• Attention!
    • In order to participate in the discussion, you need an account on forum.events.the-west.net.​
      • If you have a game account, register a forum account here: Create forum account
        Important: You cannot comment with your account from your home server (e.g. you cannot vote with an account from the German servers)! You have to have a separate registration on our Events Server!​
      • If you don't have a game account register here or send us an e-mail and we will create a game account for you: west-ts@support.innogames.com
        Please send us your desired nickname! Your account will be linked to the e-mail address from which you contact us! Please expect at least 48 hours for the account creation.​

New Fort Battle formula on Event Server - End of the tests


Dear Cowboys and Cowgirls,

As promised, after a short test on the beta server, we are going to test the new fort battle formula also here on Event Server.
DAMAGE FORMULA - Update 2.127
1 + max(0, (min(skill1, leadership, aiming)^0.8 + median(skill1, leadership, aiming)^0.7 + max(skill1, leadership, aiming)^0.6 − |maxHealth ÷ 10 − mean(skill1, leadership, aiming)|^0.6) ÷ 400)

1 + max(0, (min(skill1, leadership, dodging)^0.8 + median(skill1, leadership, dodging)^0.7 + max(skill1, leadership, dodging)^0.6 − |maxHealth ÷ 10 − mean(skill1, leadership, dodging)|^0.6) ÷ 3

And a distance penalty - Update 2.128
distance × 1.6

100 × (skill1 + leadership + dodging) ÷ maxHealth⌋

Starting from tomorrow's update (15/06/2020) you will find the new formula in the IFBC3 server. The registration and login in the IFBC3 server will be now open to everyone and you are free to test the new formula as you like and provide all the necessary feedback here.

Please, be aware that this is not a real server, but it will be a test environment, so all the progress on the server may be reset any time the same as the login in the server can be closed at any time. Try to play and test the formula with the respect of the rulebook or we will be forced to close this experimentation.

Looking forward to hear your feedback in the usual thread.

Your The West Team


Event Coordinator
Community Manager
Dear Fortfighters,

In order to assist you in this testing session, we have made the following changes:
  • Towns now can be left.
  • Forts can be taken over.
  • We have set up a 80% discount in the SHOP.
  • Potion of a new beginning, Potion of Weakening, Potion of Forgetfulness are enjoying a 99% discount.
  • New players can use this link for starter chest.
Additionally we would like to give for everyone the following items:
Please use every link separately and login to your account in order to claim the items.

In attention of IFBC 3 participants:
  • Those who have been banned, can ask for an unban for the testing session or can create a new account - however they will not receive the IFBC 3 participation reward.
  • Those who have given their sets to other players can do the following: delete current account and start a new one (fastest way); or send a support request and we will grant you only the sets.
Thank you for helping us improving Fort Battles! Please don't hesitate to share all your feedback and suggestions here.

Kind Regards,
Your The West Team


Event Coordinator
Community Manager
With the 2.128 update, we have changed the resistance formula and added a distance penalty:

NEW FORMULA - Update 2.128
1 + max(0, (min(skill1, leadership, dodging)^0.8 + median(skill1, leadership, dodging)^0.7 + max(skill1, leadership, dodging)^0.6 − |maxHealth ÷ 10 − mean(skill1, leadership, dodging)|^0.6) ÷ 3

And a distance penalty - Update 2.128
distance × 1.6

As always please don't hesitate to share all your feedback and suggestions here.


Event Coordinator
Community Manager
In order to help you in this testing session, we have created more items for you.

Please use every link separately and login after in order to receive the items.

Thank you for helping us improving Fort Battles! As always, please don't hesitate to share all your feedback and suggestions here.


Howdy Cowboys and Cowgirls,

We would like to thank you for your commitment to testing new fort battle formulas! We really appreciated your effort in testing the new proposal of formula and provided feedback about it. You are amazing!

In the coming days, we will analyze all the feedback received to make our fort battle improvement better and balanced.
We will inform you as soon as possible about the next steps in this testing process. Thank you very much for your patience and understanding.
We hope that soon we will be able to share with you our further plans for fort battles improvements.

If you have feedback or suggestion, please leave a comment in the feedback thread.

See you in the game!

Your The West Team


Event Coordinator
Community Manager
Howdy Cowboys and Cowgirls,

We have just disabled the altered formulas for damage and resistance, so only the changes to the structure bonuses remain active. This allows us to test these in isolation and have a clearer view of the effects of these changes.

We will have some special battles to test these changes in the next few days.

As always, please let us know if you have any questions or feedback.


Howdy Cowboys and Cowgirls,

We want to say THANK YOU for participating in new fort battle formula testing. Together we reached more than 100 battles and 1000 participants.
Without your help we wouldn't be able to implement all the changes. Every post with feedback, every message, and every participation in each fort battle was very important.

Based on your feedback and ideas at the begging of September new changes have been implemented on live servers.
At the end of this announcement you can find what has been implemented.

Currently, tests are over. That means, that the IFBC3 server will be closed soon. Will you miss our tests? Check regularly our The West forums, some more testings can appear.

Thank you again.

Your The West Team


  • Distance Penalty
    When shooting, the bonus your targets receive to their defense value will be increased.

5 fields710
10 fields1625
15 fields2644
  • Structure Bonuses
    When standing on a building or fortification, instead of a fixed bonus you will receive a percentage bonus dependent upon your base attack and defend values.

Level 5 Tower+28 Attack, +21 Defend, +21 Class+35% Attack, +26% Defend, +26% Class
Unbuilt Walls+3 Attack, +5 Defend+4% Attack, +6% Defend
Flag-10 Attack, -10 Defend-25% Attack, -25% Defend

  • Flag Penalties
Flag penalties once again apply to defenders like they always have to attackers.