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Feedback International Gold Rush V2


Like always, the west the definition of TRASH , I Log in, level 1 and get banned for nothing :)))) , I hit like 15 seconds 4 time, afk for 2 hours and ban.
You can not use the tw calc? Thats a fucking free script :))) :)
Im surprised so little people are reading the rules before starting it says USING SCRIPTS, that means any script at all

  1. As of the game rules, using scripts, bots and macros is prohibited, especially, but not limited to tools which automatically do jobs and/or find higher income jobs or provide an unfair advantage in another way. Players using such tools risk receiving a global ban, which will prevent them from participating in our upcoming events.


Im surprised so little people are reading the rules before starting it says USING SCRIPTS, that means any script at all

  1. As of the game rules, using scripts, bots and macros is prohibited, especially, but not limited to tools which automatically do jobs and/or find higher income jobs or provide an unfair advantage in another way. Players using such tools risk receiving a global ban, which will prevent them from participating in our upcoming events.
I didnt use anything, I hit 15 seconds 4 times, and got afk after , didnt do any silver jobs or anything like that.


Im surprised so little people are reading the rules before starting it says USING SCRIPTS, that means any script at all

  1. As of the game rules, using scripts, bots and macros is prohibited, especially, but not limited to tools which automatically do jobs and/or find higher income jobs or provide an unfair advantage in another way. Players using such tools risk receiving a global ban, which will prevent them from participating in our upcoming events.
I would say using and installed are two different words. Also there're some allowed scripts and players been banned for that as well. Like dark said, logged, did 4x 15s and logged out, after 2 hours back, banned. Lvl under 10, who done 4 jobs im pretty sure used for example silver jobs or whatever. Just logged in from browser where these scripts are installed thats all.

guy incognito

Im surprised so little people are reading the rules before starting it says USING SCRIPTS, that means any script at all

  1. As of the game rules, using scripts, bots and macros is prohibited, especially, but not limited to tools which automatically do jobs and/or find higher income jobs or provide an unfair advantage in another way. Players using such tools risk receiving a global ban, which will prevent them from participating in our upcoming events.
They banned me and others even when first thing we did on the world was disabling all scripts on the event world and reload the page so no script can be used. So basically they banned for having scripts not for using scripts.
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Im surprised so little people are reading the rules before starting it says USING SCRIPTS, that means any script at all

  1. As of the game rules, using scripts, bots and macros is prohibited, especially, but not limited to tools which automatically do jobs and/or find higher income jobs or provide an unfair advantage in another way. Players using such tools risk receiving a global ban, which will prevent them from participating in our upcoming events.
Scripts have been part of the game for years , some scripts actually show stats that the game doesn't but it should've. Nevermind this , if you don't want scripts , you let your playerbase know about this so players wont come with any scripts and if they come then do what you have to do.

The issue here is not really the scripts though, the issue here is that a GM USES THE SAME SCRIPT ( gold/silver job findings ) a GM but gets unbanned twice?

I get it , InnoGames finally came up with anti-cheat/Anti-Script detection or whatever, bravo you finally did it , but you cannot simply show Double standards because of GM's, that's very sad and very shameful.


Yeah you got banned for using Gold Jobs Finder( get it ) , but why to get banned using tw calc that show you what mission you had done :)))

col. phillips

So we can just say "Thank you team"... for another destroyed and poorly organized event :D

/idk if you want to completely destroy this game, but as a players you should be familiar with the state of the game and the contribution of useful and harmless scripts like TWIR etc. They improve the gameplay and controls, bringing the game at least a little up to date and replacing the work of your three lazy part-time developers


Can someone answer the damn tickets? I didnt even made level 2, i just log in into the world and got banned,..
Iulianp is more focused on reading the forum rather than answering to tickets , is there any other supporter available at all? Or is just 1 supporter like always, are you running short staffed InnoGames? An event like this need at least 5 supporters to answer tickets , not 1 or 2 :)

col. phillips

It´s funny that you can´t play with lvl 1 character and around a hour ago one troll posts screenshots to saloon to show GMs he´s using bot, he admitted, laughed at them and they continued to ignore it... :D:D:D

Alice Kingsleigh

Anyway, you can say whatever you want, you will always get the following answer: "Using a script" or "The system detects that you have a TW script active".

It doesn't matter if you used it or not, without looking at the history of what you did in the game, just having it enabled in your browser extension without even touching it gets you banned, after that you can dance on your head, you won't get anything, except Lily...


What prevented those responsible from writing a topic in the saloon chat that ALL scripts must be deactivated?
Before the first one was banned?
Where have you left your humanity?


Back to our questions which I think it's time for @Syntex to answer.

Why is a GM using gold/silver script and pretending that she didn't know that it's illegal? A GM doesn't know what Script is illegal and what not really? Are we 6 years old to believe that?

Why is that same GM un-banned , playing without anyone bothering her and doing whatever she wants but all other players who got banned EXACTLY FOR THE SAME REASON are still banned and some people havent even got their tickets answered.

Something to finish off , Lily is an Event Manager , an Event Manager doesn't know what scripts are legal and illegal to use? Hahahahaahahahaha. You should really check the people that you have in your teams honestly.

Deleted User - 10193

Back to our questions which I think it's time for @Syntex to answer.

Why is a GM using gold/silver script and pretending that she didn't know that it's illegal? A GM doesn't know what Script is illegal and what not really? Are we 6 years old to believe that?

Why is that same GM un-banned , playing without anyone bothering her and doing whatever she wants but all other players who got banned EXACTLY FOR THE SAME REASON are still banned and some people havent even got their tickets answered.

Something to finish off , Lily is an Event Manager , an Event Manager doesn't know what scripts are legal and illegal to use? Hahahahaahahahaha. You should really check the people that you have in your teams honestly.
During speed events on net. server they werent able to ban players 24/7 spamming of 15s for a week or longer. From what I see now, guess they didnt know if it's legal or illegal. After spamming support to check these players the answer was same all the time, we will investigate it....and nothing. :)


If it became possible to automatically ban everyone who uses scripts for the browser, why is it necessary to immediately ban? Why can't you warn and make a full-screen banner when you enter the game that prevents you from playing until you turn off the scripts? Is it harder than giving out autobans?


I don't know if some actual feedback is allowed, or if they are all still moaning about getting banned for bots and silver job scripts, but the reskill potions are just a bit too expensive imo.


Event Coordinator
Community Manager
Dear Players,

First of all, please let me remind you that discussing appeals is not possible on the forum. So if you would like to appeal your ban, please contact us and we will review your situation.

Demanding moderation processes is also not possible, so please if you have a problem, address us directly on the support. But spreading defaming content and ban appeal information and other information related to breach of rules of players will not be tolerated here.

Although I understand you frustration, so let me clarify the situation as much possible. Players who have been detected of using or having active scripts, bots which are considered illegal could have faced punishments, these punishments may differ based on the circumstances. Also, when appealing, our team will carefully check the evidences and make decisions based on it. Of course, when someone did not use it at all can expect a more flexible approach. I would like to ask you, that even if your ban appeal was rejected, ask the ticket to be delegated to me, and I will be more than happy to review your situation. However, because of the higher demand, please allow me some time to do so.

Regarding your concerns about one of our team member, I would like to assure you that they have been treated the same way as everyone, the fact that their ticket may have been answered sooner can be purely because someone may have opened it sooner as their name was familiar of obvious reasons. While I understand that in case of a Speed server response time is crucial, please also understand that we are not a non-stop support, and some cases can take up to 48 hours to be answered. Receiving an answer may differ based on every case, some cases require more time or even review from other personal in order to make the best decision for your situation.

Thank you for your understanding!

Please if you have more questions or concerns about this topic, feel free to contact us on the support.

Best regards,