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Search results

  1. Belle Bernice

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Refill energy: Inactive maybe you need to check the settings again ;)
  2. Belle Bernice

    This will be your final submission! It can't be modified! Something familiar but simpler?

    Howdy Cowboys and Cowgirls, We plan to organize the next International Fort Battle Championship in 2024, and this season will be so special - because YOU can design the whole event! The structure of the Championship The participating teams will be organized into three distinct groups. Each...
  3. Belle Bernice

    IFBC 3 - discussion

    Thank you for your reply! Probably yes, it wasn't so clear what you meant by the 12 hours reprogramming.
  4. Belle Bernice

    IFBC 3 - discussion

    Hi everyone, Yesterday the admins announced the time battles for all the teams. I've got some questions about the time and the rule for reschedule the fights. First of all, every single market has the same time server with their native ones. Only Brazil had the big problem which is 5 hours...
  5. Belle Bernice

    Battles initiated by players

    At least will you grant us forts to try ourselves by maneuvering?