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Feedback IFBC3

Deleted User - 6799

Just a thought, but maybe next IFBC could be oldschool style, without the event sets. It would solve the damage problem, and bring a fair bit of nostalgia. Just give everyone one of each classic items, even the named ones, so they would see some gameplay instead of collecting for once, and let everyone figure their optimal build.


Pretty much what has already been said here, few other things I would like to add:
-In qualification stage it was important to win the circuits in the best way possible, e.g. winning 6-0 was better then 4-3, while in the Elimination tournament this was ignored and you just needed to be the winner of the day to get 1 point. Maybe next time you could keep this similar so winning both attack and defence on 1 day gives you more points then just winning one of the 2 in a better way then your opponent.
-if you can't disable upgrading for next IFBC, maybe you could give everyone lvl 1 starter gear, so you can't sell/upgrade your starter gear, but you can upgrade other things if needed.
-if you do next IFBC with big or medium fort, you can't do a circuit like system like now where attack and defence are at the same time, making the tournament much longer, or you need to remove certain parts that we had now (loser bracket and/or the Best of 3 mod). Playing with small forts is then preferable I guess.
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goober pyle

-In qualification stage it was important to win the circuits in the best way possible, e.g. winning 6-0 was better then 4-3, while in the Elimination tournament this was ignored and you just needed to be the winner of the day to get 1 point. Maybe next time you could keep this similar so winning both attack and defence on 1 day gives you more points then just winning one of the 2 in a better way then your opponent.
hear, hear. rather than being best of three it should have been to 8 points (with a total points tiebreaking scheme in a 3-match round), so if you score a 6-0 in match 1 or 2 the opponent would need to hold you to 1 point in the other match to send it to a 3rd match


From the perspective of one of the leader of CZ team..

- the parallel small battles are unfortunate, in playoff stage the line-ups and pre game battle tactics are pretty much just guessing on what the opponent brings
(next time better have one battle of mid-size fort)
- the mixed team have clear advantage in number of players... and also characters
- the communication between the leaders and the support was horrible
(for example, the promoters could't realize the move of time of the battle already agreed on with the opponent)
- the imbalance between damage dealers and tanks was already described above, I just would like to add that the issue is not in the number of attacker/defenders but the new sets are just too powerfull and tower/wall bonuses of the fort should be increased accordingly.
(messing with numbers of att/deff is hopeless!)
- bright side of the tournament: lost of team and lots of battles.... The tournament should take place every year, but I'm afraid this was the last time every nation could make enough players to be able to compete....

Thank for the event!
For me it was 80 days in charge, altough we kinda lost, it was worth :)


I really enjoyed playing in a mixed team.
We had to deal with language issues and different game tactics, but it was challenging and enjoyable.
This should be the most important part of the game:
have fun and give your best as people and as players.

Reprimand to the staff, the lack of attention to those reports that indicated the rudeness of certain players who were not happy with the permabans in their respective game worlds, came to play with the sole purpose of continuing with their malice.
But most of all I ask that for the next events, those who offend and write racist sentences are banned from the game and the punishment is extended to the worlds where they come from.
I am referring to the Mysaf who honored their victory in the worst possible way, by writing contemptuous sentences in the saloon.

The lack of chronic attention to The West, with the absolute lack of ideas to renew the game, the duels, the battles, in the Italian worlds is leading to a slow and constant asphyxiation and the birth of new worlds is absolutely useless, given that they die within a few weeks.
I say this because it is difficult to imagine when there will be a new battle event if you leave the game so adrift.
However, I hope that in all countries a survey will be carried out to gather the opinions of those who love this game and would like to see it reborn and organize a new battles event, perhaps within a year or less.

Thanks to all the teams we met for giving us a hard time.
Thanks to the Greeks for the sense of friendship and collaboration.
We hope to see you all here again soon, for new hours of fun.
Good life to everyone
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What did you like the most?
The structure of the tournament, very beautiful.

What did you like the least?
- The distributed clothing sets were unbalanced in favor of the damage, I hope that the new changes can improve the differences.

- in my opinion, whoever loses the final must be classified second without other battles.

What would you have done differently as an organizer of this championship?
-I would have increased the number of participants per team to 115-120.

-I would have created groups according to an international ranking (3 of the 4 semi-finalists came from group C)

- I would have concluded the Loser Bracket with a final between 3rd and 4th place and I would have given a prize also to those who finished 4th

- I would have included the third best third in the Loser Bracket

When should the next IFBC happen?
tomorrow! :D
- I would organize one a year.
Or small annual tournaments and an IFBC every 2 years

What kind of contest would you like to see next on this event server?
The IFBC 4!!!

other considerations
I read a few things about mixed teams. Of 3 mixed teams, only one came to the final stages, the one that had fewer players, 113. Having played with mixed team 3, I can assure you that there are enormous problems in managing battles and organizing attack and defense teams. For example, even though we were 113, we had many red, yellow dots and people who disappeared. In recent battles we have struggled to fill the forts. Also, when you are on the team with multiple nations, there are inevitably more people in charge, which makes it much more difficult to make decisions and organize battles well. Perhaps the mixed teams deriving from the small number of users or from the fact that they are not the first choice of the national team of origin and therefore the players of the team tend to be less reliable because they struggle to create a solid group. In fact, the mixed team came to the final stages that we had fewer countries inside, a chance? I do not think so.
Therefore giving a few more numbers to the mixed teams can only help to balance the tournament, removing this possibility they would become "mattress teams" harmful for competitiveness.
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Deleted User - 6799

I agree with all but;
For example, even though we were 113, we had many red, yellow dots and people who disappeared. In recent battles we have struggled to fill the forts
I believe every team had the same issue, with the exception of few.
It was however possible to replace those people.
In the end, 2 of 3 Mixed teams made into the tournament I think.. And they did okay.

But while we talking of "Disadvantages" .. International team always had the most.
All other teams are from Europe, but as the name suggests... International had people from almost everywhere. Including Australia.

Therefore European battle hours always made sure that there would be Offliners/Afk'ers. And mostly there weren't enough Onliners to replace them.


Please, in order to help us in this process, send a ticket to the event support as soon as you can, giving us all the information that we need to know where you'd like the rewards (Your nickname on local server and Name/Numer of the server. - e.g Kuro90 - EN13 Arizona). Then your local Community Manager will assign the rewards on your home server.

Is it already known what the participation reward is going to be? As what it is might change the world that people want it on.


Event Coordinator
Community Manager
Is it already known what the participation reward is going to be? As what it is might change the world that people want it on.
International Fort Battle Championship
We've prepared a new chest with special souvenirs for everyone who participated in the IFBC 2020.
