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Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4


Best of luck to RO2 and PL2 , let the best strategy minds win.

GR1-2 will come even stronger next time hoping we don't actually die as a community based on the amount of players we are left with.
It seems like this is the second time the Infinite Tsukuyomi has failed for you, Madara, huh?

Jokes aside, thanks a lot! I am honored to play in a tournament with such friendly and fun players like you, the Greeks, and many others, especially the strongest team, in my opinion—the CZ team. Tournaments without toxicity are beautiful and enjoyable to participate in.

Let the strongest team win, no matter which one it is! (Also, it depends on which player gets the blessing of the RNGod).


No one from 3rd place battle was still oficially asked to choose a side in our upcoming series.

There is 17 hours left until deadline.

My previous message here was ignored even though one of the moderators even participated in this thread since.

I believe we hold the right to choose side with better win percentage, so I just want to repeat here we have already sent ticket to you, choosing side for our first battle.


Jokes aside, thanks a lot! I am honored to play in a tournament with such friendly and fun players like you, the Greeks, and many others, especially the strongest team, in my opinion—the CZ team. Tournaments without toxicity are beautiful and enjoyable to participate in.
Thanks for the recognition, Succuboy. The tournament was very intense for us, and we're trying to do our best. Despite a bit of oversight from the organizers and the overall extension of the tournament, it has really grown on me. I find the overall concept of the tournament great and comprehensive. Otherwise, may the best win, and good luck to everyone still fighting for something.


kinda ridiculous that the most important battles of the tournament are supposed to start in 20 hours and still nothing... please next time if you dont have time to make a tournament, then just dont do it, we are here already for almost 3 months, a lot of people just dont even care anymore and dont want to be here


Event Coordinator
Community Manager
So sorry for the confusion, it should have been RO2 and CZ who choose the side.

Battles are between 20:00 and 21:00, you know the dates already for the last stage.


Congratulations to everyone who participated in this wonderful tournament. It feels great to engage in serious fort battles once again. These past months have been an emotional rollercoaster, with a significant amount of work, time, patience, and effort invested.

Regardless of who won or got eliminated, and no matter the final standings, it’s essential to remember that this is just a game, and the main objective is to have fun. There is always room for improvement in areas such as organization, response time, and gameplay. However, we must acknowledge that we are all human, not robots, and perfection is unattainable.

I feel honored and glad to have had the opportunity to play alongside and against such powerful teams. Everyone did a fantastic job.

Thank you all for this opportunity to feel the game come alive once again.

See you at the next IFBC!
- Succuboy.


Not to be forgotten, special thanks to kruK629 and zartas for keeping a close eye on the game process, always willing to help, advise players on the rules, add items to the inventory, declare battles on time, because if these two dudes weren't carrying the whole admin team on their backs, this tournament might not have had a happy ending :D bravo!


How long will the world last from now on?

if we had some more time, it might be possible to reactivate ex-players to have some fun


In game saloon I found this message (topic):
Topic: Any player can ask for max 3 sets or our set package for exchange of current inventory

What does it mean?


What does it mean?

You can send a ticket and ask any set you want.
It can be anything, duelling set, fort set, construction set, ...
You can spot a lot of people with gringo now, since the tournament is over, we can do whatever we want :)
Feel free to join battles on any side, they are for fun :)


Grey Eagle has 0.15 damage bonus (probably should be 15)

Malachite horse is purely decorative? Looks like there is no way to obtain malachite saddle and horse combined with rolling thunder/davis tutt saddle is worse than rolling thunder/davis tutt set together