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Feedback New Fort Battle formula feedback

Deleted User - 6799

Yeah, there are people around who were testing & giving feedback for almost 2 months. (Apart from IFBC)

But this Contest doesn't take that into account.

Deleted User - 6987

The smallest amount of Missed shoots during all Awesomia battles

Is it only me, who notices that for this you do not have to shoot a single time? What if I AFK 50 rounds inside the fort? Do I still win the above mentioned category because I did not miss a shot since I did not shoot anyone?

Deleted User - 6799

Well I noticed that but I didn't think they'd allow such thing, although a clarification/extra requirement would be good.

Or.. They could just say.. "Lowest Miss/Hit ratio"


We definitely need extra rewards only for attackers, because again, everyone will go to defence

Deleted User - 8330

+ we need extra rewards to who tested the formulas, who participated in many battles.

Deleted User - 6987

Tonight is the first Awesomia battle, could we get a clarification on the issue I presented earlier? Preferably before the fight starts...

Deleted User - 6799

+ The number of Defenders issue..
I thought, battles would overfill on both sides so we wouldn't face so big of an issue but that doesn't seem to be happening..

Of course they didn't take any precautions nor mentioned that they would.

Deleted User - 2582

You need to be online at least 20 rounds on every battle on which you participate to be eligible for the rewards. In case of a draw, we will take in consideration the inflicted damage in total.
With current 20-30 attackers on each battle I'm not sure battle will even last 20 rounds. :rolleyes:

Deleted User - 8330

You know that if you die, you won't appear online anymore.

Deleted User - 6799

Well good job. 29 rounds to end a Big fort with 200+ people, just wow.
One would expect Inno to learn a thing or two from previous Tests or whatever and take precautions but nope, nothing at all.

At this rate 5th battle should be like 10 Attackers v 120 Defenders and end in 3 rounds. Way to go.

I mean, apart from Contest not being fair, how are we supposed to get the best Test results while majority doesn't give a damn or you don't make sure things don't end up like this?!

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Deleted User - 297

Hi there,

We are testing what exactly now? How the balance in between the attackers and defenders? How the defenders can hold the towers? Well as far as I am concerned we are still using the OLD FORMULAS... So isn`t this a little bit pointless really? It will be totally different with the NEW FORMULAS...

So can someone explain it why are we doing this??? :D

Thanks Pimpa

Deleted User - 6799

and they can already give rewards to workers lol
Yea, Defender Workers can easily win both "Lowest Miss" and "Highest Dodge" ..
Nothing for Attackers..
We are testing what exactly now? How the balance in between the attackers and defenders? How the defenders can hold the towers? Well as far as I am concerned we are still using the OLD FORMULAS... So isn`t this a little bit pointless really? It will be totally different with the NEW FORMULAS...

So can someone explain it why are we doing this??? :D
I highly doubt that they know the answers, or will bother to answer for that matter.

I believe they first wanna move these changes to Normal servers as they seem to understand that all changes will take a good while to be completed at this snail speed of Small Dev Team (if there is a Team) which has too many things to fix and needs to prepare for "Big Plans"

But at this point I'm not sure if we are testing anything at all. Feels like pretending to be testing.
Because it will never give healthy results when both sides are far from being balanced.
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Deleted User - 6799

Hmm.. I appreciate the idea of special/extra rewards for Attackers, but how about poor Tanks who never get to mount anything?
They won't dodge as much as Defenders for sure and have absolute no chance to reach Top Damage :p

Ps. Could you give these rewards retrospectively too? Meaning 1st battle.
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hmm, one chance at 100 nuggets in the offence or 2 chances at 1000 / 250 / 100 nuggets in defence. Gonna be a tough choice again...

Deleted User - 9174

how do we know if we are one the 5 lucky people on attacking side to get a medal bag? and also when this is done how do we get our reward on the wrold we want it like the ff buffs lol cause as a advent i can see i have no chance at nugs on attacking side

Deleted User - 9174

so now it is over how do we get our free buffs? and advents totally suck now no ghosting dodging or hitting btw


First of all, Thank you very much for this game.

What I found very unfortunate is that the three fort battles were so fast after each other and that I could not play the last two because of the preparations for the evening meal.

Luckily I could always join the Awesomia fights. I understand that the three preceding fort battles had to be stopped as soon as possible.
I also know that there is a time difference between the participating countries.

Still, I thought it was a shame that fort battles were being held just around dinnertime.

Deleted User - 522

I'm taking it all in stride and I'm struggling with the different changes.
Could you please put after my post the latest versions of the formula being tested on this server.

Thanks a lot :)