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    • In order to participate in the discussion, you need an account on forum.events.the-west.net.​
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        Important: You cannot comment with your account from your home server (e.g. you cannot vote with an account from the German servers)! You have to have a separate registration on our Events Server!​
      • If you don't have a game account register here or send us an e-mail and we will create a game account for you: west-ts@support.innogames.com
        Please send us your desired nickname! Your account will be linked to the e-mail address from which you contact us! Please expect at least 48 hours for the account creation.​

This will be your final submission! It can't be modified! The West Fort World Battle 4


1- Type of team competition:

*When registering, each team must choose a team member to act as spokesperson and register the ENTIRE TEAM.
*Each team must have 50 players. If this number is not available, the event administration will include the free players necessary to reach the number of members.
*10 more players can be added as substitutes. (optional)
*Players who do not have a team can sign up while waiting for the event administration to place them on a team that is incomplete.

The organization of the battles would be in two stages:

*Once all the teams are there, the total amount will be randomly divided into two zones.
*Each team will battle once against each team in its corresponding zone.
*The first stage, which we will call "liguilla", would consist of two zones with the same number of teams. In the event that the teams registered are an odd number, one of the zones will have an extra team, causing all the teams in said zone to have a "free" day, the battles will be against all the teams that correspond to your zone once . against each one.

Example zone A:

Team 1
Team 2
Team 3
Team 4
Team 5
Team 6
Team 7
Team 8
Team 9
Team 10

Day 1

E10 vs E6
E9 vs E5
E3 vs E2
E8 vs E1
E7 vs E4

Day 2

E6 vs E9
E4 vs E10
E5 vs E8
E1 vs E3
E2 vs E7


Thus making each team participate in the same number of battles in attack and defense, only one against each team in its respective zone.

In the case of an odd number of teams, it can also be done only that some will be left with one more battle in attack and others one more in defense. It is essential that the selection of teams in each "zone" be completely random.

Fainting 10 players 1 point.
Fainting 20 players 2 points.
Fainting 25 players 3 points.

Win before round 30 - 3 points
Win before round 40 - 2 points
Win before round 50 - 1 point.

Hold until round 30 - 1 point
Hold until round 40 - 2 points
Hold until round 50 - 3 points.

Attack winner:
Fain all rivals 2 points
Win by flag 1 point.

Defense Winner:
Fain all rivals 2 points
Win by time 1 point.

*From each zone the five best classifieds would qualify for the "Mata Mata" stage.
*Being the first in your area would give you the benefit of going directly to the semifinals


*The elimination round would be a round trip of attack, defense. In the case of a tie, whoever finished in the best position in their zone in the "Liguilla" stage is the one who will decide whether to attack or defend in a third defining battle.
*It may be the case that two teams that have finished in the same position advance to the final, in which case the following will be taken into account:
Whoever obtained the highest score in the league zone, if equality persists, will be the one who has passed out the most players throughout the tournament, and if they are still tied, it will be drawn at random who attacks and defends first.

*The event should last around 45 days depending on the number of teams registered.
*Battles must be at a central time unless the captains of both teams agree to change their schedules.
*Each round should be played in two days, leaving one day between rounds to rest.
*Sundays off

*Type of fort Small built but not at maximum level.

Money from jobs: 5000%
Experience points from jobs: 100% there's no need
Luck at jobs: 200%
Drop chance: 300%
Speed: 1000%
Energy regeneration: 500%
Health regeneration: 500%
Work motivation: 200%
Duel motivation: 100%
Duel damage: 50%
Labor points: 200%

Automation: Active
Character bonus: active
Higher income: Active
More energy: Active
Higher speed: Active
Cash deposit: Inactive
Refill energy: Inactive
Product purchase: Inactive
Complete job instantly : Inactive
Halfway traveling time: Inactive
Travelling merchant change offer: inactive
Immediate delivery (sell and buy): Inactive
Item upgrade: inactive
Purchase skill and attribute points: Inactive
Placate Shaman: Inactive
Bank transfer: Inactive
Towns can be left: No
Trading: Only Towns
Travelling fair: Inactive
Cancel duel protection: 2 hours
Duel protection expires: 24 hours
Events / Community events during the IFBC: Inactive

4- SHOP For money and bonuses:
All buffs
Chests: No

5- All players will have the same equipment no matter what type of fighter they choose to be:
Aster Clothing and Weapon Sets
Sousa Clothing Sets, Mounts, and Weapons
Leavenworth Clothing Sets, Mounts, and Weapons
Bull clothing sets, mounts and weapons
Gringo weapons
Union weapons

*Only the Aster, Sousa, Leavenworth, Bull, Gringo and Union outfits can be used in battles, without exception.
*Clothes cannot be sold to companions to improve them.
*All players will start at level 250 so that what determines the winner is skill and teamwork. And thus avoid any type of trap when leveling.
*All players on each team must be part of a city with the team name, which cannot be left.
*If any participant shares IP with another player, they must be on the same team.

*For participating in 80% of your team's battles: 500 bonuses + 15 VIP days.
*To the members of the teams that advance to the "mata mata" zone: 200 nuggets.
*To the members of the teams that finish first in the "liguilla" areas an additional: 200 nuggets.
*Semifinal winners: 200 nuggets.
Losing team: 300 nuggets + 500 bonuses + chest
Winning team: 600 nuggets + 1000 bonuses + chest + 15 VIP days

Achievement for participating: World War 4
Achievement for finalists: The world can't handle me

Virgil Earp.jpg
Strength +0.46
Mobility +0.010
Dexterity +0.046
Hidden +0.52
Dodge +0.20
Aim +0.20
Leadership +0.24
(Battle Bonus)+0.8 Attack
+4 Stamina
Strength +0.046
Mobility +0.010
Dexterity +0.046
Health points +0.48
Dodge +0.34
Hide +0.54
(Battle Bonus)+0.8 Attack
+4 Stamina
Strength +0.070
Mobility +0.046
Dexterity +0.070
Charisma +0.032
Health points +0.24
Dodge +0.6
Hide +0.76
Leadership +0.22
+7 Stamina
Strength +0.070
Mobility +0.046
Dexterity +0.070
Charisma +0.020
Health points +0.72
Dodge +0.6
Hide +0.76
Leadership +0.22
+7 Stamina
Strength +0.004
Mobility +0.070
Dexterity +0.004
Health points +0.36
Dodge +0.22
Hide +0.64
Leadership +0.10
Battle Bonus + 3 Attack
+5 Stamina
Strength +0.004
Mobility +0.030
Dexterity +0.05
Charisma +0.70
Dodge +0.40
Hide +0.60
Leadership +0.12
Battle Bonus + 3 Attack
+4 Stamina

Strength +0.044
Mobility +0.044
Charisma +0.55
Health points +0.71
Dodge +0.44
Hidden +0.44
+5 attack
Strength +0.044
Mobility +0.055
Dexterity +0.044
Health points +0.66
Hide +0.49
Leadership +0.44
+6 Attack

15-26 Damage Range
+1,270 (per level)
Strength +0.044
Mobility +0.055
Dexterity +0.044
Health points +0.66
Hide +0.4
Leadership +0.4
+5 Attack
Damage range: 27-53
+2,773 (per level)
Strength +0.052
Mobility +0.065
Dexterity +0.052
Health points +0.78
Hide +0.55
Leadership +0.52
+5 Attack

Strength +0.1
Mobility +0.1
Dexterity +0.08
Charisma +0.08
Health points +1
Dodge +1.2
Hide +1.1
Leadership +0.9
+5 Stamina
+70 Sector Damage
Strength +0.04
Mobility +0.04
Charisma +0.04
Health points +0.4
Dodge +0.5
Hide +0.3
Leadership +0.4
+2 Attack
+45 Sector Damage
Strength +0.4
Mobility +0.4
Charisma +0.4
Health points +0.4
Dodge +0.42
Hide +0.4
Leadership +0.4
+2 Attack
+45 Sector Damage
Not upgradeable. Not transferable.

I had to do it with a translator, I hope you can understand it.