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Feedback International Gold Rush V2


where is the list of winners, i cant find one
  1. Rewards:
    • 13.1. Rewards can be claimed to any market to an account which belongs to you.
    • 13.2. Nuggets rewards may be used on any world on that market, while for item rewards you will have to choose a specific world where you would like to receive them.
    • 13.3. Special 'Notes' apply under "Individual rewards".
    • 13.4. A player may win also in 'Individual' and 'Community' reward categories.
    • 13.5. Winners will be published on the forum at the latest 14 days after the event ends.
    • 13.6. In order to receive your rewards you will have to contact the Event Server Support Team through the support system after we publish the winners.
Now they can announce sooner but it is always best to plan on them taking the full amount they give themselves, now if they still don't announce after 14 days(May 24) then maybe start gathering the mob with pitchforks to remind the castle dwellers that you're still waiting.

blade 350

Translated into English by Google el.previous message

You speak perfect Spanish, friend, don't play dumb, trying to take advantage of the translation to try to misrepresent what one says, I'll make it clearer anyway, that script you named Doddy, deddy, teddy2 or whatever it's called, will It allows you to determine what percentage of job motivation you want a Buff to charge to bring it back to 100 percent motivation, and it already comes from the factory at 75 percent, which is weird just when the experience gained in that job begins to decrease, what geniuses they are with teddy2 you always work at full motivation. And I am so, so new as you say that I ask you to add the results that you obtained in all the speeds that you participated together with those that Blade obtained and if they reach at least half of those that I obtained, I am a declared newbie.
Another thing I don't need three options, with the first one I already got it right, you already gave the clue, you were changing your diaper my friend, a great experienced player of The West. a hug
https://forum.the-west.net/index.php?threads/14th-birthday-speed-winners.60842/ - https://prnt.sc/8glg2Usl-kqs
https://forum.the-west.net/index.php?threads/the-secret-project-speed-server.60976/ https://prnt.sc/zqfewAfY2V7C
https://forum.the-west.net/index.php?threads/holiday-speed-2022-premium-free.61187/ https://prnt.sc/pKzESEhqXdeV
https://forum.the-west.net/index.php?threads/15th-birthday-speed-winners.61367/ https://prnt.sc/rKjhrsRqP7Em
https://forum.the-west.net/index.php?threads/speed-server-road-runner.58810/ https://prnt.sc/LKNBdeS-ToIl

Now you are newbie ;)
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No entiendo mucho tu cantidad de link solo dime cuantos ganaste amigo, estuve mirando un poco que tal jugaste este último speed, pude ver que jugabas 20 horas de 24 prácticamente todos los días,
Con teddy2, el próximo quizás juegues 22 de 24, sos un amante del juego le dedicas tu vida, así cualquiera gana jaja, felicidades, vives del the West ya que participas en todos los speed y juegas seguramente también como el último, que tiempo tienes, te felicito ni una máquina podría más que un humano como tú.

View attachment 266
Que premios te dieron con los speed, para festejar tu gran habilidad de jugar entre 20 y 21 horas por día en cada Speed, inclusive mejor que jugar con un bots, te nominare para el libro Guinness de resistencia sentado ante una compu horas y horas y horas. al menos es lo que creen los que te dan premios, yo te veo más como un profesional del teddy1 y su evolución teddy2.

Para la fiesta de tu premiación, me vestire así, elegante como te mereces.


Lmao if you think you need to sit hours and hours to win at Achievement rank you should rethink about deleting your account. We get it @toto70 you are frustrated that you didn't win , nothing in this life is easy , I don't know how you grew up or how they taught you but you don't get what you don't deserve with being a crybaby ( maybe if you are a baby , but are you? )

Accept that you are a noob, accept that you lost and try harder next time. Your spamming here will not do anything, you are actually becoming annoying as well. Go meditate and maybe train yourself for the next speed server.

Everytime you make a comment you become more noob than before.



If a noob like you can win full Gringo then we should consider starting playing in .ES . Seems to me there's full of noobs there.
Jaja este es mi último post amigo, vente al the west.es, ahí te esperamos, pero te comento que el teddy2 no funciona en español, debes pedir que lo actualicen para antes entrar al the west de los honestos y no tramposos como ustedes y que hace más de un año nuestro manager JaDiaz, informo de la prohibición del uso de los Scripts, y los miembros de la comunidad la acatamos, es por eso que no usamos pretextos baratos cuando nos bananean por tramposos, un abrazoooo, este novato se despide amigo solo te repito si le engañaron a los organizadores del Evento con sus mentiras, a mí no.


Haha this is my last post friend, come to the west.es, we'll wait for you there, but I'm telling you that teddy2 doesn't work in Spanish, you must ask them to update it before entering the west of the honest and not cheaters like you and that more than a year ago our manager JaDiaz, informed of the prohibition of the use of the Scripts, and the members of the community abide by it, that is why we do not use cheap excuses when they ban us for cheats, a hug, this rookie says goodbye friend, I only repeat to you if they deceived the organizers of the Event with their lies, not me.

blade 350

Lmao if you think you need to sit hours and hours to win at Achievement rank you should rethink about deleting your account. We get it @toto70 you are frustrated that you didn't win , nothing in this life is easy , I don't know how you grew up or how they taught you but you don't get what you don't deserve with being a crybaby ( maybe if you are a baby , but are you? )

Accept that you are a noob, accept that you lost and try harder next time. Your spamming here will not do anything, you are actually becoming annoying as well. Go meditate and maybe train yourself for the next speed server.

Everytime you make a comment you become more noob than before.

Sure for win achievement category you need cheating ofc haha, some of the events didnt even reach 25k jobs done. And 3 years ago there was Dobby pro 4 I used it to be 2nd in xp rank :D I tried to translate his post and I got it, I played 20h everyday during this event but I reached only 81k jobs, would like to know where I did mistake :D with 20h a day I would have done around 120k jobs :D

Still waiting for my stastistical data and also I would like to see data of antonio :D

Fun fact: player who got banned for more than 24h accusing me for something while I didnt get banned at all.
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