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This will be your final submission! It can't be modified! IFBC 4 - Contest idea


  1. The structure of the Championship
    • how battles will be organised (specific example at the end of this paragraph)
      • Competition tables with 4 teams in each table (depending on how many teams (nations) will be in event)
      • First two teams advance to quarterfinals (or semifinals depending on number of teams), 3rd team in every group can fight for a position at the bottom of the rankings
      • I.e. with 8 teams, 2 groups, 4 teams goes to semifinals and finals and 2 teams fight for 5th and 6th place, last two teams will decide their rank based on point system described below
      • Small fort battles can be during the week, medium fort battles will be only on weekends
      • If there will be odd number in either all groups or only one, the team placed 3rd and 4th and in case of same points in a competition table (let's imagine 5 teams in group) will fight an extra small fort battle, that can be during the week. Winner gets the place to fight for next positions. Same system can be used for draw on 1st and 2nd place, or 2nd and 3rd place
      • If there will be 5 teams in group and we imagine scenario with 2nd and 3rd place, in which only two teams goes straight to the quarter(semi-) finals, there is no need to do the shootout between the next 3rd and 4th place, that should make it to the bottom of the rankings
      • All these rules can be updated based on how many teams will join to the IFBC 4 event. In the official announcement can be said that it just will be updated
      • The draw will decide who fights who
      • Everyone will fight everyone in the regular phase of the tournament
    • point system
      • 3 points for win, 1 point for lose. In the unlikely scenario of a draw, both teams will share 1 point each
      • If two (or more) teams will have same score, then it is possible to count with number of KO's during each fight. There is a possibility that team outnumber the enemy with KO's, but still won't win the battle. In that case the team who loses gets one point, but in total count they should have get a win. This way, if some teams will have same points in ranking table, the KO's statistics will decide. If not, then it the total damage will be compared (easy math), then dodged shots, hits count and total HP at the end of the battle
      • Elimination fights will be one fort defence and one attack between two teams. First to get two wins gets to the next round. In case of draw there will be again deciding on KO's in each fights and so on and on. Extra battle with lottery decision on attacking/defending side is also considerable, but I'd stay with the presented system. Someone can argue about losing/winning on "random" lottery
    • estimated duration/timetable of the event - suggest estimated dates for the schedule (earliest starting date 1st of March 2024)
      • As there will be no tombola or travelling fair events, it does not really matter about the time. But I suggest it should be either before summer holiday or after, like autumn event
      • As previous international events, like Gold Rush V2, were also on autumn, so it makes sense to keep them at the same date. I'd suggest from 5th of October to 30th of November 2024, as the first week of event will be about upgrading the equipment, then weeks to do battles, and then one or two (last) week(s) before end of event it should have been medal fights
    • fort size/type:
      • Medium and small fort sizes only
      • Every team should attack and defend one Medium and one small fort (4 fights in total) during the rankings fights (rankings for better place in the brackets)
      • Again, the draw will decide who fight who. Let's keep it randomised a little bit, as the starting position will be same for everyone. Who stays most active during the event, then should be placed in first positions
    • Specific example of schedule with 8 teams
      • Teams get into 2 groups (A and B), with 4 teams in each group
      • Teams will be assigned randomly, each team must contain at least 120 players (up to 150)
      • Preparation (1-2 weeks), Tournament (3-8 week), Finals (Week 9)
      • Battles will be declared 48-24 hours before start
      • Example of first tournament weeks
        • Wednesday - medium fort battles - 4 battles from starting between 19-20:00
        • A1-A2, A3-A4, B1-B2, B3-B4, peer-to-peer system
        • Weekends - large fort battles - 2 battles on Saturday and 2 on Sunday (same system)
        • A1-A2, B1-B2 - Saturday, A3-A4, B3-B4 - Sunday
      • Same system in competition table, but the battles should be done only on weekend
      • Placement battles will be also on weekend
      • There is no limit to the number of teams from one language group
  2. World bonuses:
    • Money from jobs: 2000 %
    • Experience points from jobs:
      • As starting level is 150, we can keep previous Gold Rush V2 system:
        • Level 151-180: +9000 %
        • Level 181-210: +14000 %
        • Level 211-250: +16500 %
        • Also this is system debatable:
        • Level 151-180: +9000 %
        • Level 181-210: +14000 %
        • Level 211-240: +16500 %
        • Level 241-250: +18000 %
    • Luck at jobs: 500 %
    • Drop chance: 500 %
    • Speed: 2000 %
    • Energy regeneration: 1000 %
    • Health regeneration: 1000 %
    • Work motivation: 800 %
    • Duel motivation: 800 %
    • Duel damage: 200 %
    • Labor points: 100 %, no need to update on this since everyone will be starting on level 150. Extra experience can be gained via boosts or level bonuses mentioned above
    • Higher money and experience bonuses allows to upgrade equipment gradually during the event and in the late game, i.e. medal fights. It will show who played all the time and who relied (only) on luck in battles
    • It's also my honest opinion from as I was one of the winners of achievement leaderboard during last Gold Rush
  3. World settings
    • Premium settings (can be Active or Inactive):
      • Automation: Active
      • Character Bonus: Active
      • Higher income: Active
      • More energy: Active
      • Higher speed: Yes, but debatable if it is necessary
      • Cash deposit: Active
      • Refill energy: Active
      • Product purchase: Active, higher drops are enough for most of jobs and craft needs
      • Complete job instantly: Inactive, can be advantage over non paying players while crafting
      • Halfway traveling time: Active
      • Travelling merchant change offer: Active
      • Immediate delivery (sell and buy): Inactive, let them travel if they want something (there is higher speed buff anyway)
      • Item upgrade: Active
      • Purchase skill and attribute points: Inactive
      • Placate Shaman: Active
    • Bank transfer: Inactive
    • Towns can be left: No
    • Trading: Only alliance market (due to multiple towns for each team, world market is disabled due to gifts from teams that are our of the game and would cause an unbalance of the fort battle), if that will be possible
    • Travelling fair: Inactive due to possible advantage on chest drops
    • Cancel duel protection: 6 hours
    • Duel protection expires: 18 hours, there will be a lot of players so duellers can pick anyone before fort battles and it will give that feeling that "no one is safe", unless players are already staying next to the fort
    • Events / Community events during the IFBC: Inactive, due to possible advantage of potential chest drops
  4. Shop items and prices
    • No need to add specific items, since we can add extra drops from finding boxes on any jobs
    • Can be bought with: Nuggets/Dollars/Bonds
    • Discount: 25-30 % on all items in SHOP
    • For Shop prices and items, we can keep the Gold Rush V2 system (or we can discuss about having Christmas items which give extra 1 day premium)
  5. Starting items
    • The players will get chests each for class they will select
      • Soldiers, Adventurers, Workers - Leavenworth, J. Bull, J. Cortina and Samuel Adams
      • Duellers - J. Sousa, J. Astor, J. Murrieta and Captain
    • No premium sets (in any chest)
    • Since there are going to be higher world bonuses, we can discuss about having one universal set to (any) jobs around map - there is an idea about American set - decent bonuses and not everyone have this set [item=51004000]
    • Players should start at level 150. Level 1 does not make any sense, since this is fort battle championship and not regular speed server (Gold Rush)
    • Players then can use the new Waupee's clothing that can be bought in the town, especially the weapons, which will become much stronger on higher levels than other (Duellers) sets
    • If there will be extra set to gain experience/bonus drops on jobs, there will be no point of buying high level items in the town, at all
    • So there should be, apart chests with clothing, a potion to give exact amount of XP to level 150
    • Extra fort battle boosts as [item=2462000]
    • Bonds can be also given at the start of the game to every player, i.e. 250-500 bonds
    • 3x [item=1977000] (Potion of a new beginning), 5x [item=2130000] (Mate Tea)
  6. Event rules
    • Up to 150 players per team (nation), which equals to 3 towns (minimum of 120 players in each team)
    • We can add extra drops from any jobs around map (like pumpkin hunt, Christmas boxes, etc.; specific example below)
    • This small event could be rotating every 21 days, I think about 75 boxes every 21 days (debatable)
    • This will allow players to get extra items to gain experience around map and access higher level items in the town.
    • This option also make the players stay active during the competition and possibly make them spend nuggets on extra motivation/energy items from Shop
    • Players will get extra items for experience/duels/jobs, basically anything they want - and yet, there is the random drop (as there will not be traveling circus or tombola)
    • Specific example
      • I suggest to go with every three weeks - [item=53350000] (Summer poncho and other summer items)
      • Players can drop 50-75 of these boxes every cycle
      • Keep the same chances of items drop as it is now
  7. Winners and rewards
    • Winning teams gets nuggets (and bonds), each player same (i.e. 250 nuggets, with 100 bonds)
    • Second and third teams gets some amount of nuggets also (i.e. 200 and 150 nuggets, with 150 and 200 bonds - yes, more bonds and less nuggets as it is non-premium currency)
    • All numbers of nuggets are debatable
    • Competition on fort battle ranking
    • Fort battle ranking placement rewards
      • We can have El Gringo set for fort battle ranking competition OR non-premium set(s) of their choice
      • El Gringo set items of their choice should be scalable each rank, 1st place = 10 items, 2nd place = 6 items, 3rd place = 3 items
      • We can discuss bonds as another extra reward (with small amount of nuggets)
      • Or we can also add Malachite weapons instead of El Gringo set items - this should bring more new players and also older to complete their sets
    • Some ideas for character title for every player (participation reward):
      • Ferocious fort battle conqueror (my favourite)
      • Fierce fort battle conqueror
      • Furious champion of fort battles (Furious fort battle champion)
    • Participation reward
      • Bonus participation medal (IFBC 4 Medal)
        • 0.03 Strength (per LVL)
        • 0.03 Mobility (per LVL)
        • 0.03 Dexterity (per LVL)
        • 0.03 Charisma (per LVL)
        • 0.4 Health points (per LVL)
        • 0.4 Leadership (per LVL)
        • + 4 Attack
        • + 4 Defense
        • + 0,6 % speed (per LVL) (debatable how many %)
      • There can be also bonds (200 bonds for each player)
      • We can have extra bonds for getting into the competition table, but not being placed to get main rewards (400 bonds)
      • Special achievements for participation and for placing 1st-2nd-3rd (IFBC 4 Gold-Silver-Bronze)