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Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4


Event Coordinator
Community Manager
i know someone who has toolkit script and he didnt get banned, so is it allowed or not ? so people know, because without that script battles look completely different, you have no idea what is the HP difference and stuff like that
If the script is on the list, is tolerated. They must have had other scripts installed.
If the script is on the list, is tolerated. They must have had other scripts installed.
Thanks, Syntex.

However, the question is Toolkit, a script which ISN'T on the list, but nobody can imagine leading a battle without it. Could the admin team please have a look at the script, see if it's that harmful and consequently allow the use of it? The real time statistics for battles it offers is something the game should've had for a while now.


Feedback on the survey:
I don't get why we need to dicuss bonus option that were quite clear in the idea C.

The labour points bonus would change a lot the labours that are possible and destroy every already done planning on money, Items, products, XP, drops, ...


Event Coordinator
Community Manager
Feedback on the survey:
I don't get why we need to dicuss bonus option that were quite clear in the idea C.

The labour points bonus would change a lot the labours that are possible and destroy every already done planning on money, Items, products, XP, drops, ...
We just want to see the number, as we had more requests in this matter. It does not automatically mean we will change
Feedback on the survey:
I don't get why we need to dicuss bonus option that were quite clear in the idea C.

The labour points bonus would change a lot the labours that are possible and destroy every already done planning on money, Items, products, XP, drops, ...
hi firet0uch...

let me get something clear - I don't think it's clear WHY people voted for option C - was it the sets? no upgrades? the level? no exping? the team size? the fort size? Has there been a survey asking any (preferably ALL) of this I'm unaware of? I don't think so. We had ONE survey before the practice event, asking us, in my opinion, a question of second-class importance.

You're a very strong advocate for the option and to be kept as is. I can only speculate you played the event world this idea came from. If so, can we not let other people have their opinions? We keep figuring things out as we go - there have been some changes, such as which shiny items are available, Waupee items available, some stuff added to the UPD shop.

It's a practice server for a reason - if enough people - people with DIVERSE backgrounds, experiences, etc. - agree on wanting something added or subtracted, shouldn't we listen? We play The Wild West, but surely we can keep some level of participatory democracy alive? If not, we'll just revolt.


I don't think it's clear WHY people voted for option C - was it the sets? no upgrades? the level? no exping? the team size? the fort size? Has there been a survey asking any (preferably ALL) of this I'm unaware of? I don't think so. We had ONE survey before the practice event, asking us, in my opinion, a question of second-class importance.
That is true, but I think I vote for a whole option, not just the details I like.

I can only speculate you played the event world this idea came from.
That is not right. I just got active again for this IFBC :)

can we not let other people have their opinions?
We can, but also I can have a pretty firm opinion and express that.

It's a practice server for a reason - if enough people - people with DIVERSE backgrounds, experiences, etc. - agree on wanting something added or subtracted, shouldn't we listen?
In my opinion: Yes and No. Why that?
I really liked the idea of giving the players the chance to design this event. What I don't like is the amount of feedback rounds and posibilities to maybe change something. And there is a reason for me not to do so: In my opinion, when you announce a format of this size and needed preperation, the rules should no change at all in the main details which are here the bonuses, as they clearly dictate, what you can and can't do with level 150, the clothing, the level, the battle size and also the structure of the championship, of course.

Yes I am really really firm with my opinion, but I am only here to express this opinion to have a counterpart of this changing ideas. That opinion is also important to be presentated. I accept, that it is not in my hands, how this turnament will be from 15th of april as at IFBC3, but I try to express my sight on the things on every detail posted here. And I really think that is as important as you or other players expressing their change requests.

thank you for your very detailed "confrontation". i think something like what you wrote above is very important. See you on the battlefield, whatever happens :)

Henry Higgins

Did the Potion of New Beginning get a new shop price? I could have sworn it was 1000k, now its just 100k. Will this be reflected in event as 100k price?


when it goes live, is it possible to have one awesomia battle for example to do some quest that requires battle before the actual championship battles begin?

Henry Higgins

Shows a sale on potion new beginning, so I'm guessing that answers part of my question of did it change. Just curious what its price will be during event.

Secondly, are we permitted into battles during practice at level 151 or higher?

Saul Goodman

Hi, when the server go live on 15/4, teams will be already in towns? or we will have to build and sent invites by ourselves?


when it goes live, is it possible to have one awesomia battle for example to do some quest that requires battle before the actual championship battles begin?
This would be unfair for a lot of players as only 260 players could take part!


This would be unfair for a lot of players as only 260 players could take part!
Why would it be unfair for someone that will not make the quest? If more people want to make quest that require FF then simply put a few more awesomia battles or just increase the capacity.