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Feedback New Fort Battle formula feedback



I may not have such an everyday question, but do people who play the first time and in a week also have opportunities?

We some Dutch people only started playing last Tuesday, did we have any chances?


pretty shameful that guy wins most dodges because of multiaccount soldier with full leadership bonus :) but hey, support doesnt care so what


After the battles seen in IFBC 3, all very balanced, after the reduction in the number of attackers and after 3 months of testing the new formules I wonder if it is so important for the battles to change the current formulas.
In my opinion, the reduction of the attackers has already changed the battles very tentatively and no new formulas are needed.
Furthermore, the new formulas seem to me not to be to the liking of the majority of the community. Why change?
I would review the battle bonuses of adventurers, this class was the least used and is the least performing, especially in attack.
Better old formulas and give back dignity to adventurers!

Deleted User - 6799

Oh please lets not go back to cheesy Damage, and sucky Resistance formulas..

Yes, new formulas need tweaking/fine tuning but that doesn't mean they suck.

Ps. Sets should be adapted to them too.
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After the battles seen in IFBC 3, all very balanced, after the reduction in the number of attackers and after 3 months of testing the new formules I wonder if it is so important for the battles to change the current formulas.
In my opinion, the reduction of the attackers has already changed the battles very tentatively and no new formulas are needed.
Furthermore, the new formulas seem to me not to be to the liking of the majority of the community. Why change?
I would review the battle bonuses of adventurers, this class was the least used and is the least performing, especially in attack.
Better old formulas and give back dignity to adventurers!
Better old formula and put some new sets for tanks and damagers that will make union and other stuff not that op.
I am tired playing with murrieta for like 2 years (DOTD 2018), so start puting some sets for tanks and damagers.

Deleted User - 9174

does anyone get any answers on this forum? still waiting for a answer to how we get the for kits on our world for doing the last event.


does anyone get any answers on this forum? still waiting for a answer to how we get the for kits on our world for doing the last event.

You need to write a support ticket for this ingame and put in your details for which world you would like to receive this on. Once this has been done, the mods on your world will need to add your prize to your inventory.

Deleted User - 9174

thanks i wrote a ticket from the ifbc world and got no answer on how to

Deleted User - 9174

kinda curious when winner list will be posted to and who win the medal bags for thier worlds

Deleted User - 297

I have copied my previous post to see if someone would answer me this time... I have asked this question over a week ago, now I have been told not to use the support platform for questions about these, use this forum instead, but this is getting a bit frustrating now... Looks like nobody cares...

Hi there,

We are testing what exactly now? How the balance in between the attackers and defenders? How the defenders can hold the towers? Well as far as I am concerned we are still using the OLD FORMULAS... So isn`t this a little bit pointless really? It will be totally different with the NEW FORMULAS...

So can someone explain it why are we doing this???

Thanks Pimpa

Deleted User - 340

Hi there,

We are testing what exactly now? How the balance in between the attackers and defenders? How the defenders can hold the towers? Well as far as I am concerned we are still using the OLD FORMULAS... So isn`t this a little bit pointless really? It will be totally different with the NEW FORMULAS...

So can someone explain it why are we doing this???

Thanks Pimpa

We are using the old formulas but with the new fort bonus. So its not actual the same. As i suggested many many weeks ago this should be the 1st test and not the last one. But you know..

Deleted User - 297

We are using the old formulas but with the new fort bonus. So its not actual the same. As i suggested many many weeks ago this should be the 1st test and not the last one. But you know..

Hi Anthraxos... Thanks for the answer, however I know the building bonuses are been altered, but it will work differently with the new formulas... That is why I am wondering what are we testing??? Everything need to be tested together otherwise it wont give you the right idea...

Deleted User - 6799

New formulas aint effecting the Hit/Dodge changes though.
Well, 5-6 Attack difference (as increase) can be expected by equaling skills but that's about it.

But yea, things are going waaay too slow. Of which I blame the Higher-Level-Cap decision.

Deleted User - 6668

" We are now trying to improve the balancing in damage/resistance " you kinda forgot what was the purpose....
what started with a good intention " balancing " you managed to tear it into pieces and transform the testing into a competition , to atract people that aren't actually testing anything , just brag about what incredibile players they are (on dueler or worker ofc )
At first it was controvertial for duelers to lose damage and now all you did was buff them on towers.... you'll see 2tanks on a tower and the rest duelers.
why a tank has to put points in hp and that's the only thing that gets increased by that while someone who puts all points in leadership gets damage , chance to hit , chance to dodge , so they manage to have a lot of dmg and also a lot of chance to hit by only using leadership , why don't you separete those 2 ? you want to hit each time ? then you'll have less damage ; you want to deal lots o damage ? then you won't hit each time .
It's disgusting to have 130chance to hit/dodge in grass as a tank , dealing 400dmg , and then see duelers with 170chance to hit in grass and 1.5k avg dmg
why damagers have viewfinder and tanks have nothing ? create a buff to give 7multiplayer deffence and 60resistance to cancel eachother.

I'm still amazed that once tanks had to fight the union officer set wearing adam set ...so yeah ,can't go any lower than that

Deleted User - 297

New formulas aint effecting the Hit/Dodge changes though.
Well, 5-6 Attack difference (as increase) can be expected by equaling skills but that's about it.

But yea, things are going waaay too slow. Of which I blame the Higher-Level-Cap decision.
The new formulas are not, but the implied skills are... I am on full strength and HP now with my solider... with the new formulas that most definitely wont be the case... so the new formulas are effecting it :D

Deleted User - 6799

I see you gave us 30 days premium, (thanks) but for what?
Still nothing of new formulas or other changes like rewards balancing etc
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Deleted User - 297

Is there anything happening or the whole fort formula came to a halt?


As a strong attacking set is coming in the next event, I would like to know if the set is kind of a "counter-balancing" act to the buffed towers and higher range malus. So an update about the next steps or the timeframe in which changes are pushed to live servers would be great.