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        Important: You cannot comment with your account from your home server (e.g. you cannot vote with an account from the German servers)! You have to have a separate registration on our Events Server!​
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Feedback International Gold Rush V2

The Legit


Beyond the top 3/5 competitions, there's not much incentive to play this event. There isn't generally across past events.

I think a good idea for players to feel more rewarded to partake in these type of events would be having tier rewards.

Honestly believe it could 4x the number of people interesting in spending some time trying the event, and with different tiers also dictacting how much time they want or can invest in the event.

For example:


Reach lvl 100 - Participation item (like malachite items in the past)
Reach lvl 150 - Energy box
Reach lvl 175 - Glossy Premium Chest
Reach lvl 200 - Potion of plentiful wisdom
Reach lvl 225 - 10 x Experience boost potion (25% for 8h)
Reach lvl 250 - Potion of profound wisdom

Other parts of the game could have their own rewards like reaching x amount of duels completed, achievement points attained etc.

I believe it would be in Innogames interest or the group responsible for this event to have as much participation possible which partly reflects how successful the event was.


Event Coordinator
Community Manager

Beyond the top 3/5 competitions, there's not much incentive to play this event. There isn't generally across past events.

I think a good idea for players to feel more rewarded to partake in these type of events would be having tier rewards.

Honestly believe it could 4x the number of people interesting in spending some time trying the event, and with different tiers also dictacting how much time they want or can invest in the event.

For example:


Reach lvl 100 - Participation item (like malachite items in the past)
Reach lvl 150 - Energy box
Reach lvl 175 - Glossy Premium Chest
Reach lvl 200 - Potion of plentiful wisdom
Reach lvl 225 - 10 x Experience boost potion (25% for 8h)
Reach lvl 250 - Potion of profound wisdom

Other parts of the game could have their own rewards like reaching x amount of duels completed, achievement points attained etc.

I believe it would be in Innogames interest or the group responsible for this event to have as much participation possible which partly reflects how successful the event was.
Thank you for the suggestion, we will consider for upcoming events.



the player ranked number 1 has put youtube videos we see that his character launches automatically, all alone, so he does not need to be in front of his screen to play, he uses a software that allows to launch his personnage automatically.

Why isn’t this player stuck? Is he a friend of yours?? And the other players who haven’t deactivated their script are blocked; it makes very bad publicity for your company, I allowed myself to put a post on my instagram story because I had uninstalled my scripts but my account was blocked and he cheats and we let him!

Innogames is a company that wins a cheater and I, who have 14 years of game, am blocked while when I came I had not read the forum I did not know these prohibitions.

So the new French waiter, I won’t go, I prefer to keep my money, ask cheaters to register and pay since you like cheating

Bot : cheating


all of the top were banned by bots and they returned their account and I was banned for an alleged script that was invented, only corruption comes to light and that they do these events so that their friends win and scam people who play fairly

Cnel. Roy Mustang

This is not a fair competition, and the event should be canceled (as the rules allow, when the integrity of the competition has been called into question in this manner):

It is clear that all the players competing for top experience (and likely money) have been using automated systems that allow them to continue working non-stop. It is not normal to have the entire first page in the ranking banned for these "suspicions." And the problem is you do not have an accurate way to detect the use of these systems.

You infer that people are using these systems based on the number of actions players complete in the last 24 (or whatever number) of hours. And what is the result? Some people that legitimately played for 24 hours get banned (and somehow get their account back), others that played for similar prolonged periods of time get banned and don't get their accounts back, and the few unbanned people that remain in the ranking have caught on to your trick and turn off their tools for 5-6 hours per day.

But let me remind you that the current top1, 2, and 3 in the experience ranking have also all been banned at one point or another during this competition. And as alluded to before by others in this thread, it seems like magic determines who gets their account back and who does not.

Syntex, you cannot have a competition where someone receives priority with respect to the unbanning of their account because "a name looked familiar." It should obviously be a first in first out principle when it comes to addressing messages.

I reiterate that the only fair outcome, in light of everything I have discussed here, is to cancel this competition.

Best regards,

Edit: Further, I know Innogames is very comfortable because the terms and conditions of this event state they can pretty much do whatever they want, and any issues must be resolved through arbitration. But the truth is the terms and conditions of this event (in their corresponding languages) are posted in the individual forums of multiple servers, and it's not a requirement that people have forum accounts in their home servers to join this competition. So you cannot claim that they've had notice and assented to these terms, if for example, they don't even have a forum account. Maybe this means very little to you if you're not a lawyer, but it basically means people can sue you.
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The competition has been full of cheats since it began and you do not have the necessary tools to discover them or the trained personnel to use them, your zero knowledge of computers is quite noticeable and you have set the event in such a way that it is mandatory for a fight to take place cheating and more people have joined in doing it and you have not found out, I have never seen such a bad organization



the player ranked number 1 has put youtube videos we see that his character launches automatically, all alone, so he does not need to be in front of his screen to play, he uses a software that allows to launch his personnage automatically.

Why isn’t this player stuck? Is he a friend of yours?? And the other players who haven’t deactivated their script are blocked; it makes very bad publicity for your company, I allowed myself to put a post on my instagram story because I had uninstalled my scripts but my account was blocked and he cheats and we let him!

Innogames is a company that wins a cheater and I, who have 14 years of game, am blocked while when I came I had not read the forum I did not know these prohibitions.

So the new French waiter, I won’t go, I prefer to keep my money, ask cheaters to register and pay since you like cheating

Bot : cheating
Of course he automatically throws his character, it’s obvious. When he made the video, he was in front of his screen to film, he was there.
Notice a detail: when we launch several jobs, under start, we have an index that is displayed that we cannot hide in the interface, I tried, impossible to remove the logo that is located under the start button.
In his videos there is no marker, no index under start when he launches his jobbs.

Explain to me how he manipulated the interface.

He can start 9 jobs very quickly but we see under start a small white index at my place but not on his character

And if this player plays nonstop since the beginning of the game, it means that he eats in front of his computer, it is possible, but he does not sleep? He doesn’t wash? It’s suspicious.

On the other hand, I think he is with someone in his life. Life is increasingly expensive, a lot of people share a flat.

Students living in the same place, in the same accommodation is possible.
The first one goes to bed and leaves the character to his roommate who plays while the first player is asleep or while he is going to wash or do his shopping: and that, your tools can not know because the player does not argue about the chat.

Very simple to play 24 hours a day when 2 people play on a single character.

For that, you should make a special rule :

Require that the player throws his character for 5 hours: 5 hours 1 hour so that the human who throws the character goes to sleep in his life. That way, all players would throw by midnight at 5:00 am and from 5:01 am to play by 15 seconds, it would make everyone agree. And if the player does not throw 5 H 00 consecutive during the night, he is blocked.

With speed, if you’re tempted to play 15 seconds day and night, that’s inducing players not to sleep, which becomes a drug.

You have to think about the health of your players. If you impose that the player must throw 5 H 00 cons"cutif, it means that even if there are 2 people in front of the screen, he will be forced to throw per hour! He will restart in 15 seconds once the 5 H 00 is done, he can sleep or eat or even wash and smell good! And come back and throw his 15 seconds once the 5:00 is over. This means that he does not need to ask a second person to take over his character while he sleeps or goes to wash IRL.
and if he uses an lmogiciel for the automatic 15 seconds, he will have to disable it to launch per hour: so the player who wants to cheat will be forced to submit to these rules under penalty of ban


  • start.png
    234.8 KB · Views: 4



Look at this video it’s strange, there is no index under start and there are some writings that we don’t have.
16 mn 36 [url=https://zupimages.net/viewer.php?id=23/18/y2m5.png] [/URL]

If the player uses a utility on google, it overwrites the settings of the game, so we don’t see the index under start but instead we read codes related to the utility. You don’t have that by launching your characters, however this player has a different display than ours surely related to the use of a second software.

As if knows that the support can detect this software it wants to prove to you that it does not have a robot, but as it is tricky, it does not make this software appear in the game, it is not visible?

However, I notice that when it plays, the parameters of The West are not active, otherwise we will see the index, if this index does not appear is because a second program is launched and this second program does not take into account the parameters of this game.

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watch the video, right click and take the last choice, it appears the name of a software : Buffer Health

What is it ? Clic and look :

Buffer : Buffer's system was hacked, allowing the hackers to get access to many users’ accounts.


  • Logiciel Buffer.jpg
    Logiciel Buffer.jpg
    497.9 KB · Views: 10


Notice you have a lot of time to ramble a lot!
First of all what you say there is a big nonsense, you have no way to use what you say there without opening another program and if I was doing this you could see very well in the video, I did not put the video to accuse myself, I put these videos to show that I have nothing to hide.
Secondly, bandicam doesn't film the mouse cursor and when I give seconds, if you observe well on the video, I give very fast because I have a very good dexterity, try to do this and stop talking nonsense here...
The only thing I do and it's illegal is that I spend too much time on this game and I know how to play it, not like other players who only know how to talk and be jealous!
If I did something illegal, I would probably be banned like other players, and every time I was banned I came with arguments and video and photo evidence!
I gave seconds on my phone this event, how many seconds haven't you given since you've been playing The West, so accept that I'm good and leave envy aside!
Good luck!!!


Everyone does what he wants with his life and everyone manages his time as he wants. If I want to stay unshackled for 28 days, I stay unshackled for 28 days, it's none of your business how I play... and I have enough time to sleep and wash, don't you worry about it. Anyway, I appreciate your concern!


@CowGirl Why were you banned? It seems you know a lot about this stuff , care to explain more? Funny because you won the Classic server event , how legitimately did you though?