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This will be your final submission! It can't be modified! IFBC 4 event idea - Aron


  1. The structure of the Championship
    • how battles will be organized: One group with all teams. All against all, 2 battles (attack + defense) e.g. Team A (attack) vs Team B (defense) and Team A (defense) vs Team B (attack). Every team is playing one battle per day. Top 8 teams in group stage advance to playoffs. Teams in playoffs are divided into 2 pots. In Pot 1 are teams from places 1-4 in group stage. In Pot 2 are teams from places 5-8 in group stage. Teams from Pot 1 are paired randomly with teams from Pot 2. Teams from places 1-2 in group stage are on the opposite side of ladder. Playoffs are played in the same system as group stage, it is double match (attack + defense). Winners advance to semifinals. Winners of semifinals will play in final, losers of semifinals will play for 3rd place.
    • point system:
      • 3 points - victory by eliminating enemy team
      • 2 points - victory by capturing the flag/defending the fort
      • 1 point - failure the battle, but survived
      • 0 points - failure, whole team eliminated
    • estimated duration/timetable of the event - at least 'number of teams*2+10' days
    • fort size/type: small
  2. World bonuses:
    • Money from jobs: 2500%
    • Experience points from jobs: 100%
    • Luck at jobs: 500%
    • Drop chance: 500%
    • Speed: 1000%
    • Energy regeneration: 500%
    • Health regeneration: 500%
    • Work motivation: 500%
    • Duel motivation: 100%
    • Duel damage: 100%
    • Labor points: 250%
      100% is the basic value. Lower values are not accepted.
  3. World settings
    • Premium settings (can be Active or Inactive):
      • Automation: Active
      • Character Bonus: Active
      • Higher income: Active
      • More energy: Active
      • Higher speed: Active
      • Cash deposit: Inactive
      • Refill energy: Inactive
      • Product purchase: Inactive
      • Complete job instantly: Inactive
      • Halfway traveling time: Inactive
      • Travelling merchant change offer: Inactive
      • Immediate delivery (sell and buy): Inactive
      • Item upgrade: Inactive
      • Purchase skill and attribute points: Inactive
      • Placate Shaman: Inactive
    • Bank transfer: Inactive
    • Towns can be left: No
    • Trading: Only Towns
    • Travelling fair: Inactive
    • Cancel duel protection: 8 hours
    • Duel protection expires: 24 hours
    • Events / Community events during the IFBC: Inactive
  4. Shop items and prices
    • What items to have in SHOP: only items currently available there
    • Can be bought with: Nuggets, Bonds, Dollars
    • Discount (if any): no discount
  5. Starting items
    • 1x Helen Gibson's chest
    • 1x Fisherman's chest
    • 1x Bob Younger's chest
    • 1x Spy Horse
    • 1x Wild horse
    • 1x 3 month VIP Longtimer
    • 1000x Potion of Profound Wisdom (or starting character level 250)
  6. Event rules
    • The idea of the event is to play fort championships without fort battle sets. Starting equipment and server setting are designed to get a lot of money from jobs. Money is necessary to buy and upgrade items from town shops. From my point of view, all town shops should have special setting to contain all possible items. We don't want a situation, when one town has better items for fort battles than other town. It wouldn't be fair and good for competition. Players need to get money and then spend it to create their own fort battle equipment basing only on town shops, items dropped from jobs and quest rewards. Money can be also spent in Union Pacific Shop for buffs.
  7. Winners and rewards
    • 1st place: 2 items of El Gringo's set + 1000 nuggets + 2x Potion of Profound Wisdom
    • 2nd place: 1 item of El Gringo's set + 500 nuggets + 1x Potion of Profound Wisdom
    • 3rd place: 1 item of El Gringo's set + 200 nuggets + 1x Potion of Plentiful Wisdom
    • other rewards:
      • Winner of group stage: 1 item from El Gringo's set (e.g. if winner of group stage is also winner of whole event, he will receive 3 items of El Gringo's set in total)
      • Every active participant: 1000 Bonds