Some points.
What is the purpose of activity in this game? the more active a player is, the higher the chance that he'll spend nuggets on the game. I agree with that. You give VIP for everybody. Perfect. Then why force them to be active?
Level 150? Sure. But CAP it at level 150.
Level 180? Also ok. BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, CAP IT AT LEVEL 180. I don't want YET ANOTHER EVENT where I have to spam 15s to reach level 250. No thanks.
How about you just make everyone start at level 250!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!??!?!?!?
Cannot be achieved. Why? Because en15 (the world with the most active good fort fighters) plays on mediums twice a day, while all other (less active / inactive / almost dead or straight up dead) worlds play on small forts. Naturally, you will want to choose a fort size that suits as many players as possible and gives a chance to all markets to pull off a team (like GR, TR, FR, PT).
More teams per market:
Lame. But I can see why it's in the spirit of the game, so I agree.
Sets or no sets:
The purpose of this event is to keep the game going. Who do you want to appeal to? Nostalgic veterans or fresh noobs? Fresh noobs would be more excited for the best sets at the highest levels, ideally level 250. Veterans would prefer shop (and maybe quest) items. The only question is who do YOU want to appeal to. Or rather which of these 2 categories is more likely to keep playing and spend nuggets on regular worlds.
The longer it lasts, the less fun it is.
That being said, all 3 options are hot garbage and make no sense, unless you make everyone start at level 250, or cap them at the starting level.
PS: can you at least TRY to come up with some event that DOES NOT encourage cheating, bots, multiaccounts and whatnot?
Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk,
Mr.A, 3 times IFBC participant, 8 times speed event winner.