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Feedback International Gold Rush V2

blade 350

Interesting way of keeping notes since you are using a PC/Laptop you should've been able to do it on that much faster ( though if that's how it's better for you , then good for you )

Doc Weber got banned 1 hour before the world ended but we won't know what happened between him and the support team , maybe they un-banned him or maybe they didn't, we will find out when they officially publish the winners, so there goes one of your targets , maybe post notes of myself , blade and all top9 including yourself?
I wanna see statistics about me, especially when toto had approx 8-10k jobs less than me. Especially, when I had only 337,5h out of ~672h. And still waiting for screenshot or link about my posted videos, which I deleted later ofc. Btw mr. toto, I won 2nd place in xp rank 3 years ago on net server when dobby didnt exist. Do you know how many times I got banned during that event? 0. Here? 0. Guess you are already winning against me. Btw feel free to ask players like rel1, Mr. Anonymus but also uchiha, weber, willow that I replied all the time immediately in whispers and also were chatting a lot in whispers with them. Let me check if dobby is able to chat as well. Funny how you're accusing all top players in xp rank (you were between them, at 8th place, 6th in case doc and shmekero will stay banned), you had almost same amount of jobs done like me, uchiha and velier, but only you are the most honest player here with knowledge about everything.


Friend, I don't know if you were always online and you answered whispers, I know you whispered to me and you asked me my age and I told you 16, you also told me that the Velier player's only advantage was his weapon and that the Uchiha player simply cheated, I don't I forgot, I'm also going to fulfill the Uchiha's request first and I'm going to raise the data of his experience acquired from a couple of days, since he forgot that I work more than 24 hours. without stopping, and also take advantage of it so that he also raises the data of the player who finished in the first place, since he assured in the beta that it was an autoclikar, how does he know?, how can he prove it?, another thing I bet my player and I ask the support to delete my accounts if what the support actually detected was the presence of the Gold and Silver script, I assure you that what, I assure you that what it detects are constant impulses every 15 seconds, or an activity after producing cuts in the signal, never but never that your Uchiha the three times you were suspended were just a script that you forgot to disconnect as you say in all your protests In the beta forum, your friend cheated, and those stories that you played at dawn with another ip, just because you were at work, not even your grandmother believes you, and what kind of job do you have to be able to work all day alone? giving a computer with jobs of 15 sec. during all business hours.

blade 350

Friend, I don't know if you were always online and you answered whispers, I know you whispered to me and you asked me my age and I told you 16, you also told me that the Velier player's only advantage was his weapon and that the Uchiha player simply cheated, I don't I forgot, I'm also going to fulfill the Uchiha's request first and I'm going to raise the data of his experience acquired from a couple of days, since he forgot that I work more than 24 hours. without stopping, and also take advantage of it so that he also raises the data of the player who finished in the first place, since he assured in the beta that it was an autoclikar, how does he know?, how can he prove it?, another thing I bet my player and I ask the support to delete my accounts if what the support actually detected was the presence of the Gold and Silver script, I assure you that what, I assure you that what it detects are constant impulses every 15 seconds, or an activity after producing cuts in the signal, never but never that your Uchiha the three times you were suspended were just a script that you forgot to disconnect as you say in all your protests In the beta forum, your friend cheated, and those stories that you played at dawn with another ip, just because you were at work, not even your grandmother believes you, and what kind of job do you have to be able to work all day alone? giving a computer with jobs of 15 sec. during all business hours.
First of all, study english because I dont understand a sht, second of all, it's not your business what kind of job have someone else, third of all, stop with bs.
another thing I bet my player and I ask the support to delete my accounts
it means you have more accounts or account sharing or what ? :p

Btw, I played with different IP as well, I asked about that of support (GM) and he said it's okay, that he's doing same, connecting from different IPs. I don't care about your grandmother btw what she's thinking
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hahaha I never said that I speak English even in another message I explained that I only translate what I write, if you are interested I speak and write German, Spanish and Italian perfectly. (I am Italian, I was born in South America and I have been living and working in Austria for 15 years), I understand a lot of your English, but I speak little or nothing, and I write it even less, but now I see that you defend your Uchiha friend and in the Event you told me that I was cheating, how quickly you adjust to where it suits you

blade 350

hahaha I never said that I speak English even in another message I explained that I only translate what I write, if you are interested I speak and write German, Spanish and Italian perfectly. (I am Italian, I was born in South America and I have been living and working in Austria for 15 years), I understand a lot of your English, but I speak little or nothing, and I write it even less, but now I see that you defend your Uchiha friend and in the Event you told me that I was cheating, how quickly you adjust to where it suits you
I dont defend anyone, just your words have no sense, I would say all you saying are just empty words either numbers or whatever.


No use arguing, it was all set up from the beginning for JWillow to win, she was the only one with so much work done, so many hours played and never once was she banged up for even one hour!


We were all banned, and I personally did not even reply to my ticket with proof until an hour before the end of the event.


Ahí tenés amigo Uchiha o felixzey, ya no sé cómo te llamas y después dices que te banearon por un script de oro y plata, como esto es solo para vos, lo escribo en español, tu que crees que mentía, no pensaba más decir nada pero como tú insistes, SOS un tramposo y ahí está la prueba

blade 350

Hahaha 30h out of 48h, are you serious? Do you need more than 18h of sleeping ? I had more hours of 15s in 48h than him :D

Playing for 30h without break is nothing, if you are weak, don't play xp category. Everything above 48h+ without break is becoming more and more suspicious. Your proof is nothing. There's no rule about spending time in game without break, you can play for 30h whenever you want and it's possible to do it once/twice during one month without cheating. Otherwise your body says stop. Playing for 16-18h a day per month also possible. It's not ours problem that you werent able to find more time :p
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Hahaha 30h out of 48h, are you serious? Do you need more than 18h of sleeping ? I had more hours of 15s in 48h than him :D
No he is saying that I was working from 27.04 15:00 until 28.04 21:00 so basically I was working for 30 hours then got banned for 17 hours ( not true btw I got banned for 8) , but it's true I was working for 30 hours and that's the day I got banned, I was talking with both Doc and toto but I guess he doesn't remember, he was asking me how it's possible to be online so many hours and I explained to him that today I will try to spam as many 15s as possible. They both knew it , they both reported me and I got logged out on a very bad timing and because of late relogin I was banned but anyways. The "proof" that you posted toto shows nothing. I can show you proof of Rumano and you will see what proof means.


This is him doing 15s for 72 hours. At some point it skips some hours but the player was still clicking just my friends laptop got shutdown so he didn't get the data for those hours.

This is proof toto , 30 hours of playing is like a game to me , I can go even 48 hours and still get unbanned because you know why? I'm clean , when you do the job I do and have access of computer/laptop almost every hour of your day then you can understand how easy is to do 15s for very long time.


Age Mr. Toto, I believe you are 53 years old, considering the number 70 in your nickname. I'm 52 years old, these young devils must be between 20-35 years old and they can, we 50+ category can't stand it anymore. By the way, if you want some footage from the game, I have the whole game filmed, I deleted some of the posts when Doc Weber passed me like a speeding train... I don't speak English, I use google translate


1684337352624.jpgAmigo Uchida o felixzey solo a manera de hacerte recordar que el día 18 de abril posteaste este mensaje en el forum del beta, dónde aclarabas que ninguna persona podía estar jugando todo el día y durmiendo solamente tres o cuatro horas, y dijiste que el jugador JWillow, probablemente padecía insomnio, porque jugaba de esa manera, pero tan pronto cambiaste de parecer de acuerdo a tu convenencia, vos jugaste 30 horas seguidas sin dormir y no es que dejaste de jugar, sino que te banearon o sino quien sabe quizás hoy estábamos hablando de un récord Guinness, ahhh y para aclarar yo dije 30 horas seguidas no 30 de 48, que es una cosa totalmente diferente, dijiste que te banearon por tercera vez, tercera vez, tercera vez, tercera vez, porque hubo un corte, cierre del juego o como quieras llamarlo y no te conectate enseguida, te comento que el corte fue después de las 21:00, tanto en el saloon y en privado ya habíamos hablado entre jugadores de tu baneada, amigo te banearon antes como media hora antes o algo así y venís acá a querer mentirnos, en ese corte hubo muchísimos baneados, pero vos no, tu ya estabas baneado y recuperaste por tercera, por tercera, por tercera vez tu cuenta a las 8 horas decís, o sea te la devolvieron alrededor de las 4 o 5 de la madrugada, que buen contacto o amigo debes tener para que te devuelvan a esa hora, pero me es más interesante que luego de esforzarte no dormir, no irte al baño, no cambiarte, durante 30 horas, esperes unas 9 horas más para empezar a jugar de nuevo, que raro que sos, sos único amigo, te banearon solo 8 horas pero empezaste a jugar a 17 horas después recién.
Bueno de ustedes se puede esperar todo, conocen los nombres de Bots, de Scripts que juegan por uno, no necesitas que estees presente, le das los trabajos que querés que haga, inclusive pude observar que también le cargas ropa para moverte y para trabajar y que inclusive podés darle motivación al trabajo automáticamente.
También pueden trabajar todas las madrugadas y seguir trabajando por la mañana y tarde sin problema, y eso sin excepción todos ustedes lo hacen algo que en el servidor the west.es no existe, hay que juegan de madrugada hasta tarde, y después duermen toda la mañana,
También pueden ser baneados por más de dos veces y volver a recuperar su cuenta.
Y ahora para completar son capaces de jugar 30 horas seguidas, son una excepción de la especie humana, rompen todas las reglas de lo normal y además alardean que eso no es nada y que el resto o sea algo como el 97 porciento de los demás jugadores somos débiles, y mejor no participemos nomás por inútiles.

Amigo para terminar, vos crees que mereces algún premio en un evento donde has sido baneado 3 veces, y te vuelvo a dejar en tus manos todos los jugadores que tengo en este juego, le pido a los encargados que eliminen todas mis cuentas, si es que en realidad la empresa a invertido dinero para poder descubrir cuando un/unos jugador/es usan un script común que no afecta demasiado a la jugabilidad y no realiza las acciones que debería realizar los jugadores, ejemplos: Trabajos en Oro y Plata, Inventarios, Buff, etc., etc, lo que detecta y por ende bananea automáticamente el sistema son acciones llamativa. Tirar trabajos cada 15 seg. exactamente (como realizan los Autoclip) por horas, seguir dándoles trabajos cuando ya se llenaron los nueve por varias veces, acciones erróneas, cosas fuera de lo normal, etc., y te banearon las 3 veces por esa actividad errónea no porque tenías el script de Oro y Plata, como tú dices que fue la primera vez, tampoco por dejar abierto en tu computadora y no en el juego sin querer tus Script o el programa que los administra, algo así dijiste en el forum que por eso te banearon la segunda vez, es muy raro porque los Script se abren solo en dónde los instalaste a no ser que los hayas bloquedo antes,.
Y mucho menos fuiste baneado la tercera vez por el corte de señal o como quieras llamarlo que no te conectaste rápidamente, ya te informe más arriba que en realidad a vos ya te banearon antes, no estabas dentro del grupo grande de baneados por el corte, pero como no estabas, pero tú jugador si, no te diste cuenta, un abrazoooo amigo, no quiero decir que seas mentiroso, pero lo aparentas, y como decía Blade en el Evento, hacías trampa.


Translated into English by Google el.previous message

Friend Uchida or felixzey just to remind you that on April 18 you posted this message in the beta forum, where you clarified that no person could be playing all day and sleeping only three or four hours, and you said that the player JWillow , he probably suffered from insomnia, because he played that way, but as soon as you changed your mind according to your convenience, you played 30 hours straight without sleeping and it's not that you stopped playing, but that you were banned or who knows maybe today we were talking of a Guinness record, ahhh and to clarify I said 30 hours in a row not 30 out of 48, which is a totally different thing, you said that you were banned for the third time, third time, third time, third time, because there was a cut, closure of the game or whatever you want to call it and don't connect right away, I'm telling you that the cut was after 9:00 p.m., both in the lounge and in private we had already talked to players about your ban, friend, you were banned about half an hour before or something like this and you come here to want to lie to us, in that cut there were many banned, but not you, you were already banned and you recovered your account for the third, third, third time at 8 o'clock, you say, they returned it to you around 4 or 5 in the morning, what a good contact or friend you must have to be returned at that time, but it is more interesting to me that after making an effort not to sleep, not to go to the bathroom, not to change, for 30 hours, wait about 9 hours more to start playing again, how strange that you are, you are the only friend, they only banned you 8 hours but you only started playing 17 hours later.
Well, you can expect everything, you know the names of the Bots, of the Scripts that play for you, you don't need to be present, you give it the jobs you want it to do, I could even observe that you also load clothes to move and work and that you can even give motivation to work automatically.
You can also work every morning and continue working in the morning and afternoon without problem, and without exception all of you do something that doesn't exist on the west.es server, you have to play from dawn until late, and then sleep all night tomorrow,
They can also get banned more than twice and get their account back.
And now to complete it they are able to play 30 hours straight, they are an exception to the human species, they break all the normal rules and they also boast that this is nothing and that the rest is something like 97 percent of the other players we are weak, and we better not participate just because we are useless.

Friend to finish, you think you deserve a prize in an event where you have been banned 3 times, and I will leave all the players I have in this game in your hands, I ask the managers to delete all my accounts, if necessary that in reality the company has invested money to be able to discover when a/some player/s use a common script that does not affect the gameplay too much and does not perform the actions that the players should perform, examples: Gold and Silver Jobs, Inventories, Buff, etc., etc., what it detects and therefore automatically bans the system are striking actions. Throw jobs every 15 sec. exactly (as the Autoclips do) for hours, keep giving them jobs when the nine are full for several times, wrong actions, things out of the ordinary, etc., and they banned you 3 times for that wrong activity not because you had the script of Gold and Silver, as you say it was the first time, neither for leaving open on your computer and not in the game without wanting your Script or the program that manages them, you said something like that in the forum that's why they banned you the second time Sometimes, it is very rare because the Scripts open only where you installed them unless you have blocked them before.
And much less you were banned the third time due to the signal cut or whatever you want to call it that you did not connect quickly, I already informed you above that in reality you were already banned before, you were not among the large group of those banned by the cut, but since you weren't there, but you player did, you didn't realize it, a hug my friend, I don't want to say that you're a liar, but you pretend to be, and as Blade said in the Event, you were cheating.

blade 350

View attachment 265Amigo Uchida o felixzey solo a manera de hacerte recordar que el día 18 de abril posteaste este mensaje en el forum del beta, dónde aclarabas que ninguna persona podía estar jugando todo el día y durmiendo solamente tres o cuatro horas, y dijiste que el jugador JWillow, probablemente padecía insomnio, porque jugaba de esa manera, pero tan pronto cambiaste de parecer de acuerdo a tu convenencia, vos jugaste 30 horas seguidas sin dormir y no es que dejaste de jugar, sino que te banearon o sino quien sabe quizás hoy estábamos hablando de un récord Guinness, ahhh y para aclarar yo dije 30 horas seguidas no 30 de 48, que es una cosa totalmente diferente, dijiste que te banearon por tercera vez, tercera vez, tercera vez, tercera vez, porque hubo un corte, cierre del juego o como quieras llamarlo y no te conectate enseguida, te comento que el corte fue después de las 21:00, tanto en el saloon y en privado ya habíamos hablado entre jugadores de tu baneada, amigo te banearon antes como media hora antes o algo así y venís acá a querer mentirnos, en ese corte hubo muchísimos baneados, pero vos no, tu ya estabas baneado y recuperaste por tercera, por tercera, por tercera vez tu cuenta a las 8 horas decís, o sea te la devolvieron alrededor de las 4 o 5 de la madrugada, que buen contacto o amigo debes tener para que te devuelvan a esa hora, pero me es más interesante que luego de esforzarte no dormir, no irte al baño, no cambiarte, durante 30 horas, esperes unas 9 horas más para empezar a jugar de nuevo, que raro que sos, sos único amigo, te banearon solo 8 horas pero empezaste a jugar a 17 horas después recién.
Bueno de ustedes se puede esperar todo, conocen los nombres de Bots, de Scripts que juegan por uno, no necesitas que estees presente, le das los trabajos que querés que haga, inclusive pude observar que también le cargas ropa para moverte y para trabajar y que inclusive podés darle motivación al trabajo automáticamente.
También pueden trabajar todas las madrugadas y seguir trabajando por la mañana y tarde sin problema, y eso sin excepción todos ustedes lo hacen algo que en el servidor the west.es no existe, hay que juegan de madrugada hasta tarde, y después duermen toda la mañana,
También pueden ser baneados por más de dos veces y volver a recuperar su cuenta.
Y ahora para completar son capaces de jugar 30 horas seguidas, son una excepción de la especie humana, rompen todas las reglas de lo normal y además alardean que eso no es nada y que el resto o sea algo como el 97 porciento de los demás jugadores somos débiles, y mejor no participemos nomás por inútiles.

Amigo para terminar, vos crees que mereces algún premio en un evento donde has sido baneado 3 veces, y te vuelvo a dejar en tus manos todos los jugadores que tengo en este juego, le pido a los encargados que eliminen todas mis cuentas, si es que en realidad la empresa a invertido dinero para poder descubrir cuando un/unos jugador/es usan un script común que no afecta demasiado a la jugabilidad y no realiza las acciones que debería realizar los jugadores, ejemplos: Trabajos en Oro y Plata, Inventarios, Buff, etc., etc, lo que detecta y por ende bananea automáticamente el sistema son acciones llamativa. Tirar trabajos cada 15 seg. exactamente (como realizan los Autoclip) por horas, seguir dándoles trabajos cuando ya se llenaron los nueve por varias veces, acciones erróneas, cosas fuera de lo normal, etc., y te banearon las 3 veces por esa actividad errónea no porque tenías el script de Oro y Plata, como tú dices que fue la primera vez, tampoco por dejar abierto en tu computadora y no en el juego sin querer tus Script o el programa que los administra, algo así dijiste en el forum que por eso te banearon la segunda vez, es muy raro porque los Script se abren solo en dónde los instalaste a no ser que los hayas bloquedo antes,.
Y mucho menos fuiste baneado la tercera vez por el corte de señal o como quieras llamarlo que no te conectaste rápidamente, ya te informe más arriba que en realidad a vos ya te banearon antes, no estabas dentro del grupo grande de baneados por el corte, pero como no estabas, pero tú jugador si, no te diste cuenta, un abrazoooo amigo, no quiero decir que seas mentiroso, pero lo aparentas, y como decía Blade en el Evento, hacías trampa.
I'm just curious why don't you speak also about antonio with 115k jobs done in one month, banned 2 or 3 times. All the time you are speaking only about uchiha with 82-83k jobs done. You must be possessed by him. :D


but it is more interesting to me that after making an effort not to sleep, not to go to the bathroom, not to change, for 30 hours, wait about 9 hours more to start playing again, how strange that you are, you are the only friend, they only banned you 8 hours but you only started playing 17 hours later.
Oh my god you must have cameras on my home and you can see that I don't eat change or go to bathroom, sure man , I wear a diaper when I play The-West speed servers so I can shit and piss myself without having to waste any time going to the bathroom. Can you guess why I made 17 hours after the ban to continue playing? I will give you 3 chances.

could even observe that you also load clothes to move and work and that you can even give motivation to work automatically.
after this comment here I now know that you are 100% a total noob. I also didn't know that there's a motivation to make us work automatically? Wow


Oh my god you must have cameras on my home and you can see that I don't eat change or go to bathroom, sure man , I wear a diaper when I play The-West speed servers so I can shit and piss myself without having to waste any time going to the bathroom. Can you guess why I made 17 hours after the ban to continue playing? I will give you 3 chances.

after this comment here I now know that you are 100% a total noob. I also didn't know that there's a motivation to make us work automatically? Wowo
Hablas perfecto español amigo, no te hagas el tontito, tratando de aprovecharte de la traducción para tratar de tergiversar lo que uno dice, de todas maneras lo hago más claro, ese script que vos nombraste Doddy, deddy, teddy2 o como se llame, te permite que determines a qué porcentaje de motivación al trabajo deseas que le cargue un Buff para que vuelva de nuevo al 100 porciento de motivación, y ya viene de fábrica al 75 porciento, que raro justo cuando empieza a disminuir la experiencia adquirida en ese trabajo, que genios son con teddy2 siempre trabajas a full motivación. Y soy tan pero tan novato como dices que te pido que sumes los resultados que obtuviste en todos los speed que participaste junto con los que obtuvo Blade y si llegan a por lo menos a la mitad de los que yo conseguí, Soy un novato declarado.
Otra cosa no necesito tres opciones, con la primera ya la acierto, total ya diste la pista, te estabas cambiando el pañal mi amigo, gran jugador experimentado de The West. Un abrazoo


Translated into English by Google el.previous message

You speak perfect Spanish, friend, don't play dumb, trying to take advantage of the translation to try to misrepresent what one says, I'll make it clearer anyway, that script you named Doddy, deddy, teddy2 or whatever it's called, will It allows you to determine what percentage of job motivation you want a Buff to charge to bring it back to 100 percent motivation, and it already comes from the factory at 75 percent, which is weird just when the experience gained in that job begins to decrease, what geniuses they are with teddy2 you always work at full motivation. And I am so, so new as you say that I ask you to add the results that you obtained in all the speeds that you participated together with those that Blade obtained and if they reach at least half of those that I obtained, I am a declared newbie.
Another thing I don't need three options, with the first one I already got it right, you already gave the clue, you were changing your diaper my friend, a great experienced player of The West. a hug