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IFBC4 - Settings vote

Which settings would you like to see in the International Fort Battle Championship 4?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Event Coordinator
Community Manager
reward may be changed, or it has already been decided
No, rewards are suggestions from the players. The exact rewards will be decided by us.

We will publish a final draft after the voting ends, there we will have that too. Then you will have the possibility to provide feedback, and we can still change settings.




C. Version :cool:
I vote for "C" while its better for the FK`s with little Forts - less people - more excitings - and does`nt need so long fighting time !
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IFBC should be a SUPPORTIVE activity to your already active worlds, please vote for ones that don't force you to be there for a long time, you want your old worlds to survive as well, think about the teammates who won't have the little distraction of IFBC...

All of you voting for C) are really that nostalgic for old worlds (and old championships) that you can't imagine fighting with good sets on bigger forts? Or maybe you hate you language version players so much you can't imagine cooperating for a little time? And last, just to solidy my great dislike for this one, look HOW LONG IT TOOK to get to voting stage, we're already BEHIND the proposed schedule of C), I don't want to imagine that with little changes etc. when it'd start and finish.

Option B is the least of all evils here. Although I really don't get why in the second stage, you wouldn't play the team on your level (first team of A plays first team of B)
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My reason for C:

ATTs against a fort full of HP-monster-soldiers all wearing Cortinas oder Leaveworths are simply not possible to win
You will never shoot out all those HPs.

We had a german contest last year; we had 3 rounds.
1st: completly old school, no sets, level 150
2nd: old sets, level 200
3rd: new sets, level 250

Rounds 1 and 2 were real fights with options to win on both sides.
Round 3: ALL Deff wins.

So the fights will be pretty boring and you will have problems, motivating your team after the first fights.

Option C requires planning, strategy, gameskill and teamwork, but gives REAL fights (and it has a level cap)
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Some points.
What is the purpose of activity in this game? the more active a player is, the higher the chance that he'll spend nuggets on the game. I agree with that. You give VIP for everybody. Perfect. Then why force them to be active?
Level 150? Sure. But CAP it at level 150.
Level 180? Also ok. BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, CAP IT AT LEVEL 180. I don't want YET ANOTHER EVENT where I have to spam 15s to reach level 250. No thanks.
How about you just make everyone start at level 250!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!??!?!?!?

Cannot be achieved. Why? Because en15 (the world with the most active good fort fighters) plays on mediums twice a day, while all other (less active / inactive / almost dead or straight up dead) worlds play on small forts. Naturally, you will want to choose a fort size that suits as many players as possible and gives a chance to all markets to pull off a team (like GR, TR, FR, PT).

More teams per market:
Lame. But I can see why it's in the spirit of the game, so I agree.

Sets or no sets:
The purpose of this event is to keep the game going. Who do you want to appeal to? Nostalgic veterans or fresh noobs? Fresh noobs would be more excited for the best sets at the highest levels, ideally level 250. Veterans would prefer shop (and maybe quest) items. The only question is who do YOU want to appeal to. Or rather which of these 2 categories is more likely to keep playing and spend nuggets on regular worlds.

The longer it lasts, the less fun it is.
That being said, all 3 options are hot garbage and make no sense, unless you make everyone start at level 250, or cap them at the starting level.
PS: can you at least TRY to come up with some event that DOES NOT encourage cheating, bots, multiaccounts and whatnot?
Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk,
Mr.A, 3 times IFBC participant, 8 times speed event winner.


Hi @Mr.anonymus

thanks for your feedback. I want to give some insights what parts of our thinking process looked like for creating our suggestion, which is C. We considered Level 250, but the issue with that is, health points grow faster than damage. So it would be difficult to win attacks. So that's why we chose 150 and tried to limit the speed, since level cap wasn't for choice in the creation process.

Yep and small forts with multiple teams per country were a concession for every small market to participate. We'd rather have competitive teams also from smaller markets than mixing them together and having a language barrier in the fort battles.

To the sets/no sets point, we thoroughly thought that through. But we came to the conclusion after some modelling that offenses would be really difficult/close to impossible to win with Cortina and Leavenworth out there if the defense just goes full health points. We have had a similar issue on our German fort fight event last year. The team that was crushing during no sets and beat all other teams 4 times, just wasn't able to get close to winning an attack.

Duration, I see your point, if you are on a team that is fighting for nothing anymore. But hopefully the schedule helps, because in the national football league most teams are fighting to snap a playoff berth in the last week. The playoffs are for sure exciting for every competing team. And a lot of the excitement comes from the team you are playing with.



i also like the idea like you presented to have 1 Team from every single nation .. but since the player bases are different on a high level you either leave some people willing to participate behind or letting others start with the disadvantage of having not enough players on a single spot (e.g. vaccation time )

im sure there a good points for fighting in a shorter period of time on bigger forts but since it was our main goal to achieve the most fair and team based situation we dicided to break it down to the essentials in our C suggestion.

i am personally afraid in other suggestions that the never ending story of click bots and highly active clickers are partly gonna ruin the game fun for others which is shut down in c

but thanks for the feedback, we are open for it , i just want to clear out why we made some decisions the way it is now


If version C wins, I hope the rewards will be more valuable, powerful and unique. Good rewards for a Championship like this, IBFC 4 2024.

And why we must make exp to raise level?!
At verion C says experience 100%. The experience bonus will be so low. Then we make very hard at least 1 level to participate at fort battle...150 level to 154 level.
No sense....

And version C will be with basic items from town. We are in 2024. Let's use sets.
Why a fort battle with basic items from town?!

The event will be event with forts or event to make experience?

And I saw on internet that eagle image from reward at verion C was copied. And the image participation prize too.

Version A is to make level... Forts or 15 seconds to make level?!

Version B is more acceptable.
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I vote for OPTION C as I think it would be much enjoyable and funer, but I highly prefer the max level to be 250 and to have specific proper sets (Sousa Clothes + Captain Weapon set + Murrieta horse+saddle/Astor Clothes and Weapon set + Murrieta horse+saddle |||| Leavenworth clothes set + Leavenworth weapon set + cortina horse+saddle/John Bull clothes + John bull horse+saddle + Leavenworth weapon set).

This is a fort battle competition, not a "who activated the dobby and stays the most at XP without being detected" competition. Let the forts & strategies have priority.
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I vote for OPTION C as I think it would be much enjoyable and funer, but I highly prefer the max level to be 250 and to have specific proper sets (Sousa Clothes + Captain Weapon set + Murrieta horse+saddle/Astor Clothes and Weapon set + Murrieta horse+saddle |||| Leavenworth clothes set + Leavenworth weapon set + cortina horse+saddle/John Bull clothes + John bull horse+saddle + Leavenworth weapon set).

This is a fort battle competition, not a "who activated the dobby and stays the most at XP without being detected" competition. Let the forts & strategies have priority.

I think the admins adjust the rules event if win version C. As you said, I prefer to have level 250 and the specific sets. But I think that even with items bought from the city it will be fun. It depends on what the admins choose and how they want this grandiose IBFC 4 event from the 2024 year.
I won't participate in A option, I have to choose B or C...
I'm looking for differences between B and C and consequences for strategy and fun during the event.

Item upgrade inactive with premium but active with Dollars I guess
And then what will be the equipment for battles? B: upgraded sets C: Upgraded town shop gears
The point is wondering if attack is able to win a battle

Point system in C: 1 point for a win . It means flag rush is most appropriate.

Hmm I don't make my mind yet.