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Battles initiated by players


It would be nice to play some fort battles just for fun/practising purposes. Not every team is familiar with large scale battles because most regular servers are very poorly populated.

Yes that's nice idea but I am sure all teams are busy atm with other preparations. we can forward this suggestion to Organizators tho and see what they think about it.


It was decided against having fun battles before the official start of the tournament.

We would like to keep things fair. If we allow fun battles, we will then need to host 30 odd fun battles so every team in this tournament has he opportunity to participate in an offensive and defensive battle.

We simply do not have the time to fit all these battles in before the start of the tournament.


At least will you grant us forts to try ourselves by maneuvering?
Again, there are not enough large forts available in a world so every team gets one. So we cannot do this either.

This is all done to keep things fair. One of the biggest issues we had in the last IFBC was complaints about things being fair. Everything done this time is to help with those problems so they do not occur again.


I understand that you would like to keep it fair, and i appreciate that :)

But on DK/SE we are a mixed team, from different worlds that have never played together before. Most part of us are also from small worlds, and we have many players that has never been to a battle with more than 20-30 people on each side.

Therefore we really would like the chance to get a fight or two before the real battles begin, so can you please reconsider :)


Again, there are not enough large forts available in a world so every team gets one. So we cannot do this either.

This is all done to keep things fair. One of the biggest issues we had in the last IFBC was complaints about things being fair. Everything done this time is to help with those problems so they do not occur again.

Is it not possible to increase the maximum numbers of towns who can me member of a fort to 18 and add all the Country towns to awesomia? Then every country is able to start maneuvres without things become unfair.


Is it not possible to increase the maximum numbers of towns who can me member of a fort to 18 and add all the Country towns to awesomia? Then every country is able to start maneuvres without things become unfair.

You can't make it this way. Every fort members can join for this maneuver, so it will be nice chaos.


It's so nice that there is always someone who tells everything.
No fun for others...


but even if you cancel it and do it again, everyone can sign up, you should cover the inscriptions. Only the 2 cities that you want can be registered


Its always so nice the way you are good to inform us all about things. We have been told that ther are not going to be any friendly battles, and now you have started one ? Where are the info ? When will all the other teams get a battle ? Come on dudes, give us som info :mad:


Again, there are not enough large forts available in a world so every team gets one. So we cannot do this either.

This is all done to keep things fair. One of the biggest issues we had in the last IFBC was complaints about things being fair. Everything done this time is to help with those problems so they do not occur again.

there are 14 large forts and 14 teams with 140+ players...other nub teams that dont have enough players can practice in mediums just fine


It was decided against having fun battles before the official start of the tournament.

We would like to keep things fair. If we allow fun battles, we will then need to host 30 odd fun battles so every team in this tournament has he opportunity to participate in an offensive and defensive battle.

We simply do not have the time to fit all these battles in before the start of the tournament.

Again, there are not enough large forts available in a world so every team gets one. So we cannot do this either.

This is all done to keep things fair. One of the biggest issues we had in the last IFBC was complaints about things being fair. Everything done this time is to help with those problems so they do not occur again.

Looks like 2 towns will not have to follow this. Hard to not think that there is some bias when 2 towns are being allowed to do this while the rest are being told no.


start a battle using tool ahead of time and conquest by flag, now portugal has a fort xD
and the friendly battle between server, is left and overthrow by means of tool to those who are not of those countries, giving preference to those servers.