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Feedback IFBC3


Hi contestants,

our third edition of the International Fortbattle Championship is nearly over.
This week we will already see the fights for the first place and next week for second and third place.
We are very happy how the championship went and what amazing and exciting circuits we had in the last 5 weeks.

Of course not everything was perfect, but we hope you liked this year's edition.

To create more and better contests in the future we would like to ask you for your feedback.
What did you like the most?
What did you like the least?
What would you have done differently as an organizer of this championship?
When should the next IFBC happen?
What kind of contest would you like to see next on this event server?

We already thank you now for your feedback and wish all teams still in the tournament good luck for the upcoming fights.

Your Organization team

Deleted User - 6799

I already gave feedback in various places but;

What did you like the most?
I liked the "Winner" and "Loser" bracket thingy. Gave a decent chance to everyone to be in Top 3 even if they were eliminated in Quarter Finals.
Well, it also caused Tournament to last a bit too long though.

What did you like the least?
It was truly disappointing seeing the extreme Damager superiority over Tanks, even more so than normal servers.
Made Defense battles much worse.

And, the size of Fort it's played in. I wish it was Medium forts instead.
I know a lot of people didn't join just because of this.

Imo Small forts need a revamp with all the LoS control and have some Tower & Wall bonuses increase. Otherwise they might as well not exist.

What would you have done differently as an organizer of this championship?
Well this one needs one to think thoroughly but I believe one should take lessons of the previous ones and try best to not repeat the same organization mistakes, make the rules clearer and don't leave things to the players' common sense :)

When should the next IFBC happen?
Well, definitely not 2-3 years later, like this one was after 2nd :p

Maybe every 6 to 12 months. Rather not have them last this long though.

What kind of contest would you like to see next on this event server?
Honestly, I'm not really interested in anything else than Fort battles in this game. Other than chitchat with friends :p

This is it from me for now, I will edit just about hundred times if I come up with more stuff :p

(Ps. Could anyone add other Forums' West emotes here pls)
i didnt like the randomness of this championship, with adventurer random bonus deciding every battle, everything else was quite good
but the sad part are small forts ... unfortunately many people stopped playing the game because of too much damage, so i dont think its possible to make the championship with big forts again
While I agree with all the rest, I don't think Adventurer Rng really decided the battles, even though it was crucial.

It was number of Damagers (35 seems to be the ideal number!! crazy) , the way they are used and how good ppl were responding to orders decided the outcomes of circuits.
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I already gave feedback in various places but;

What did you like the most?
I liked the "Winner" and "Loser" bracket thingy. Gave a decent chance to everyone to be in Top 3 even if they were eliminated in Quarter Finals.
Well, it also caused Tournament to last a bit too long though.

What did you like the least?
It was truly disappointing seeing the extreme Damager superiority over Tanks, even more so than normal servers.
Made Defense battles much worse.

And, the size of Fort it's played in. I wish it was Medium forts instead.
I know a lot of people didn't join just because of this.

Imo Small forts need a revamp with all the LoS control and have some Tower & Wall bonuses increase. Otherwise they might as well not exist.

What would you have done differently as an organizer of this championship?
Well this one needs one to think thoroughly but I believe one should take lessons of the previous ones and try best to not repeat the same organization mistakes, make the rules clearer and don't leave things to the players' common sense :)

When should the next IFBC happen?
Well, definitely not 2-3 years later, like this one was after 2nd :p

Maybe every 6 to 12 months. Rather not have them last this long though.

What kind of contest would you like to see next on this event server?
Honestly, I'm not really interested in anything else than Fort battles in this game. Other than chitchat with friends :p

This is it from me for now, I will edit just about hundred times if I come up with more stuff :p

(Ps. Could anyone add other Forums' West emotes here pls)

While I agree with all the rest, I don't think Adventurer Rng really decided the battles, even though it was crucial.

It was number of Damagers (35 seems to be the ideal number!! crazy) , the way they are used and how good ppl were responding to orders decided the outcomes of circuits.
well, you didnt loose in the quarterfinals because your adventurer took 12 k dmg in one round and the opponents adventurer survived 4 rounds with 7 k hp

Deleted User - 6799

An indirect issue related to extreme Damages and hit ratios.

But yea, Adventurer ghosting never been reliable..
We had various ideas for that..

Deleted User - 3142

I liked the obvious things things like getting to know other players, and having overall a lot of fun throughout the tournament. It's also nice to feel like the west is alive for once, because our servers are not really that active. I also liked that there was a double elimination playoff bracket with BO3, but there are things I would change in that. More on that later.

What I didn't like was already mentioned rng of adventurer bonus, where it really decided some battles. I think to at least partly eliminate the rng effect, there should be a cap on how many shots an adventurer can take in a single round with and without character premium. The battle set where it is most apparent: https://www.westforts.com/ts1/battles/battle/275 https://www.westforts.com/ts1/battles/battle/274
There were more battles where the defence lost a tower because adventurer lost over 10k health in one round, and given how cruial holding towers is for defence, it could aswell determine the winner.

Another aspect of gameplay I don't fancy is the disbalance of attack and defence. When most battles are about when the attackers win, not if, something needs to change. I would like to see resistance stat changed to %, because at the moment, when you have enough resistance to feel the difference when facing damage builds, non/damage builds do hardly any damage. Overall, I think the available defensive sets are weaker than damage sets. I also think fort bonuses should be greatly increased, because they don't make nearly as much difference as they used to.

More of a personal complaint that I think some won't agree with is the playoff format. While double elimination bracket is great, I personally don't think loser of final should battle for 2nd place. Most commonly in double elimination bracket, the winners of upper and lower bracket finals battle each other in final series for the win, while the loser of lower bracket final is 3rd place finish, and that's what I would like to see here aswell.

Next IFBC should definitely be within one year of this one, because the playerbase is shrinking every day and two years from now, I think most countries won't be able to create a full team of over 100 players.

Deleted User - 6799

The player base is shrinking cause they don't prioritize the PvP and acknowledge its issues & there is no Mobile version.

After Union Officer invention, game has lost at least 1/4 of its player base and about half of (competent) Battle Leaders.
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I agree with the feedback of RaiderTR and aamgdp.
The most remarkable thing about this IFBC was the disbalance of attack and defense and the overpoweredness of damage dealers. Also the RNG of the adventurer bonus led to a few really frustrating situations.

Personally I think that upgrading of items should have been disabled as this is the best way to prevent market abuse and can also open up some more tactical options because players might switch skills more easily.

What I really liked this time was the inclusion of the mixed teams, I think it was a good idea to give more players the opportunity to participate and these teams were competitively on the same level too.
Twitch stream for every fight was also a nice way for outsiders to keep up with the fights.
The true highlight of this tournament was Bisonte´s diary though :D

That being said, I hope some meta changes will happen soon ( player count adjustments is a good first step in the right direction ) and that we meet each other again in a year for another edition of IFBC with improved balancing in the battles.


I agree with everything, what was written above about battles itself and I won´t go deeper into that. I find a bit sad, that because of OP damage output and weak resistance, there is no variety in builds and there are generally just full leadership duellers, (almost) full HP soldiers, with absolute minority of full HP adventurers... The worker seems to be almost dead character (or probably good for normal servers, but not good enough for IFBC).

I would like to concentrate more on an organistation part. Let me start with preparation part. I think the enormous experience bonus was unnecessary and counterproductive. Some low level quests (everything which lead to Save the saloon, part 2) were absolute pain to do, when you leveled up after few 15s works, because they are not built for so quick exping, they generally assumes that you will do them before level 15, when you are a greenhorn. For getting exp and levels, there were those potions, which would have been sufficient enough (although it would be painful for someone to open more of them...).

Secondary probably a choice of working clothes could be different. More than Dead Hawk Dancer or Moonshiner I would appreciate something, which would give me product drop or luck for quests and probably craft as well. I don´t know, if we got, what we´ve got purposely to have it more difficult, but I would consider this as well as a problem. Definitely Dancer was unneeded for a reason, which I wrote in a paragraph above.

Finally the rules about dueling were far too complicated and unclear. I guess you didn´t want to have money transactions through duels between the teams. I agree with WLAN's comment, that if you disable upgrading of items, money would become quite unnecessary and there would be no need for restriction of duels. I personally came because of fort battles, not duels - I wanted to have peace from them (kill myself in it), but have to accept that some people probably can´t live without them. It just lead into absurd discussions about, what we can or what we can´t, lot of people sent reports about pre-aranged duels, or rules, which were braking the rules, but all of this could be quite simply avoided and would also save you work.

Yeah bit sorry for a spam, I know it has got nothing to do with fort battles, but for me it would improve a preparing part and overall impression from the tournament a bit.

But anyway, thanks for everything and hopefully we will met for another IFBC soon. :)

Deleted User - 6799

Secondary probably a choice of working clothes could be different. More than Dead Hawk Dancer or Moonshiner I would appreciate something, which would give me product drop or luck for quests and probably craft as well. I don´t know, if we got, what we´ve got purposely to have it more difficult, but I would consider this as well as a problem. Definitely Dancer was unneeded for a reason, which I wrote in a paragraph above.
Honestly I don't wanna do farming or crafting in Fort Battles event but surely not everyone shares the same sentiment..

Oh, and, I would love to bypass the annoying Tutorial for a change!

Guiri Chungito

I agree with most that has been said. Biggest negative of the game here or other servers is the obvious inbalance between damagers/tanks which has been there for a long time and nothing has been done despite everyone complaining. The event would have been better if there was no Murrieta but only Black Bart for damagers, that is how big the gap has been made. We are still waiting for a decent tank set, not just one that makes us to bullet sponges. Or change the battle formula, really anything to iron out the difference.

I like the small battles layout.

Duelling should have been improved, or removed if we aren't allowed to duel freely. Same as money, and removing upgrades would make it better too.

Next IFBC should be in one year imo. 6 months too often, 2 years too seldom.

All in all best IFBC so far, however both the previous ones had big problems.

goober pyle

My biggest critique is that to a great extent the winners were pre-ordained by the character class choices made at the beginning -- those that didn't bring enough duelers to the event had little chance. Some could course correct by "replacing" enough players, but far better would be to have a clear and open process whereby players could restart their character with a class change without losing the AP/SPs they have quested through.

I think making this an annual event that minimally overlaps standard world tombolas would be great, and I would love to try the same format with the reduced attack numbers while also banning the sale of starting gear (effectively banning upgrades). I would hope at that time there are better sets for Advents/Workers to make those classes more valuable to have around (e.g. station manager on steroids)

I would also like to see a secondary competition that keeps the losers vested in sticking around: daily awesomia battles at random times with special rewards ( e.g. raffle tickets in place of the standard bond awards [weighted for hp/class so tanks/advents on average get the same amount] ) that at the end of the overall event offer a chance for some extra rewards (e.g. xmas bags on world of choice)

Deleted User - 6799

My biggest critique is that to a great extent the winners were pre-ordained by the character class choices made at the beginning -- those that didn't bring enough duelers to the event had little chance.
Consequences of imbalances.
Seeing 30+ Duelers/Damagers (up to 37) on Attack giving the best results says enough on its own.

Having battles in Small Forts, only made it worse.


I demand Italy to be grouped as 'Watchers' starting from 23:59 today as
"Interaction of any type between the Watchers and the Players participating on the Championship, such as trading of items, dueling or even engaging in adventures with the Players, are not allowed "

And they are no further in the championship and still manipulate the outcome of further battles we have by duelling us.


I demand Italy to be grouped as 'Watchers' starting from 23:59 today as
"Interaction of any type between the Watchers and the Players participating on the Championship, such as trading of items, dueling or even engaging in adventures with the Players, are not allowed "

And they are no further in the championship and still manipulate the outcome of further battles we have by duelling us.
Well now you are watchers too, so they can't manipulate you again ;)

Deleted User - 5772

Congratulations to Italy for winning the tournament - you guys fully deserved to win, figuring out the right combination and tactics ahead of everyone else. My hope is that for the next one, we will be able to eliminate any chance of decisions made at the very start impact things throughout the whole tournament, as @goober pyle mentioned in his post. Put an increased amount of focus on tactics within the field, rather than outside it. That way we will see more competitive and interesting battles.

Additionally, I hope we will have IFBCs every year, rather than in more than two years. These events are a good way of demonstrating the state of fort fighting, and based on results from the events, further changes and tweaks could be made to battles. Like in this edition, we saw how duelers with even basic murrieta gear were capable of doing enormous damage against well equipped tanks sitting on towers. The situation is even worse elsewhere when you consider unioners shooting at mostly poorly equipped tanks. So, I hope changing the damage formula will be given some serious consideration, moving forward.

Deleted User - 3142

Just a thought, but maybe next IFBC could be oldschool style, without the event sets. It would solve the damage problem, and bring a fair bit of nostalgia. Just give everyone one of each classic items, even the named ones, so they would see some gameplay instead of collecting for once, and let everyone figure their optimal build.

open your mind

For the tournament a couple of things:
-who lose the final should not play again (we are in a situation where they already beat them, it's plain stupid)
-more equity between the teams, all mixed team had more players and more stuff to play with; that is simply non fair
-it should be impossible to replace players when you are inside a stage of a tournament (playing in the quarter finals, semifinals, or finals), but only when there are the little breaks between them
-i quote all the other players who think that full leadership players have too much advantage compared to tanks, something must be done

I would like to thanks the staff (specially firetouch) for all the patience; i would only like to see them more often when the quarter finals begin and onto the semifinals and finals

One hell of a ride! Thanks for the compliments