• Attention!
    • In order to participate in the discussion, you need an account on forum.events.the-west.net.​
      • If you have a game account, register a forum account here: Create forum account
        Important: You cannot comment with your account from your home server (e.g. you cannot vote with an account from the German servers)! You have to have a separate registration on our Events Server!​
      • If you don't have a game account register here or send us an e-mail and we will create a game account for you: west-ts@support.innogames.com
        Please send us your desired nickname! Your account will be linked to the e-mail address from which you contact us! Please expect at least 48 hours for the account creation.​

This will be your final submission! It can't be modified! Fort winner 2024


  1. The structure of the Championship
    • Every day there will be 2 fort battles, in the evening. There are 28 battles in total. Participants can choose any side of attack/defense. You can do all 28 times on one side, if desired. You can be a loner or be on the same side with your friends. The administration throws axes, the timeout between the start of battles is 2 hours (for example, the start of the first battle is at 19:00, the start of the second at 21:00). Shoulder straps and stripes are not issued to anyone. If there are more people willing to take part in the battle than there are free places, then the players will be randomly assigned to the battle by the system. Those who do not have enough space are left without the opportunity to get a rating point.
    • For each victory in the battle, all winners are awarded 1 point. Among the losers, 10 different chests are randomly drawn (which are sold in the SHOP, see the list below), which are issued after each battle, or after two - once a day. You can view the total number of victories in the achievements of each player through his profile. As a result, the participants will be entered into the table in descending order of the number of victories.
    • duration: 14 days / timetable of the event: 01.03.24 – 14.03.24
    • Big Fort: 130 / 120
  2. World bonuses:
    • Money from jobs: 100%
    • Experience points from jobs: 100%
    • Luck at jobs: 100%
    • Drop chance: 100%
    • Speed: 900%
    • Energy regeneration: 300%
    • Health regeneration: 9900%
    • Work motivation: 100%
    • Duel motivation: 100%
    • Duel damage: 100%
    • Labor points: 900%
  3. World settings
    • Premium settings:
      • Automation: Active
      • Character Bonus: Active
      • Higher income: Active
      • More energy: Active
      • Higher speed: Active
      • Cash deposit: Active
      • Refill energy: Active
      • Product purchase: Active
      • Complete job instantly: Active
      • Halfway traveling time: Active
      • Travelling merchant change offer: Active
      • Immediate delivery (sell and buy): Active
      • Item upgrade: Active
      • Purchase skill and attribute points: Active
      • Placate Shaman: Active
    • Bank transfer: Inactive
    • Towns can be left: Yes
    • Trading: Disabled totally
    • Travelling fair: Inactive
    • Cancel duel protection: 1 hour
    • Duel protection expires: 12 hours
    • Events / Community events during the IFBC: Inactive
  4. Shop items and prices
    • Items to in SHOP (Dollars):
      • John Sousa's chest 4000000$
      • John Sousa's weapon chest 4000000$
      • John Astor's chest 4000000$
      • John Bull's chest 4000000$
      • John Bull's weapon chest 4000000$
      • Leavenworth's chest 4000000$
      • Black heart of the dead's chest 4000000$
      • Big Caribbean chest 4000000$
      • Union Officer chest 4000000$
      • Union Officer weapon chest 4000000$
      • All standard buffs at regular prices
    • The cost (Nuggets/Bonds) of chests is at the discretion of the administration. The cost (Dollars) can also be changed by the administration.
  5. Starting items
    • El Gringo's clothes chest (only clothes, no animals or weapons).
    • Players start at 200 level.
  6. Event rules
    • The general rules of the game apply.
  7. Winners and rewards
    • There are 25 prize places in total. For each point the winner 50 Nuggets + 1 Potion of Plentiful Wisdom (10%XP). For example, if a player scores 28 points, he receives 1400 Nuggets + 28x Potion of Plentiful Wisdom (10%XP). If players in 26+ place have the same number of points as 25, then they receive the same reward as 25.
    • Character titles: «Fort winner 2024»
    • Participation reward: 2 Potion of Profound Wisdom (25%XP). (only for those who attended 6+ battles)