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Search results

  1. New Fort Battle formula on Event Server - End of the tests

    Dear Cowboys and Cowgirls, As promised, after a short test on the beta server, we are going to test the new fort battle formula also here on Event Server. [/SPOILER] Starting from tomorrow's update (15/06/2020) you will find the new formula in the IFBC3 server. The registration and login in...
  2. IFBC3 - The End!

    Dear all Fort Fighters! Our third edition of the International Fort Battle Championship has come to an end and without further ado we are now announcing all the winners of this year's competition! 1. Place Team Italy 2. Place Team Romania 3. Place Mixed team #1 - Greece + Italy...
  3. Feedback New Fort Battle formula feedback

    Dear Cowboys and Cowgirls, Like a lot of you might already know, rebalance the fort battle is one of the goals of the next months for our entire The West communities. The first step of this ambitious change is to find a "square" in the fort battle formula, in order to achieve more balanced...