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Feedback New Fort Battle formula feedback

Deleted User - 6799

Hehe it takes a while to process indeed. I tried my best to make it as clear as possible :D

I/We have suggested Percentage based Resistance & Damage months ago (maybe someone else did years ago, idk) but lately I heard that it won't happen.
Probably possible but would consume too much time with this wonky outdated spaghetti code.. or.. would break way too many things in the process.


You CANNOT just take away damage. We need damage, but we need more defense as well.
Damage isn't going anywhere, in fact the new formula should increase damage for everyone, except pure leadershits. Someone skilled for damage should still do significantly more damage than tanks, but they'll need to balance their other skills with leadership, or get punished for it in the formula.

Consider that tanks have always been punished for having more HP, but damagers just got stronger and stronger with more leadership, and that this is only part 2 of hopefully quite a few tweaks to the mechanics.
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Deleted User - 6799

I just hope that there will be some Reward balancing too so we won't get to see much of 5-10k Hp Damager Gear weirdness.
Otherwise total damage increases and makes things even worse than it is now.

Tanks/Blockers on point survives max 3 rounds right now. Gotta make it at least 5-6.
Defenders shouldn't be able to keep Towers & Walls (& Buildings) mounted for forever but shouldn't need to bail them right away (like currently) either.

I mean, not focusing fire (LoS control) should penalise the Attackers. And Defenders should be able to use it to their advantage by Utilizing Blockers and all.
Unlike how it is now..
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Deleted User - 5644

Actually first thing you should change is generating Dodges and etc.

For example now, if a character has 200 Attack and 200 Defense, there is RNG based outcome for getting dodge and accurate shot.
As far as I know, this system rolls for number between 0 and Character Defense/Attack and same for the Opponent.
The one with bigger number simply gets whats better for him, eg dodge.

Changing it to rolls between 50% of Defense to 100% of Defense would make other builds than ABS / DMG / Full HP viable.

Also to balance fort battles you should make a change in character class bonuses.
For now only Worker and Soldier has static bonuses from classes that you can calculate and see that.

I know you want a dueller to be a damage class, but why don't just give him +15/30% additional dmg per shot than RNG 10% for crit that takes 10% of hp (those crits at times where soldiers have 30k hp just make people rage and quit the game forever).

And Adventurer was made to be tanky, to hold solo sectors. Why don't just give him 20/40% more ABS, which will make him also reveice huge buff for stats at the end of the fort. People don't want to play this class because they get nothing as an individual.

open your mind

full hp tanks indeed made way too much damage with the new formula, something must be correct to avoid that; no way that they have 515/520 damage per hit with 27000 hp with a 350-370 rifle

the reduce of damage of full leadership it's quite ok, i would lower it again a bit

Deleted User - 6799

So, uh, when can we test it here?
It's already on Beta but I've my doubts that there will be.. very healthy.. tests.. for various reasons.

We would need at least 1 active Admin/GM here to give us premium, various gears, buffs etc though.
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Deleted User - 6668

i have 510 resistance with zapata , np hp in attack... with the new formula i'll have 416... it was already useless my build what;s the point to do this ? and for tanks it improves what ? 10points wow... please focus only on decreasing dmg and leave the resistance as it is

goober pyle

i have 510 resistance with zapata , np hp in attack... with the new formula i'll have 416... it was already useless my build what;s the point to do this ? and for tanks it improves what ? 10points wow... please focus only on decreasing dmg and leave the resistance as it is
yeah, this completely nerfs the traps/hiding builds, but introduces the dodge build as potentially viable

Deleted User - 6799

new resist formula is very likely to be changed.

stay tuned, or, well, join Beta battles :p


I commented and explained about new formulas and changes. For detailed information, you can enter the Turkish Forum. I recommend using Google translation. I will put the link below. :dastardly:

Hello to my teammates in IFBC.:cool:

Description of new fortress war formulas


I commented and explained about new formulas and changes. For detailed information, you can enter the Turkish Forum. I recommend using Google translation. I will put the link below. :dastardly:

Hello to my teammates in IFBC.:cool:

Description of new fortress war formulas

Yo its funny that you use exactly the same numbers as I did and also the pictures from this forum.
If you wanna say something useful say it in english and don't ask us to use google translate to check your Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V work.

Deleted User - 6799

Regarding that;

> New accounts would need Item Sets (or at least IFBC chest to be lvl 150 and all)
(Maybe https://www.events.the-west.net/?mac=startchest still works thou? :))
> Everyone would need various Sets for various Tests,
> Everyone would need Premium & Buffs
> We would need various sized Built (Maxed) Forts
> To prevent chaos, could use GM digs & Saloon topics
etc etc

For all this we would need at least 1 active GM.
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Event Coordinator
Community Manager
The starter chest link works again (only for new accounts) - we will discuss the other questions, and we will be back to you as soon as we have made a decision.

Deleted User - 6799

only for new accounts
Yea that means we the Tournament peeps have only 1 set since we gave others for upgrades and have used a lot of Booby traps, Vips, Reskill potions etc
Apart from that, we could also use Zapata, Station Manager clothing sets as well as Phoebe Mosey for various tests. Not sure of Nugget sets.

I know you can give whole server premium with few clicks but items take a little bit more than that.

Btw.. Too much non-English talk in Saloon chat.. :rolleyes:
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Nothing is done about the key problems in fortbattles. I didn't test it, but I was asked to evaluate this by some guys on German server, so here is my preview of what I expect and what I think which should be done for the fortbattles. The range is still not a problem, because the malus is way to less. The bonus of a tower is about irrelevant. And now we increase the damage of everyone, so fortbattles will have around 20 to 30 rounds. But everyone is happy, cause of making more damage. Is it senseble? Not in any point. Does the defense probably win more battles? Possible, cause shooting first will now be a bit more valuable, but talking about sector bonus, the offense has still an advantage in that case.
So they key issues of the old formula were: Resistance was multiplied with 300 since 2013(!) the time of Natty, Munny, Johnson, where the AVG-Damage was around 300. So if we would make this factor dynamic and using the calculated average weapondamage from the fortbattle, we would see an improvement for the trial of resistanceskill, but it would still be taken down by LS-Players in Unionset. So probably we should go to the hitting/doding-chance-calculation. The Values of Stamina and Hiding were modified in 2013 from ^0,4 to ^0,6 and LS from ^0,4 to ^0,5 to weaken the bonus of the towers, cause both sides has higher base-values so the value of the towerbonus and range decreased. So why don't we take this step back? Just decrease the values to lets say ^0,4 again, it would massivly decrease the value of union in case of hitrate. The Damage per hit of Union would still be sick, but the hitrate wouldn't be that good. Cause to scale 900 Hiding or Setting Traps down to somewhat more close to 600(Livingston) you need to find a formula where the slope stagnate at some point.
Even making the bonus of towers dynamically could be an improvement, cause on new worlds (hopefully there will not be anymore) a fully builded fort is a fortress, cause the defense has about doubled up values on the tower in relation to the offense outside the fort.
So far I have to say I didn't calculated my suggested values, it's just about the direction in which I think the changes should be done.
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And I want to add something just about the conditions of testing.
  • No Unionset
  • No Summerspirits
  • No Lucille
  • No Cook
  • No players without Livingston, which have just more weak sets
  • No Zapata
  • Not much shinys
  • No players not 150
  • Not much players skilled on mixed stuff or something else than FB like Construction or Trading
So great testing conditions :D it's like playin chess against Magnus Carlsen and at home I play against my dog and I wonder why I'm so brilliant at home in relation to playin Carlsen.


And please do not come up with the idea of giving this stuff to everyone, not everyone bought it on the home world! And please consider the amount of this Sets are unbalanced on every world.

Deleted User - 6799

There are more than enough Wisdom pots in that IFBC 3 chest for everyone to reach Level 150 within minutes.

I agree with the lack of sets (as you can see on my previous posts) but you can already test those Nugget sets in Beta since last week.
And well.. This server isn't permanent.. It will be wiped soon ehough.
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There are more than enough Wisdom pots in that IFBC 3 chest for everyone to reach Level 150 within minutes.

I agree with the lack of sets (as you can see on my previous posts) but you can already test those Nugget sets in Beta since last week.
Well on which world you have every player on Level 150 in battles? ;)
On which world you have no offliner?
On which world you have balanced spreaded OP-Sets, so its just a farce what is done here. And Beta is not compareable in any point.
But If Inno wants to kill the fortbattles they should bring this formula, then no one would by Fortbattlesets anymore for nuggets and a lot of players will quit the game. And then the Polish alliancename would make sense: "Shutdown in 2021"