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Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4


Event Coordinator
Community Manager
ALL battles experienced SAME issues.

No other team was given the same opportunity. Not even defending team was involved in the discussion.

There are quests which require you to participate in battles, get hits/dodges, now this team can complete some of them and have better gear for their first main event fort battle. We are not even their opponents but i find it really disgusting you don't care about that.

What steps will be taken to eliminate the unfair advantage, and why was no one informed about the battle. No communication, no announcement, wasn't offered to any other team.

What leaders are responsible for what exactly? There is no mention in rules that we can message you about extra battles.
Why exactly did the team who won anyway request a compensation battle and didn't even contact the enemy team?
Their only purpose was to get ahead, on which they suceeded.

Looking forward to your next reply
We stated that if you have problems, please contact us. If the battle could not be played due to an error, is logic we can replay it. This goes also to tournament battles. If no one contacted us, we assumed there was no need for redoing the practice battle. In case a leader contacted us, we assume they discussed it with the other leader.

If you had the same server issue, please contact us, and we can reschedule it for between May 1 and May 5.

Also, it was requested to have Awesomia / large battles in order to make it possible to play on more battle for everyone. We will do some during the break.