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Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4


I am so glad I'm not part of all these. This is a fiesta of the highest levels.

Good luck to everyone , I hope you find your answers from the Ghost support team :eek:
To be fully honest with you all, this feels more like a social experiment than a tournament.

We’ve successfully reached a full agreement in a four-nation pact, akin to the Geneva Convention, without the assistance of the almighty Support Team.

I can't say I'm not having fun; this whole freakshow is making things more interesting. I would have preferred more order, I admit, but it's definitely more entertaining this way. Maybe I'm broken, but one thing's for sure: it's all Szarlota's fault.

Kralicek azurit

Dear Syntex, i should be happy that you finally managed to “fix” the issue with chests and chamonile, rice stew. But why would you do that only after the first battle???? Attackers benefit more from these buffs and you add them for battle 2? It should have been announced BEFORE the semis started, not after battle 1..


I would like to clarify whether the Legendary knife and Legendary revolver items are allowed to be used in battles. These items can be obtained from Fortune cookies, which can be acquired both from Lost balls and the quest series "Business Idea." Several of our players have had these items for a while due to that quest series, and I see no reason why these items should not be used. However, I understand that cookies obtained from the Soccer event are considered a prohibited source of items, and I would like to know how the use of such items will be viewed. Thank you for your response.


hey Syntex, your great link for chamomile doesnt work and you are banning players from our team for having an item from quest, good job like always :)
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The fact that players got banned for using a Legendary knife that has been in her inventory for a month and she got it from a quest in a legal way negates any logic or common sense, our player also had it in battles 3-2 weeks ago because she got it from a quest (even in the time before the football event), at that point anyone could have reported it and there was no reason to ban her because it was clear she got it from a quest and that's allowed, that's not against the rules.

  • FORT BATTLES: Fort battles rules do not change! Clothes/ride/weapon sets banned, only normal items or items from missions allowed. You are forbidden to use any item gained from the Soccer event.

That is, the player got the item in a legal way, used it in a legal way in the battle, and only got wrongfully banned for it now, in the semifinals, because support mistakenly assumed she got it from the Ball. Can anything more absurd happen here?
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The best course of action now is for these players to open a ticket and resolve the situation through that process. If it turns out the items were legitimately dropped from the fortune cookie from the mission, and not from the football balls (which can also drop the fortune cookie), the bans will be lifted 100%, and a small bonus will be given.

I believe the current situation has made us all a bit dizzy, leading to a few mistakes, but everything should return to normal now. I am sure that from now on, the staff will move faster, as they were overwhelmed by the situation 'till now.


We will also reward every participating player and team with a special price, no matter if you
reach the tournament phase and when you get kicked out of the championship.

w1 ( german server )
thank you very much

Uchiha Madara

We will also reward every participating player and team with a special price, no matter if you
reach the tournament phase and when you get kicked out of the championship.

w1 ( german server )
thank you very much
Based on the amount of time support takes to answer a simple question I doubt it we get the reward in less than 3 months.


Also there was no realistic scenario in which PL2 would be choosing side for their final series :)

Don't worry guys, I have already sent you which side we choose