• Attention!
    • In order to participate in the discussion, you need an account on forum.events.the-west.net.​
      • If you have a game account, register a forum account here: Create forum account
        Important: You cannot comment with your account from your home server (e.g. you cannot vote with an account from the German servers)! You have to have a separate registration on our Events Server!​
      • If you don't have a game account register here or send us an e-mail and we will create a game account for you: west-ts@support.innogames.com
        Please send us your desired nickname! Your account will be linked to the e-mail address from which you contact us! Please expect at least 48 hours for the account creation.​

This will be your final submission! It can't be modified! IFBC IV



  1. The structure of the Championship
    • how battles will be organized: We are adopting the NFL Schedule, the main advantage is, it keeps a lot of teams for a long time alive, everyone plays for something all the time. Like getting a higher seed or getting a wild card spot.
    • NFL Schedule:
      • there are two Conferences (Northern, Southern) with at least two divisions per Conference
      • each team will play all teams from the same Division as an attacker and a defender
      • each division will play one other division from the same conference(South plays South), the teams will either attack or defend in the battle
      • each division will play one other division from the other conference(South plays North), the teams will either attack or defend in the battle
    • point system: 1 point per victory,
      tie breakers: fewest rounds for victories, fewest HP loss in %
    • estimated duration: 2,5 months
    • timetable of the event (example for 32 teams, like in the NFL, but this mode works for any amount of teams)
    • starting date 1st of March 2024
    • fort size: small 46 vs 42
  2. World bonuses:
    • Money from jobs: 500%
    • Experience points from jobs: 100%
    • Luck at jobs: 250%
    • Drop chance: 500%
    • Speed: 5000%
    • Energy regeneration: 300%
    • Health regeneration: 1000%
    • Work motivation: 100%
    • Duel motivation: 100%
    • Duel damage: 100%
    • Labor points: 100%
  3. World Settings
    • Premium settings (can be Active or Inactive):
    • Automation: yes
    • Character Bonus: yes
    • Higher income: yes
    • More energy: yes
    • Higher speed: yes
    • Cash deposit: no
    • Refill energy: no
    • Product purchase: no
    • Complete job instantly: no
    • Halfway traveling time: no
    • Travelling merchant change offer: no
    • Immediate delivery (sell and buy): no
    • Item upgrade: no
    • Purchase skill and attribute points: no
    • Placate Shaman: no
    • Bank transfer: Inactive
    • Towns can be left: No
    • Trading: Only Towns
    • Travelling fair: Inactive
    • Cancel duel protection: 12h
    • Duel protection expires: 120h
    • Events / Community events during the IFBC: Inactive
    • Shop items and prices (Rata, Beginner´s bag, reskill potion, … -> see section others)
    • Can be bought with: Bonds, Dollars
  4. Starting Items
    • 6 times Chest - 100 Potions of Profound Wisdom
    • 3 month of VIP longtimer
    • 1.500.000$ per player
    • 1 Potion of a new beginning
    • 1 Saloon Box (see new item section)
    • 1 Chest with all recipes (see new item section)
  5. Event rules
    • 50 players to 60 players are allowed per team
    • Multiple teams of each country(market) are possible, surplus registrations that can´t field a full team form mixed teams like in IFBC 3
    • Team organization:
      • Registration Phase 1 (till 11th February): Teams can register themselves as a group of at least 40 players and register their group to the market support. Players can register to their captain and the captain then approves those players as part of the team.
      • Registration Phase 2 (till 15th February): remaining players can fill in empty spots of Phase 1, captain has to approve fill-in players.
      • Registration Phase 3 (till 22nd February): players can register via the market support and then are drawn into a team. The team then elects its Team Captain.
      • Registration Phase 4 (till 25th February): remaining players can sign up for mixed teams.
      • Local markets may open the Event World in February that teams can organize themselves. There is no battle support or something like that necessary.
    • No upgrade of items
    • Week 1, 2, 3: Player registration for fortbattle only with Level <= 150
    • Week 4, 5, 6: Player registration for fortbattle only with Level <= 151
    • Week 7, 8, 9: Player registration for fortbattle only with Level <= 152
    • Week 10,11,12: Player registration for fortbattle only with Level <= 153
    • Week 13,14,15: Player registration for fortbattle only with Level <= 153
    • Week 16,17,18: Player registration for fortbattle only with Level <= 154
      -> if there is for some technical issues more than 18 weeks, keep that pattern of three weeks a level.
    • Playoffs:
      - first to fourth seed of each conference: division champions (highest to lowest win-%,
      ..... if two teams are tied for division champion, inner-division win-% is the tie breaker)
      - three wildcard teams per conference: best remaining win-% (if tied, inner conference win-% is the tie breaker)
      - Highest remaining seed always plays lowest remaining seed of conference till grand final
      - Higher seed choses to start the series with an Attack or a Defense, then rotate Att/Def - Best of 5
      - In final: best winning percentage gets Att/Def-Choice, if tied: coin flip - Best of 7
    • forbidden item: lucky clover sniper rifle, nanny goat, billy goat, waupee items, outlaw items
      maybe disable those quests (id: 3535, 3317?!) or quest lines (id: 217, 235)
      outlaw items maybe put another chest as adventure reward in (e.g. booster chest)
    • teams can replace players that are inactive for longer than 4 days if they can name a replacement player who isn't participating the event. Players have to select the same character class as their predecessor, that there is no tactical substitution. After the 5th fortbattle, they don't get any starting items except potion for level 150
  6. Winners and Rewards
    • 1st: Golden Eagle & IFBC 4 Ring
    • 2nd: Silver Eagle
    • 3rd: Bronze Eagle
    • Character titles IFBC 4 Winner
    • Participation reward: IFBC-Neck
  7. Others
    • Make one GM town with all allowed items in the shops, including named items like Allens Pepperbox and disable in any other city the shops, so that no team has an advantage of getting items cheaper.
    • disable world market
    • Shop:
      Item IDItemNuggetsBondsDollarDiscount
      1977000Potion of a new beginningNoYesYesNo
      1978000Potion of ForgetfulnessNoYesYesNo
      1979000Potion of WeakeningNoYesYesNo
      17008000Beginner’s BagNoYesYesNo
      51127000Ratatouille with fishNoYesYesNo
      2000000Habanero chilisNoYesYesNo
      2003000Cobra teethNoYesYesNo
      2006000Cossack saddle blanketNoYesYesNo
      2009000gold-plated cogwheelsNoYesYesNo
      Every country beltNoYesYesNo

New items to create:

Winner set
: IFBC Championship Ring + Golden Eagle
The Champions Ring (Product):

0,25 XP-Bonus per Level
0,55 leadership per level
0,50 health points per level
0,45 aiming per level
0,40 dodging per level
0,04 strength per level
0,04 dexterity per level
0,04 charisma per level
upgradeable: no
auctionable: yes

Golden Eagle (animal):
333% Speed bonus
0,45 fortbattle sector damage per level
0,70 health points per level
0,50 leadership per level
0,45 dodging per level
0,35 aiming per level
0,04 strength per level
0,04 flexibility per level
0,04 charisma per level
upgradeable: no
auctionable: yes

Set bonus:
0,10 XP-Bonus per Level
0,15 fortbattle sector damage per level
0,40 health points per level
0,35 leadership per level
0,30 aiming per level
0,30 dodging per level
0,03 strength per level
0,03 flexibility per level
0,03 dexterity per level
0,03 charisma per level

Second Place: Silver Eagle (animal)
300% Speed Bonus
0,40 fortbattle sector damage per level
0,65 health points per level
0,45 leadership per level
0,40 dodging per level
0,35 aiming per level
0,03 strength per level
0,03 flexibility per level
0,03 charisma per level
upgradeable: no
auctionable: yes

Third Place: Bronze Eagle (animal)
267% Speed Bonus
0,35 fortbattle sector damage per level
0,60 health points per level
0,40 leadership per level
0,35 dodging per level
0,30 aiming per level
0,02 strength per level
0,02 flexibility per level
0,02 charisma per level
upgradeable: no
auctionable: yes

Participation Price: IFBC Participation medal(neck)
IFBC Participation medal(neck):
0,20 fortbattle sector damage per level
0,50 leadership per level
0,40 hiding per level
0,30 setting traps per level
0,02 flexibility per level
0,02 charisma per level
upgradeable: no
auctionable: yes

Items to create for Use in Event:

recipe book blacksmith
contains all recipes of black smith​
auctionable: yes​

recipe book field cook:
contains all recipes of field cook​
auctionable: yes​

recipe book master saddler:
contains all recipes of master saddler​
auctionable: yes​

recipe book tonic peddler:
contains all recipes of tonic peddler​
auctionable: yes​

Saloon Box:
contains: 1 poster, 3 tobacco,1 feather,1 beans, 1 sugar, 1 turkey, 1 berrys, 4 cotton, 2 wood, 1 donkey​


Ticket history and discussion points: t17330216

a video of ranking for the NFL playoffs can be found here, ours work analogue, we will create a video for that too

Following players helped me creating that: Contii, BlackWizard, Sancho, WLAN-Kabel, Don-Vallsy