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Feedback International Gold Rush V2


Yes you are able to refund online purchases in EU for no reason in 14 days I guess, I think InnoGames has 3 months in their terms of use.


I dont care.. they ban me they ban me. 1 less player to play this dead game



They absolutely failed with those autobans for scripts LMAO
That's InnoGames mentality, you simply warn the player first and if they don't take action then you can ban them , banning so many players for just using scripts is stupid. Everyone should be compensated or be given an extra XP bonus or whatever just a compensation because honestly this is the biggest joke I have ever seen in this game.

I am just very curious as to why a GM can be unbanned twice but a normal player who used the same script as the GM should wait 1 days or don't get any answer at all? Is this actually fair? Or is InnoGames trying to make their GM's win?


some comms allow scripts
if you log in and deactivate all scripts
you still get banned without using any
so the script detector is as always with everything from inno buged as hell
doesn't surprise me a bit
all new things from inno are useless or bugged
BTW they dont have any script detector they just refresh your profile and check if you do silver jobs
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Alice Kingsleigh

I say it's outrageous !
There should be no difference.
I didn't use a script, I just forgot to disable The west calc script, a script I found on the .net forum.
Ok, the rules are: no script, but the error is human.
If they had looked at my actions on the game, they would have seen that I didn't use anything illegal.
Double standards.
It's not fair !

Oh yes, I've been working on some silver corn, a job I found on my way, my apologies, I shouldn't have touched it :D


I say it's outrageous !
There should be no difference.
I didn't use a script, I just forgot to disable The west calc script, a script I found on the .net forum.
Ok, the rules are: no script, but the error is human.
If they had looked at my actions on the game, they would have seen that I didn't use anything illegal.
Double standards.
It's not fair !

Oh yes, I've been working on some silver corn, a job I found on my way, my apologies, I shouldn't have touched it :D
Same here, we havent even played for hour, quests and first jobs all I've been doing during that hour. Rules saying "using scripts or any other illegal ways" and we havent even used any of them doesnt matter if legal or illegal. I just have scripts in my browser that's all. If they would have warned us that before log in we should disable all scripts, I have no problem with that. But in this way it's just a joke :D


Our system detected that you are using automatic find of gold works.

Okay InnoGames , why is Lily getting unbanned twice but we have to wait 24 hours?

GM's getting love from InnoGames , oh so sweet and lovely.

DOUBLE STANDARDS, they want their GM's to win so they don't bother giving you any prizes.


Like always, the west the definition of TRASH , I Log in, level 1 and get banned for nothing :)))) , I hit like 15 seconds 4 time, afk for 2 hours and ban.
You can not use the tw calc? Thats a fucking free script :))) :)