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Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4


Yeah, makes sense. Then lets stick to the original IFBC4 rules, and no Alliances. At least we simulate that part also. Of course, if someone would create some by mistake, we will let them aware about this rule.

That was not, what I hoped to hear.:rolleyes:

The Pre-world is used to let people try, if the want to join one team or another (town can be left), so we either would need more than 60 players in one town to give more than 60 folks a chance, or an alliance with max. 2 towns, but with free trade. ;)


Event Coordinator
Community Manager
That was not, what I hoped to hear.:rolleyes:

The Pre-world is used to let people try, if the want to join one team or another (town can be left), so we either would need more than 60 players in one town to give more than 60 folks a chance, or an alliance with max. 2 towns, but with free trade. ;)
You can request in support to have 60 limit on your town after you created it.


You can request in support to have 60 limit on your town after you created it.

more than 60 players in one town to give more than 60 folks a chance, or an alliance with max. 2 towns, but with free trade.

;) :)

Edit: the limit for a user definded chatroom is 20, so this is also no alternative to an alliance-chat or a bigger town
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As we are bringing our own team to this tournament, I would like to point of few suggestions and complaints about the current system.
We are currently in a two weeks testing period, however from what I understand all towns and forts have to be built manually, which takes up time from this event we could be using for something else.
If it was part of the event itself, like we need to build our forts and defend them etc. I would understand. But we will spend hours building and collecting resources. Same goes for town, you can easily overwrite one parameter and modify amount of people in town, but we are forced to build them ourselves.

Second thing I have problem with is the way we are supposed to communicate with organizers of this event.
I don't understand why in year 2024 there is no communication channel opened between team leaders and organization team.
I've been told by GMs on ts1 that we will schedule things using standard ticketing tool, which we are supposed to use for every question, battle coordination, anything.
I would assume many questions or points for discussion would be the same for most teams and their leaders, to be able to discuss this all at once would be so much easier for everybody.

And last I would assume there is little to no profit from organizing such event. Other events would be more profittable, we have been given large part of freedom in designing the event itself, there were feedback opportunities, polls. I genuinely feel like this is done for us, players, to enjoy the game and have some fun.
I am wondering if that's really the case why make it so difficult for us in many ways to enjoy it, and why there are some people who are very rude to us, community, trying to come and enjoy the event.

For example GM MNNielsen responded to my question about forts "return to normal servers or start building" and didn't seem to understand most of my questions at all, or didn't want to understand. This is very frustrating for people who are dedicating their free time just as organizers do.
I am very surprised to be treated as an enemy by someone on event we all come to have some entertainment.

On a lighter note I would also like to express my appreciation of Criminus who was very informative and understanding.


Some questions I haven't seen answered before -

1. What will be the FF gear we will be using for battles? - last IFBCs we got chests of certain item sets to use in the tournament. Since no such sets are mentioned in the event rules, this means all FFs will be fought using gear from the tailor/UPS shop?

2. What will be the timings of the battles? - since players are from all over the world from Australia to USA, I feel it would be unfair to fix it in a single small window like 20.00-21.00 and it would be good to keep a wider time window for FFs to take place.

3. Question about buffs - none will be provided by the support team and all teams are expected to farm and produce their own FF buffs? - if someone from an eliminated team gives stuff to someone else still part of the tournament, this can easily be detected by the support team?

4. For a while I've been curious to see how FFs fought among players who are all level 250 would pan out. Once the IFBC4 ends, we would be allowed to do some practice runs like we did after IFBC3 ended?
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Some questions I haven't seen answered before -

1. What will be the FF gear we will be using for battles? - last IFBCs we got chests of certain item sets to use in the tournament. Since no such sets are mentioned in the event rules, this means all FFs will be fought using gear from the tailor/UPS shop?

2. What will be the timings of the battles? - since players are from all over the world from Australia to USA, I feel it would be unfair to fix it in a single small window like 20.00-21.00 and it would be good to keep a wider time window for FFs to take place.

3. Question about buffs - none will be provided by the support team and all teams are expected to farm and produce their own FF buffs? - if someone from an eliminated team gives stuff to someone else still part of the tournament, this can easily be detected by the support team?

4. For a while I've been curious to see how FFs fought among players who are all level 250 would pan out. Once the IFBC4 ends, we would be allowed to do some practice runs like we did after IFBC3 ended?
if you just read the original announcement almost all your questions are answered :)
1. obviously only tailor items to use thats why this idea won.
2. I agree the current timings is already late at night for me in Asia they should provide wider window.
3. Trading can be done only among town members.
4. levels are 150 here atmost I see people reach 155-160 if they keep clicking throughout.


2. I agree the current timings is already late at night for me in Asia they should provide wider window.
the rules state that:
Spoiler: Reschedule information
  • We ask that team leaders communicate with each other and try to come up with the best possible time.
    • When the time has been decided, both leaders have to contact us to confirm the change.
    • Whenever this is not possible, one team leader can contact us and request the change.
      • In this case, we will try to contact the other leader and make an arrangement.
      • In case, the leader does get back to us in 48 hours, we will accept the other party's reschedule request.
  • Rescheduling is possible as soon as your battle schedule has appeared on the forum, but no later than 48 hours (72 hours in case only one team contacts us) before your battle time.
  • Battles will be declared 16-48 hours before the battle.
  • If a rescheduling request is accepted, it will be noted on the home page and the time will be updated in the schedule table.
Hello, on winning proposal (option C) the experience bonus was low, and we were given potion to level up to 150 easily. In the practice server the experience bonus is so huge : i only made tutorial quests, save the saloon part 2, education and chaman, I went to level 142.
Does the way to xp will change in the final IFBC4.?
How can we test things on practice server if we can't do jobs without going over the limit of lvl 150?


Hello, on winning proposal (option C) the experience bonus was low, and we were given potion to level up to 150 easily. In the practice server the experience bonus is so huge : i only made tutorial quests, save the saloon part 2, education and chaman, I went to level 142.
Does the way to xp will change in the final IFBC4.?
How can we test things on practice server if we can't do jobs without going over the limit of lvl 150?
The Bonus is only until level 150. If you dont challenge it, you will not overlevel.


Event Coordinator
Community Manager
As we are bringing our own team to this tournament, I would like to point of few suggestions and complaints about the current system.
We are currently in a two weeks testing period, however from what I understand all towns and forts have to be built manually, which takes up time from this event we could be using for something else.
If it was part of the event itself, like we need to build our forts and defend them etc. I would understand. But we will spend hours building and collecting resources. Same goes for town, you can easily overwrite one parameter and modify amount of people in town, but we are forced to build them ourselves.

Second thing I have problem with is the way we are supposed to communicate with organizers of this event.
I don't understand why in year 2024 there is no communication channel opened between team leaders and organization team.
I've been told by GMs on ts1 that we will schedule things using standard ticketing tool, which we are supposed to use for every question, battle coordination, anything.
I would assume many questions or points for discussion would be the same for most teams and their leaders, to be able to discuss this all at once would be so much easier for everybody.

And last I would assume there is little to no profit from organizing such event. Other events would be more profittable, we have been given large part of freedom in designing the event itself, there were feedback opportunities, polls. I genuinely feel like this is done for us, players, to enjoy the game and have some fun.
I am wondering if that's really the case why make it so difficult for us in many ways to enjoy it, and why there are some people who are very rude to us, community, trying to come and enjoy the event.

For example GM MNNielsen responded to my question about forts "return to normal servers or start building" and didn't seem to understand most of my questions at all, or didn't want to understand. This is very frustrating for people who are dedicating their free time just as organizers do.
I am very surprised to be treated as an enemy by someone on event we all come to have some entertainment.

On a lighter note I would also like to express my appreciation of Criminus who was very informative and understanding.
We have no way to pre-build towns from admin tool. We will do that for the IFBC 4, but that will require a lot of manual building as a player account.

You can contact us after you have your fort and we can modified the building levels as you wish. That is not a problem, but we cannot help with reducing the building time, as this is not something we can influence. Thank you for pointing this out.

Currently the communication channel will be the support system. Our team is monitoring the tickets and we answer as soon as possible. Some GMs will also be available on chat, but in order to be officially documented, any change requests need to be sent via support tool. Chat logs are not saved.

I am really sorry to hear you have experienced inconveniences when communicating about forts, please make sure if you have any questions, address us on forum or Support, or directly me - I will be more than happy to assist you.

Some questions I haven't seen answered before -

1. What will be the FF gear we will be using for battles? - last IFBCs we got chests of certain item sets to use in the tournament. Since no such sets are mentioned in the event rules, this means all FFs will be fought using gear from the tailor/UPS shop?

2. What will be the timings of the battles? - since players are from all over the world from Australia to USA, I feel it would be unfair to fix it in a single small window like 20.00-21.00 and it would be good to keep a wider time window for FFs to take place.

3. Question about buffs - none will be provided by the support team and all teams are expected to farm and produce their own FF buffs? - if someone from an eliminated team gives stuff to someone else still part of the tournament, this can easily be detected by the support team?

4. For a while I've been curious to see how FFs fought among players who are all level 250 would pan out. Once the IFBC4 ends, we would be allowed to do some practice runs like we did after IFBC3 ended?
Please read the announcement, all questions are there.

1. Town shop items
2. 20-21 CEST, possible modification via support tool
3. There is no possibility, as market can be used only in own town. But if would have happen, both teams gets disqualified.
4. Yes, we can keep open the server for such propuse. Please let us know again, if we would forgot to keep it open.

Hello, on winning proposal (option C) the experience bonus was low, and we were given potion to level up to 150 easily. In the practice server the experience bonus is so huge : i only made tutorial quests, save the saloon part 2, education and chaman, I went to level 142.
Does the way to xp will change in the final IFBC4.?
How can we test things on practice server if we can't do jobs without going over the limit of lvl 150?
Players will start at level 150, without XP bonus on the IFBC 4. This has to be done manually by us, so we could not do it for the practice.


Saloon bag was totally unnecessary, if all players started at 1 level without any crazy XP bonus , all items required to get for the tutorial quest would've been finished in less than 5 minutes because of the Greenhorn bonus. Starting with 150 makes it again more difficult to farm products. If you truly want to help with tutorial quests , I suggest you add a better horse , Coffee and 10 trouts.

Question: I asked if GM town will have ALL named items, @Syntex you replied with yes but in the practice server all we can see are named weapons so I'm asking again , Will all named items including clothes/pants/belts/shoes/hats/neck be in the GN town shop?


Event Coordinator
Community Manager
Saloon bag was totally unnecessary, if all players started at 1 level without any crazy XP bonus , all items required to get for the tutorial quest would've been finished in less than 5 minutes because of the Greenhorn bonus. Starting with 150 makes it again more difficult to farm products. If you truly want to help with tutorial quests , I suggest you add a better horse , Coffee and 10 trouts.

Question: I asked if GM town will have ALL named items, @Syntex you replied with yes but in the practice server all we can see are named weapons so I'm asking again , Will all named items including clothes/pants/belts/shoes/hats/neck be in the GN town shop?
We have added to the town SHOP all items which are possible. These will be available on IFBC.

Players will start at level 150 on IFBC.


I believe that every unique/shiny item should be available in the town shops.
I want to remind, that in this event, without spamming, you can't level up beyond 151 during the first three game weeks. Now, you should spam the works in order to get shiny items.
When somebody obtains shiny items from works, their team can gain an huge advantage over others (for example Thomas Bogg's cowboy hat - the best headgear item).
Therefore, I suggest adding unique/shiny items to the GM Town's shops.


Event Coordinator
Community Manager
so why some people got banned for using only "tolerated" scripts ?
People can appeal their ban on support. Is very highly they did have scripts which are not tolerated. It may happen that they logged in with them, but then they deactivated. But we do our best to inform players before the real event, so they will not get banned during the IFBC for forgetting to delete them.


i know someone who has toolkit script and he didnt get banned, so is it allowed or not ? so people know, because without that script battles look completely different, you have no idea what is the HP difference and stuff like that