reward
We will also reward every participating player and team with a special price, no matter if you reach the tournament phase and when you get kicked out of the championship."

This now suggest that even if you are banned/kicked out, you can still receive the participation reward.
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Fun fact: We played our last battle on may 1st and it was national day as well :D

So respect your own days CEROVIN

Deleted User - 5772

It's said the watchers are forbidden from doing anything in the world other than watching the battles. Does that mean even talking in saloon chat, whispering/sending telegrams to players from still active teams is forbidden too?


Chatting, etc. is stil allowed, if it is not influencing participating teams.
You are only not allowed to do things that could influence stil participating teams.

Allowed: Normal chatting in saloon, writing telegrams, ...
Forbidden: Abusive use of whispers for example to disturb a player during a battle.


How long will it take Mixed Team 1 to choose an opponent? Hope it will be till Saturday :D
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