Dear Fortfighters,
here we have the rules for the International Fort Battle Championship 2020 - IFBC 2020.
3) Point acquisition
4) Prizes
First place:
Participation reward
We will also reward every participating player and team with a special price, no matter if you reach the tournament phase and when you get kicked out of the championship.
here we have the rules for the International Fort Battle Championship 2020 - IFBC 2020.
1.a) The structure of Championship
The championship will be divided in three stages: The Preparation, The Qualification and The Tournament.
The Preparation stage is an introductory phase intended to the player to create their character; The Qualification stage is an intermediary phase, which is intended to qualify the teams that will compete within the last stage: The Tournament. The Tournament stage is the phase where the Tournament itself will take place.
1.b) Estimated Timetable
The following timetable is an estimative of the maximum duration of each phase. The Championship should not take longer than 11 weeks to finish, however, in case where the number of participants is smaller than we previously anticipated, each stage can be completed. in less time.
- Preparation (Week 1-2)
- Qualification (Week 3-5)
- Tournament (Week 6-10)
- Finals (Week 11)
1.c) Battle schedule
During the entire Championship a schedule will be provided with information on the times where the battles will take place, and which are the teams and their opponents. The Fortbattles will be declared 48 to 24 hours before they start. The team that is in the Defender role will be the owner of the Fort.
The rescheduling of battles is possible if both teams agree upon. The battle can be anticipated or delayed in 12 hours. In other words, after a Battle has been the announced, if both teams agree, the battle can be rescheduled for 12 hours before or after the previously announced time. However, this change should be done with a minimum of 24-hour prior of the beginning of the battle.
Example: We schedule your Battle for 12.10.2020 at 20:00 hours, but that time does not work for you or for your team members. You would like to have this Battle rescheduled. So, you contact the support until 11.10.2020 at 20:00 the latest as ask them to reschedule the battle for 13.10.2020 at 8:00 hours.
1.d) Fort sizes
This year’s edition will contemplate a change as regarding the size of the forts you’ll be fighting for. In contrast to the previous editions, in the Championship 2020 you will be fighting for the small forts.
1.e) The "Circuit" system
Another significant change in comparison with the previous editions is regarding the battle organization. In this year’s edition, every time you battle against an opponent team there will be two battles occurring at the same time. These two battles will be named as “Circuit”.
In one of the battles your team will be playing as the Attacker and in the other, as the Defender. That is, part of your team will be playing as the Attacker and, the other part, as the Defender.
Example: Each Circuit comprises two battles. Battle number one (B1) and battle number two (B2). In B1, Team Y will be playing as the Attacker, and as the Defender in B2. On the other hand, Team Z will be playing as the Defender in B1, and as the Attacker in B2. The players of Team Y chosen to battle as the Attacker will only participate in the B1 and, those chosen to play as the Defender will only take part in B2. The same occurs with Team Z. So, will you be playing as the Attacker or as the Defender?
Role | Battle 1 | Battle 2 |
Attacker | Team Y | Team Z |
Defender | Team Z | Team Y |
1.f) Team size
To be able to register to in the Championship, each team must be comprised of between 95 to 105 players. Each Circuit requires however, that only 92 players attend each battle. Each Team will be divided into two: The Attackers and the Defenders. So there will be 50 Attackers and 42 Defenders per team.
Every team must declare between 2 to 5 leaders. Every organization (time agreements, town foundation, general communication with Organizations) will be done exclusively by them.
Of course your team may decide who is attacker and who is defender before each match. They don't have to be the same players every time. However, we recommend that you specialize within your team .
1.g) Participating language versions and number of teams
The IFBC 2020 is open to all language versions of the game. Teams with mixed language versions are also allowed.
There is also no limitation on the number of participating teams per language version. Nor there is any limitation of teams with mixed language versions.
1.h) Settings
Each player starts at level 1 and receives a specially prepared chest with items, sets, buffs and everything that he or she will need to start the competition:
- 3x Potion of new beginning
- 5x 3 days VIP-longtimer
- 5x Vegetable Dumpling
- 5x Liquid life (75% health points)
- 5x Mate tea
- 3x Booby trap
- 1x Golden letter (250 Bonds)
- 1x Dead Hawk Dancer's set (clothing, weapon and animal set)
- 1x Joaquin Murrieta's set (clothing, weapon and animal set)
- 1x Livingston's set (clothing and animal set) + Emiliano Zapata's weapon set
- 1x Mountain farmer's set (clothing set)
- 1x Moonshiner's set (clothing set)
- 27x precise single shot rifle
- 600x Potion of Profound Wisdom
1.i) Currency
During the entire Championship, all the in-game dollar transfers will be deactivated.
During the entire Championship, the players will be able to see the event Currency, however they should not be able to use it in any way;
The Goldnuggets purchased during the IFBC 2020 which were not utilized in its entirety during the Championship, can be transferred to the Player’s main account.
The Goldnuggets received during the IFBC 2020 which were not utilized in its entirety during the Championship, cannot be transferred to the Player’s main account.
Items such as sets, and weapons purchased during the IFBC are to be utilized exclusively in the Championship and cannot be transferred to the Player’s main account.
1.j) Championship restrictions and prohibitions
The trade between teams will not be allowed during the entirety of the Championship;
Registering and taking part in fortbattles not belonging to your town/team is forbidden!
The trade within a team will be allowed, but price limits (maximum 2 x buying prize) will be imposed during the Championship;
The pre-arranging of duels will not be allowed during the entire Championship;
Interaction any type of between the Watchers and the Players participating on the Championship, such as trading of items, dueling or even engaging in adventures with the Players, are not allowed;
Poor language
It is absolutely prohibited the use of foul language, insulting expressions and disrespectful in any way. The disobedience of this rules will be punished with the withdrawal of points at the Championship’s promoter discretion.
1.k) Permanent ban
The disobedience of Data Privacy law, of InnoGame’s General Terms and Conditions or of any of the Championship rules will be punished with permanent ban of the player. In this case, the team will not be able to substitute the banned players but will be allowed to continue in the Championship.
During the whole championship we will have a bonus of +400% speed.
2.a) The preparation stage Starting 06. April 2020
In this initial two-week phase, each player can build his/her character according to their personal preference and will receive the following special bonus:
- +5900% experience points during jobs
However there is an experience bonus, you can easily reach level 150 by using all the experience potions which you will receive in your specially prepared chest. (1.h Settings)
During the preparation stage, each team will found their own town, where every team member has to be in after preparation. Leaving and joining a town after this stage is not allowed.
2.b) Qualification Starting 19. April 2020
During this phase, the assigned teams will be separated by groups. The exact number of group and group size be announced when all teams are signed in, which should be done by the latest date of 29. March 2020.
The teams will be fighting each other within a group. The winning team of each Circuit will be receiving points according the condition set forth hereunder.
The best two teams of each group will acquire the right to progress to the Tournament phase.
Example: 24 teams sign in, so we can divide it into 6 groups of 4 teams. the best 2 teams per group and the 4 best thirds (most points) will progress.
2.c) Tournament Starting around 10. May 2020 - exact date will be announced in the championship
After the qualification stage is over, the tournament starts.
i) The Best-of-three system
The Tournament will take place in a “Best-of-3” model. Each team will be playing 3 Circuits against the same opponent. This will be called a “Match”. The team with 2 out of 3 Circuit-wins will be deemed victorious and will progress to the next Match. The team is considered to have won the Match when it wins at least two out of three Circuits – as the Attacker and as the Defender.
Example: Team Y managed to win the first and the second Circuit as both Attacker and as the Defender but did not win as the Attacker in Circuit three. Because Team Y won 2 out of 3 Circuits, it goes forward.
ii) The Double-knockout-system
The tournament will also follow a double-knockout system. It will be organized with a “Winner-Bracket” and a “Loser-Bracket”.
All teams will start in the so-called "Winner-Bracket". The winner of the Match progresses normally in the Championship.
However, the loser of that Match will not be automatically eliminated. The loser team will be moved to the “Loser-Bracket” where it will have the opportunity to dispute the second place in the Championship.
In case of another Match-defeat, the team will be eliminated from the tournament and from that point forward no further dueling nor actions that could influence still participating teams are allowed.
By the end of the Tournament, the winner of the Loser-Bracket will be disputing the second or the third place in the Finals.
2.d) Finals: First, Second, Third places
Similarly, to the Tournament, the Finals will be held in the “Best-of-3” system, So, just like the Tournament, the team that wins 2 out of 3 Circuits, will be deemed victorious.
There will be two Matches in the Finals: The first Match of the Finals will be disputed between the last two surviving teams within the Winner-Bracket, and the second Match of the Finals will be disputed between the looser of the first Match of the Finals and the winner of the Loser-Bracket.
The first Match of the Finals will decide which team wins the first place of the Championship. The second and the third place will be defined in a subsequent Match between the looser of the First Match and the winner of the Loser-Bracket.
The loser of the first Match of the Finals will fight against the winner of the Loser-Bracket. The winner of hat Match will occupy the second place of the Championship. The third place will be occupied by the remaining participating team.
3) Point acquisition
- The winning team will receive three points if it wins a flight by killing every enemy, regardless if it is playing as the Attacker or as the Defender.
- The winning team will receive two points if it wins a fight by capturing the flag or holding the fort over the course of 55 rounds.
- Wins both battles of the Circuit, as the Attacker and as the Defender
- Wins one battle of the Circuit when it plays as the Attacker by killing every defender and the opponent team had its victory by capturing the other team’s flag when also Playing as the Attacker
- Wins in an earlier round than its opponent, in a case when both teams won by killing all the Defenders when playing as the Attacker
- Wins with more survivors in the Attack, in a case when both teams won by killing all the Defenders when playing as the Attacker and the victory was in the same round.
- If the number of survivors in the Attack is the same, the team with more health points left in the Attack receives the extra point
- Wins in an earlier round than its opponent, when both teams won by capturing the other team’s flag
- Wins with the least surviving Defenders when both teams won by capturing the other team’s flag and the victory was in the same round
- If the number of surviving Defenders is the same, the team with the lowest health points of their defending opponents receives the extra point
- Wins one battle of the Circuit when it plays as the Defender by killing all the Attackers and the opponent team had its victory by holding the fort over time
- Wins in an earlier round than its opponent, in a case when both teams won by killing all the Attackers, when playing as the Defender
- Wins with more survivors in a case when both teams won by killing all the Attackers when playing as the Defender and the victory was in the same round
- If the number of survivors is the same, the team with more health points left will receive the extra point
- Wins one battle of the Circuit with more surviving Defenders, in a case when both teams won by holding the fort over the time
- If the number of surviving Defenders is the same in both teams, the team with less Attacking opponents receives the extra point
- If the number of surviving Attacking opponents is the same in both teams, the team with Attacking opponents with less health points receives the extra point
4) Prizes
First place:
- Special achievement: IFBC3 Gold
- 300 nuggets
- Fortbattle clothing set
- Fortbattle weapon set
- Fortbattle animal set
- Special achievement: IFBC3 Silver
- 200 nuggets
- Fortbattle clothing set
- Special achievement: IFBC3 Bronze
- 100 nuggets
- Fortbattle animal set
Participation reward
We will also reward every participating player and team with a special price, no matter if you reach the tournament phase and when you get kicked out of the championship.
Battle | One single Battle of the Circuit. |
Circuit | Both Battle 1 and Battle 2. |
Match | 3 Circuits. |
Battle Winner | The team who win the battle by capturing the flag, or killing the opponent, or defend the fort by Round. |
Circuit Winner | The team who has the most points within the Circuit. |
Match Winner | The team that wins 2 out of 3 Circuits of the Match. |
Overall Winner | When the team won either both battles of a Circuit, or won one of the battles in a more difficult way, as for example by killing all opponents. |
Watchers | Users with active accounts that are not participating in the Championship. |
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