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This will be your final submission! It can't be modified! Alliance cooperation, medium forts - Lady & Mr. Duck submission

We propose a Championship that truly tests the cooperation that is necessary for great fights – we designed this event for alliances, although everyone will be in one town if the team so wishes. We propose middle forts since the movement and tactics opportunities truly matter there the most. Moreover, we designed our event to test fortfighting skills only – no levelling up, no craft necessary (well, not in the beginning, which is why we’re setting you up with some UPDs to spend). We truly believe that great fighters are not necessarily those, who can spend hours playing, instead, they’re the ones who come, fight, follow, courageously fall for their teams. We also tried to make sure that great fighters don’t need to spend a small fortune to prove their abilities. That is also a reason why we’re discouraging duels. We designed the winner set so as not to overpower any existing set, yet to give our winners a little bit of an advantage – at least in experience points per battle. When you look at the sets we chose for the event itself, they're the reasonable bits and pieces you can collect during your play as well, so again, we're testing how well you can do on the average ground - because let's face it, if everyone gets the same, there's no reason to go superextra. However, we chose level 200 just to feel that tiny bit extra - the championships before were set at level 150. We've provided - for us here non-functional item codes, but if you want to check we're talking about the same items, this is your little aid.
We would also suggest running lives (youtube, twitch, tiktok, or as preferred) by non-attending players (or support) of fort battles with expert commentary, to perhaps promote the game to wider audience. We have, however, left a couple of “loopholes” (can we call them that if we all know they're there?) for cooperation between (perhaps among) teams from play-off forwards. Can you spot them?

1. The structure of the Championship

  • How battles will be organised:
    • We propose 2 stages. The first stage is The League, where the Teams play each other twice (attack and defence) and points would be awarded as detailed below.
    • The second stage is the Play-off: the first 8 teams play according to the following scheme: 1st v 8th (A1 bracket), 2nd v 7th (B1 bracket), 3rd v 6th (B2 bracket), 4th v 5th (A2 bracket). Semifinals: A1 winner vs A2 winner, B1 winner v B2 winner. 3rd place battle A loser v B loser and final: A winner v B winner. Each „couple“(or bracket) fights 6 times together (3x attack, 3x defence), however, if a team manages to win 4 matches (that is, manages to win one attack), it will be considered a winner of the bracket and the final match (or two) will not count/occur. If the bracket ends in a draw, the winner will be decided as per second part of the point system detailed below.
  • Point system:
    • the league: If one side is completely killed: 3 points for the winners, 0 for the losers. If flag is captured: 3 points for the attackers, defence loses 2 points. If time runs out: 2 points for the defence, 1 for the attack. If after league there is a draw at any position, the order of such teams will be determined by number of attacks won. If even that results in draws, damage inflicted determines the order.
    • Play-off: if a team manages to win 4 matches in the PO or 5 during the finals, the stage is finished for the bracket. If no team manages to win an attack, the winner is determined by the number of enemies killed – the team with more enemies killed in total wins. If even that is equal, the number of rounds it took to win – the lower amount wins. In case of a draw with that factor, total damage inflicted determines the winner.
  • Estimated ruation/timetable of the event – 15th March 2024 – we expect the event to run for 2 and a half months at most.
  • Fort size/type: only original fully built middle forts.

2. World bonuses:
  • Money from jobs: 200%
  • Experience points from jobs: 100%
  • Luck at jobs: 300%
  • Drop chance: 300%
  • Speed: 300%
  • Energy regeneration: 400%
  • Health regeneration: 100%
  • Work motivation: 250%
  • Duel motivation: 100%
  • Duel damage: 100%
  • Labor points: 200%

3. World settings
  • Premium settings
  • Automation: Active
  • Character Bonus: Active
  • Higher income: Active
  • More energy: Active
  • Higher speed: Active
  • Cash deposit: Active
  • Refill energy: Active
  • Product purchase: Inactive
  • Complete job instantly: Inactive
  • Halfway travelling time: Active
  • Travelling merchant change offer: Active
  • Immediate delivery: Active
  • Item upgrade: Active
  • Purchase skill/attribute points: Inactive
  • Placate shaman: Inactive
  • Bank transfer: Active (shall we advise you to perhaps watch other teams play and choose favourites?)
  • Towns can be left: No
  • Trading: Only within Alliance
  • Travelling fair: Active, pre-built, whole event
  • Cancel duel protection: 24 hours
  • Duel protection expires: 730 hours (one month)
  • Events/Community events: Inactive
4. Shop items and prices
  • Items in Shop: all usual buffs no wearable items. At play off stages add chests with items that were given in the beginning for upgrades (except for Black heart, of course).
  • Can be bought with: buffs with bonds/nuggets; chests with bonds/nuggets/dollars priced: clothing 500B/N or 1,000,000 dollars, weapon/animal chests 300 B/N or 600,000 dollars.
  • Discount: 50% on buffs
5. Starting items
  • Younger set ([item=53238000], [item=53239000], [item=53036000], [item=53035000], [item=53034000], [item=53033000], [item=53032000], [item=53031000], [item=53030000], [item=53029000]); Skeleton ([item=53064000], [item=53063000], [item=53062000], [item=53061000], [item=53060000], [item=53059000], [item=53069000], [item=53068000], [item=53067000], [item=53066000], [item=53065000]); Santa ([item=52277000], [item=52276000], [item=52275000], [item=52274000], [item=52273000], [item=52272000], [item=52282000], [item=52281000], [item=52280000], [item=52279000], [item=52278000]); Bull set, including weapons and animal set ([item=52911000], [item=52910000], [item=52909000], [item=52908000], [item=52907000], [item=52906000], [item=52905000], [item=52904000], [item=52914000] [item=52913000], [item=52912000]); Leavenworth clothing set and weapons ([item=53473000], [item=53472000], [item=53471000], [item=53470000], [item=53469000], [item=53468000], [item=53476000], [item=53475000], [item=53474000]); Cortina animal set ([item=52255000], [item=52254000]); John Astor clothing and weapons ([item=53027000], [item=53026000], [item=53025000], [item=53024000], [item=53023000], [item=53022000], [item=53021000], [item=53020000], [item=53019000]); Captain weapons ([item=52164000], [item=52163000], [item=52162000]); Black heart animal set ([item=53515000], [item=53516000]). 550 UPD bonds in envelopes ([item=2624000], [item=2137000]). XP potions for level 200 ([item=2200000] x 800).
6. Event rules
  • Standard The West rules and terms of conduct apply. One team per language version. An exception can be granted if a community lacks own servers and can build a team, at discretion of the event support (ES). Teams to be nominated by regional support, with clearly marked town founders and a team leader. One account per player. Players sharing internet access must state this at nomination phase and support must confirm and mark such fact for ES. Account registration will start 7 days before the start of the event and finish 1 minute before the start of the championship, players will be assigned to team towns as per lists submitted. Players will be provided with experience potions up to 200 level, which will be the cap level as well.
  • Saloon communication is allowed in English only.
  • Town capacity is 100, which is the maximum size of a team. Teams that managed to get at least 80% (80 players or more) will also be admitted. If a team wishes to have several towns instead of one, the division must clearly be marked on the nomination list to facilitate town organisation and town founders must be marked as well. If this is the case, the alliance will be formed before the event start by ES and alliance cannot be left. Alliance towns will be clustered near each other.
  • While scripts are not allowed, basic stat showing scripts (westforts, toolkit, fortbattle tool, color tchat) will be tolerated during fortfighting. Other scripts may be punishable by a permanent ban, as per ES discretion.
  • Other, previously unpredictable forms of cheating may also be punishable by a permanent ban.
  • If, despite the care taken during nomination stage, a player turns unsuitable for the team due to internal conflicts or other unforeseen reasons, an assigned team leader may ask ES for a permanent ban of the player, so as to allow for a reasonably pleasant continuation of the championship.
  • Substituting for banned players is not permitted, as teams can have up to 100 players, which is over the capacity of medium forts. An exception may be granted if the number of available players falls under 92. This means that if a team started under this number, they may ask for a substitution immediately.
  • Duels are discouraged. NPC players will be created for players to get KO protection, however if a player manages to duel another player, it will result in 24h ban.
  • The ES will create towns, assign town founders, and run publicly accessible scoreboard during the entire event. This is to provide the players with an accurate account of scores. A schedule will be released ahead of event. Battling will commence 3 days into event start. Forts will not be assigned ahead of time, as there are more teams than forts. ES will start each battle at 21:00 CET and consequently assign towns for each side so as to facilitate ranking.

7. Winners and rewards
  • 1st place: 1 year premium, winner set, 100x rice stew ([item=53507000]), 30x hot chocolate with chilli ([item=53505000]), “IFBC4 – Alliance star” title
  • 2nd place: 0.5 year premium, 50x rice stew, 20x hot chocolate with chilli
  • 3rd place: 90 days premium, 30x rice stew, 10x hot chocolate witch chilli
  • Winner set:
Weapons: +5 Sector multiplayer defence, +10 Multiplayer Defence, 0.62 per level Resistance, 1.95 per level Hiding, 0.73 per level Dodging, 1.75 per level HP, 1.42 per level Leadership, 50% XP

Animal+ yield: +5 Sector Multiplayer attack, + 50% XP, 0.47 per level Sector damage, 1.65 per level Aiming, 1.52 per level Hiding, 1.72 per level Leadership, 1.52 per level Setting traps, +20 Sector damage flat, 300% animal speed

Clothing: 150% HP regeneration, 150% speed, 2.1 per level HP, 1.7 per level Horse riding, 2 per level Toughness, 2 per level Reflexes, 1.63 per Level Tactics

All stats are combined (pieces + set bonus). We suggest design in honour of Phizí (Gall), who lead Native Americans in the Battle of the Little Bighorn (it´s been quite a long time, since we had a Native American themed set).

  • Participation reward: 14 days Premium, 12x Rice stew, 5x Hot chocolate with chilli, participation animal + yield (speed focused)

CREDITS: Lady of Bless9d Murder & Mr. Duck (hopefully should have an account here despite all the struggles, otherwise known as The Everseeing dAack on our server)