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IFBC4 - Settings vote

Which settings would you like to see in the International Fort Battle Championship 4?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


I won't participate in A option, I have to choose B or C...
I'm looking for differences between B and C and consequences for strategy and fun during the event.

Item upgrade inactive with premium but active with Dollars I guess
And then what will be the equipment for battles? B: upgraded sets C: Upgraded town shop gears
The point is wondering if attack is able to win a battle

Point system in C: 1 point for a win . It means flag rush is most appropriate.

Hmm I don't make my mind yet.

In C you have no upgrades at all, it is prohibited. So you won't have to click that much. Option C was held in a similar way last year on the German event world.
It may be a consideration to give the attackers a slight advantage and increase the attackers from 46 to 48, but it was manageable to win.
With Cortina and Captain, which are similar to Sousa and Leavenworth, it looked like this: https://www.westforts.com/de18/battles/battle/42527

For the scoring system: We didn't give shoot out more points than a flag rush, cause it does not matter how you loose the fort, unless you loose it right? And for that purpose we have more regular season game to avoid having complicated tie breakers. Every team should have more than six fights for sure, compared to previous IFBCs. It gives teams a chance to grow during the tournament, to improve and adapt.

To me this thread is about creating the best IFBC possible, cause we want to have fun, so suggesting adjustments should be a priority here, at least in my point of view. :)



for sure lvl to start should be maximum lvl to play, what ever that lvl will be 150 200 or 250

i voted B but for some small markets will be easy C, without using multies, and probably from some markets will be more then one team

p.s. question for syntex
will be allow to attend at forts with scripts? i ask for a friend :))


And version C will be with basic items from town. We are in 2024. Let's use sets.

First of all: Can we start with turning down the rhetoric?
No one bashes A+B in a tone like that.

It would be a simple thing to find points of criticism and overstate them. Maybe the forum crew can tell us who suggested which idea? Just to bring the necessary transparency into the discussion. It is so easy to criticize something, instead of pointing out why the own idea is clearly the best.

Let's talk about content.
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@Lazy Duels are needed for some quest(s) that players may choose to do to further themselves in fort battles. (also some players do enjoy dueling when no pay to win sets are around, do you really blame them?)

For C, in order to deter click bots you have made it so you have to be a certain level or under, for that to be enforced is a game controlled ie a restriction is placed on max level when signing up or a game master will need to be present to block those too high of level or is it an after the fact response?

Just an opinion, I really hope the fort battle championship is nothing like a clicky speed servers, which option A probably would have been, would be really nice to have a locked in level, but guess that would be harder to accomplish?
Though might have been more interesting to have the level at 200, instead of 150, but from the response in comments, seems that higher level would mean too much HP to eat through.


Go on, just vote C. It's gonna be great believe me.

Btw, few tips for those who will join to IFBC in case if C version wins:

  1. Defender team bring just tanks, because attackers wont have enough damage with base lvl items. So there will be no attack wins or flag during the entire event.
  2. Quit your job, because the 1st part of the event will be 2 months long (the event wont start before eastern, so you will fight during summer, and you all gonna sit here) , than semi-finals and finals. Let's say 3 months.
  3. Since you guys get only 100 potions of wisdoms, a 100% xp bonus and gonna start at lvl 1, plus because the sp/lvl item bonus system, you need to grind levels at least 18 weeks long, but until you've reached lvl 250 for sure which gonna be impossible without scripts. I think you have to find someone.
  4. Git gud. (I wont tell you every tricks and cheats what this setup allows, cuz I wanna have fun and wanna see all the moaning later at this forum from all of you who voted)
Ohh and btw. If you think all suggestions are crap, because this isnt a clicky event for xp farm, or overcomplicated / too long / stupid rules which could be a great idea 10 years ago but not now, or half done rules which should be more specific but it isnt so it' crap cuz many illegal things are allowed: then welcome to the party. This is IFBC, it wont be any better.

Just organize an event at normal server by yourself and it will be much better than any of these sugfestions. Or, look for HFBC at hungarian forum, copy the full rule system, ask chatgpt to translate it, and have fun, but on your local event server.

Ps: I forgot something. You should check out those freshly registered accounts here. I think there are couple of guys with phase 2 schizophrenia and they have couple of personalities here. Up to you to check them out, i dont mind them if they can stay.
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Go on, just vote C. It's gonna be great believe me.

Btw, few tips for those who will join to IFBC in case if C version wins:

  1. Defender team bring just tanks, because attackers wont have enough damage with base lvl items. So there will be no attack wins or flag during the entire event.
  2. Quit your job, because the 1st part of the event will be 2 months long (the event wont start before eastern, so you will fight during summer, and you all gonna sit here) , than semi-finals and finals. Let's say 3 months.
  3. Since you guys get only 100 potions of wisdoms, a 100% xp bonus and gonna start at lvl 1, plus because the sp/lvl item bonus system, you need to grind levels at least 18 weeks long, but until you've reached lvl 250 for sure which gonna be impossible without scripts. I think you have to find someone.
  4. Git gud. (I wont tell you every tricks and cheats what this setup allows, cuz I wanna have fun and wanna see all the moaning later at this forum from all of you who voted)
Ohh and btw. If you think all suggestions are crap, because this isnt a clicky event for xp farm, or overcomplicated / too long / stupid rules which could be a great idea 10 years ago but not now, or half done rules which should be more specific but it isnt so it' crap cuz many illegal things are allowed: then welcome to the party. This is IFBC, it wont be any better.

Just organize an event at normal server by yourself and it will be much better than any of these sugfestions. Or, look for HFBC at hungarian forum, copy the full rule system, ask chatgpt to translate it, and have fun, but on your local event server.

Ps: I forgot something. You should check out those freshly registered accounts here. I think there are couple of guys with phase 2 schizophrenia and they have couple of personalities here. Up to you to check them out, i dont mind them if they can stay.
And good luck beating the team of organisers, as well as anyone who played the event they based this one on. Because why create something new for everyone if you can create something YOU'VE tried and figured out how to play.


And good luck beating the team of organisers, as well as anyone who played the event they based this one on. Because why create something new for everyone if you can create something YOU'VE tried and figured out how to play.
There's nothing wrong with experimenting new ideas feel free to do it at normal server. Really, as we did back in the day, write your thoughts down to a chat / forum, speak with your team and figure out how could it work. You have maneuvers to do that, you will be able to see the results. If you are an experienced battle leader, which means you've done like 1000+ leading at FFs, you can tell easily that each version has pros and contras (this time only contras).

Experienced leaders knows well the current status of the game, they all can gather infos very quickly what could be the estimated registration for each category. If we're speaking about version B, with masive changes to avoid legal cheating what the rules allow, that has the highest participation rate, however C mainly because it's too long for event (and experienced leaders knows how hard job is to keep the interest from players at the highest rate 3+ months long, especially during summer), and without sets / upgraded items all you do is just having 46 tanks for def and after praying to a non-existing god 24 hours long have as much damagers as possible and try to attack, but the attack gonna be a failure in 90% due having the knowledge what's gonna happen with your attacker team without proper damage (and if you have enough, will you be able to kill everyone within 55 round [btw no, you need 65+])... and examples could be continued as long as we want for contras, but I have no pros why that could be a great idea for an event.

As I said, nothing wrong with thinking about new lineups, and having ideas, but there is a reason why we're using the old methods: It's safer, easier to organise, team leader + team members + mods know what they have to do, it's short so the activity can't be demolished that easily. Plus, the event wont be a failure.

And sorry to say,. but leaders has to know how to build their team with the old method and the new ones as well. Since most of you weren't participated at previous IFBCs, you will enjoy the game with old but well made rules, and old skeletons like me could enjoy it too, just nobody has to explain us what to do and how to do our job. The only catch is, for well known rules you could see more players. In this case, only if version B wins, otherwise players will back up from IFBC and they wont participate, so you will have only 3-4 teams instead of 10-12 large ones.

1000-1500 active FFers are better than 120 in total.


Defender team bring just tanks, because attackers wont have enough damage with base lvl items. So there will be no attack wins or flag during the entire event.
If you come with 42 HP Soldiers, you might end up not losing a single defense, but the probability of winning an attack then is slim to none. So you end up with a winning percentage of 50%. So look at what the playoffs enforce with the mode best of 5: other teams will force you to play attacks against them, so you gonna be kicked out after playoff round 1 due to the fact with 42 soldiers you will have at most 18 duelists/workers to do the damage part.

Start ringing Bells for your own idea, clarify the benefits of them. What makes them interesting/exciting and instead of throwing dirt at other ideas.

Maybe the forum crew can tell us who suggested which idea? Just to bring the necessary transparency into the discussion. It is so easy to criticize something, instead of pointing out why the own idea is clearly the best.
I would really welcome that. Stand up for your idea. And let's discuss how to improve the concepts. Instead of creating and repeating narratives over and over again. None of these versions is perfect right now in regard to anti cheat, tournament system. So let's focus on making adjustments to create a great IFBC.

I want to remind us how nice our world has been before guys like Trump ran for president: https:/www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIjenjANqAk

Deleted User - 9074

Merhaba Kovboylar ve Kovboy Kızlar,

Oylama geldi! Size en iyi 3 fikri getirildik; Hangisini uygulayacağınızı siz dahil edin!

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  • Bu oylamaya katılan tüm oyuncular, oyları ne olursa olsun, hangi ayarların uygulanacağına IFBC 4 etkinliği için garantili Bubi Tuzağı ve 50 Tahvil alacak!
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    • Oyun hesaplarınız yoksa bize e-posta gönderin, sizin için bir oyun hesabı oluşturalım: west-ts@support.innogames.com
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  • Ödüller, sahip olduğunuz hesap adına göre belirlenir. Lütfen oy vermek ve IFBC 4'te oynamak için aynı hesabınızdan emin olun.​
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Oylama bilgileri:
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  • Oy verdikten sonra seçenler herkes tarafından görülebilir.
  • Son tarih: 2024-02-23 16:30 CET
  • Önemli! Tam olarak aynı ayarların uygulanacağını garanti etmiyoruz. Geri bildiriminize göre ve daha iyi bir oyun deneyimi yaratmak için seçeneklerin olasılıkları.

Aşağıdaki tablonun farklı versiyonlarının parçaları bulunmaktadır. Lütfen bunları inceleyin, gönderilen fikrin tamamını Spoiler'da görebilirsiniz!
Savaş sistemi
Takımlar rastgele gruplara atanır.
Turnuvanın normal aşamada herkes saldırıyla mücadelesi devam edecek ve savunulacak​
3 grup: kendi kişiliğindeki diğer takımlara karşı savunma ve hücum karşılaşmaları​
Videoya genel bakış:
NFL sistemi, herkese herkese karşı​
Takım boyutları
Kale tipi
Orta ve küçük​
Başlangıç seviyesi
banka havalesi
İzin yok, kasaba pazarı​
İzin yok, kasaba pazarı​
İzin yok, kasaba pazarı​
Seyahat fuarı
  • Düello korumasını iptal et: 6 saat
  • Düello korumasının sona ermesi: 18 saat
  • Düello korumasını iptal et: 4 saat
  • Düello korumasının sona ermesi: 50 saat
  • Düello korumasını iptal et: 12 saat​
  • Düello korumasının sona ermesi: 120 saat​
  • Şunlarla satın alma: Külçeler/Dolar/Tahviller
  • İndirim: SHOP'taki tüm ürünlerde % 25-30
  • Mağaza fiyatları ve ürünler için Gold Rush V2 sisteminizi sağlarız (ya da ekstra 1 günlük premium veren Noel aksesuarlarının olup olmadığını tartışabiliriz)
  • Yalnızca erken görevlendirilirler. Başka hiçbir şey​
  • Şunlarla satın alma: Tahvil/Dolar
  • MAĞAZA'daki ürünlerde indirim: Gerek yok​
  • Allen's Pepperbox gibi adlandırılmış özet, dahil olmak üzere mağazalarda verilen tüm öğelerin yer aldığı bir GM şehri bileşimi ve başka herhangi bir şehir içi mağazanın devre dışı bırakılmasını sağlar, dolayısıyla hiçbir takımın daha ucuza alma avantajına sahip olması.​
  • Tahvil ve Dolar için SHOP'taki özel çalışmalar (ayarlara bakın)​
Dünya bonusları
(yalnızca aktif bonuslar listelenmiştir)
  • İşten elde edilen para: %2000
  • İşlerden edinilen deneyim puanları:
    • Başlangıç seviyesi 150 olan önceki Gold Rush V2 sistemini sağlarız :
      • Seviye 151-180: +%9000
      • Seviye 181-210: +%14000
      • Seviye 211-250: +%16500
      • Ayrıca bu sistemin özellikleri:​
      • Seviye 151-180: +%9000
      • Seviye 181-210: +%14000
      • Seviye 211-240: +%16500
      • Seviye 241-250: +%18000
  • İşlerde şans: %500
  • Düşme şansı: %500
  • Hız: %2000
  • Enerjinin yenilenmesi: %1000
  • Sağlığın yenilenmesi: %1000
  • İş motivasyonu: %800
  • Düello motivasyonu: %800
  • Düello hasarı: %200
  • İşçilik puanları: %100,
  • İşten elde edilen para: %1000
  • İşlerden edinilen deneyim puanları: %2500
  • İşlerde şans: %250
  • Düşme şansı: %500
  • İşçilik puanları: %200
  • İşten elde edilen para: %500​
  • İşlerden edinilen deneyim puanları: %100​
  • İşlerde şans: %250​
  • Düşme şansı: %500​
  • Hız: %5000​
  • Enerjinin yenilenmesi: %300​
  • Sağlığın yenilenmesi: %1000​
  • Çalışma motivasyonu: %100​
  • Düello motivasyonu: %100​
  • Düello hasarı: %100​
  • İşçilik puanları: %100​
Premium ayarlar
(yalnızca etkin ayarlar listelenir)
  • Otomasyon: Aktif
  • Karakter Bonusu: Aktif
  • Daha yüksek gelir: Aktif
  • Daha fazla enerji: Aktif
  • Daha yüksek hız: Aktif
  • Nakit depozito: Aktif
  • Yeniden doldurma enerjisi: Aktif
  • Ürünü satın alma: Aktif
  • Yarı yol seyahat süresi: Aktif
  • Seyahat eden satıcı değişiklik teklifi: Etkin
  • Öğe yükseltmesi: Aktif
  • Şamanı Yatıştır: Aktif
  • Otomasyon: Aktif
  • Karakter Bonusu: Aktif
  • Daha yüksek gelir: Aktif
  • Daha fazla enerji: Aktif
  • Daha yüksek hız: Aktif
  • Otomasyon: Aktif
  • Karakter Bonusu: Aktif
  • Daha yüksek gelir: Aktif
  • Daha fazla enerji: Aktif
  • Daha yüksek hız: Aktif

Tüm ayarları aşağıda görebilirsiniz!

Lütfen görüşlerinizin ilişkilerinde!

Batı Takımınız
B VERSİYONU dünya1 dedemetin


None were appealing, and had to employ the coin toss method to decide between B and C.

Though thanks @NotLyrinx for pointing out that C would be a constant grind for levels, just makes it easier choice to skip the event. In the end, I am not sure why if game master truly care for a competition setting they could not lock the level, therefore eliminating the need for grinding in order to play in fort battles. I personally only thought the idea of more battles as time for team building and improvement was nice, completely overlooked that it would be instead just another grind 15 second jobs event not a fort one, as more time would be spent on jobs then in battles.

Sad that most important part of an IFBC would be jobs/leveling and battles only a secondary goal. Thank you for pointing it out, I might have been avoiding the glaring con in a heaping pile of them.


@JWillow with version C you don't have to grind XP this is prevented with the part from the rules.
Event rules
  • ...
  • Week 1, 2, 3: Player registration for fortbattle only with Level <= 150
  • Week 4, 5, 6: Player registration for fortbattle only with Level <= 151
  • Week 7, 8, 9: Player registration for fortbattle only with Level <= 152
  • Week 10,11,12: Player registration for fortbattle only with Level <= 153
  • Week 13,14,15: Player registration for fortbattle only with Level <= 153
  • Week 16,17,18: Player registration for fortbattle only with Level <= 154
The rule is also easy to realize because there is already a function for it.


I can't believe that these 3 versions were the best. The least bad is version B. Small forts on IFBC is a joke. A 3 month long competition is also a joke. If you enable for players to push levels, it would be a Speed, not an IFBC. But whatever, noone can find a solution that everyone likes. I hope that you(GM/CM/EC) will find the best solutions and the competition makes sense for experienced and less experienced players as well.
Well, I appreciate the great job made for proposals. So I read carefully each one.
It appears to me that C option is the most fair in equality of chance :
- in B option, starting items give potion of battleground that instantly up to lvl 180, then with exp bonus 2500% character will level up as fast as they click

- in C option, starting items give 6*100 potions of profound wisdom (25%) make character lvl up to 150, then with exp bonus at 100% it'll be difficult to go further. so clicking won't make a big difference.

I don't manage to find out if attack is able to win, according to numbers in fort, less or more healthy tanks, less or more strong damagers, buffs, bonus tour... with sets or classic gears. I let it to leaders.

I hope fun will be there and involved players too. It's a pity to have many offline fighters. This kind of event is rare, so let's give the best when suscribing.


Option B is the best choice both for the arrangement and the number of staff.
A option is ungrateful to management, to skip half of the team every second fight, even if it has to be decided by caste. Amazing..

Unfortunately, many of you choose option C, but fighting in your small camp at such an event is ridiculous. 60 people is very little. Even though several teams can compete within a nation, none of them will be the best. It will only become a problem, cliques between worlds and alliances. And to play for almost 3 months...

From the number of votes, it can be seen that many people are having difficulties, it's a shame that you can't vote on your own forum and aggregate them.

One thing is certain, the level must be fixed, do not go in the direction of SPEED.
A duel is unnecessary.
Adventure is unnecessary, tactics should depend not on who can score extra points.
A market is needed for the production of buffs, only within the city. (it can be similar to adventures, but it goes quickly in a team during the preparation time)

We're going to fight, we're focusing on that, press option B!