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Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4




Hello guys, Succu again with another juicy response,

The usability of the horse is guaranteed, so there is no need for concern in that regard. While it is indeed part of a quest line from a temporary event, it should be noted that it is not a 'droppable event item.'

However, the use of Rice Stew and Chamomile should be prohibited, which is likely what @Syntex was referring to. My question is: 'How will we verify who uses these items?' I suggest we remove Rice Stews and Charmomiles from inventories and update the drop table for the balls, assuming they continue to drop at this time.
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To be honest everyone had the same opportunity to finish the horse and its impact on our skill points and formula percentages is not so significant, i'm fine with that.
Those buffs which are randomly dropped and no guarantee to anybody should be obviously either banned or added to UPD shop as soon as possible so people can obtain them.
If you ban these, it would be also good to know beforehand, what the punishment for bringing them to the battle would be, so we can avoid some shenanigans around that and people sacrificing players when desparetly trying to turn around losing series etc.


I think it's pointless to ask if the wild horse is allowed or forbidden, because in the last 3 quarterfinal battles, most of the players already had it in the fort battle, and no one asked about it then until now.

But Succuboy and EREWAN rightly point out the huge complications that come with Rice stew and Chamomile.

I will give two different examples.

RICE STEW - we can find out based on the damage of the weapon that the player had it in battle. But how will it be punished? A temporary ban for the player who used it? A permanent ban without the possibility of negotiation? Loss by default? Another extra battle in the sense of reparation for the previous battle? Team disqualification? And does it make a difference if one player or ten players will have it in the battle or does something like collective guilt apply here? And finally, does anything even happen if, for example, one player has it? Because I'm starting to feel that the management doesn't really want to deal with some things and they leave it as it is.

So, recap, it would be good if the admin let us know what the punishment will be. I propose the most severe punishment to deter others from using it and keep the fort battles peaceful as before (ahem ahem).

Now it comes to a much more complicated situation than before...

CHAMOMILE - we have no way of figuring out if the opponent used it to battle and the only hope we have is that we can rely on some kind of invisible hand of the admin, so the admin will be expected to check it in every single battle and intervene when someone breaks the rules and uses chamomile in the battle. Can you guarantee to check it in every single battle? And again the same questions, what kind of punishment will it be, whether collective guilt applies, etc.


So I agree with Succuboy, it would be best if these two items were deleted from the players inventory. The second option is to enable them in the shop, but it is a worse solution, because it will break the current standard of battles (some strategies would be more difficult to play than before).

Otherwise, I will not hide the huge disappointment. So far, everything has been going well, and the semi-finals, when it is decided who will play for which medals, have been complicated in a completely unnecessary and unreasonable manner. I'm tired and sick of dealing with such matters at this stage of the tournament, but I'd rather deal with things while they can still be prevented than when they happen.
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I totally agree with the above comments.
Preparing for the battle is not a matter of one hour, so it would be good if we got clarification as soon as possible if the event's quest items (e.g. horse, capitan's items, etc...) and fort boosts are allowed.


Oh great, I can enjoy the sets offered by the event, oh, I forgot I only got balls and a baker set.
Anyone want a ball? Maybe I could play with them, as nothing else is going on, no more duels after this...
View attachment 320
Seems like you’ve got a knack for ball-istics! Ever consider a career as a professional ball-handler?


Jokes aside: We really need a clarification about the Rice Stew atleast.


In this unpleasant situation, there is one more extreme or ultimate possibility and that is that all 4 semi-final teams would agree on some fair terms through some kind of contract.

This very frustrating situation was caused by the fact that:
1. the management of the game did not prevent the start of the football event and Pandora's box was opened
2. the management of the game, unfortunately, cannot take a clear position and answer the trivially posed questions.

As for negotiations and agreement on fair conditions, it's not so much about Rice Stew as much as to Chamomile, whose use in battle cannot be traced in any way by opponents. Does anyone here still believe that when the management of the game can't even take a clear position, they will monitor whether someone had it in the battle? And can the admin figure it out or find out if the Chamomile was used in the battle?

Time is running out, and the ultimate solution could be, for example, all four teams basically agreeing on whether or not chamomile will be used in battle because we haven't heard back from game support and and we will have a battle tonight. What would happen? Would they disqualify all four semi-final teams? In addition, I repeat, this is an emergency situation that arose because the management could do absolutely nothing about it and it is no longer possible to look at it passively, there will be a battle in 20 hours.

In the case of agreement to use Chamomile, all teams could use it equally, so practically no one (no team) would be in danger (considering that this situation was caused by the inaction or indifference of the game support).

In the case of agreement not to use Chamomile, we can only rely on the good word or honest promise of the opponent, who does not use Chamomile in battle even if he loses and wants to save himself at all costs (relying on morals especially when everyone goes their separate ways after the tournament seems naive).


Succuboy, if we don't get clarification from support and you would like to negotiate, you can contact one of our leaders, e.g. EREWAN or Madagog.

Good luck.
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In this unpleasant situation, there is one more extreme or ultimate possibility and that is that all 4 semi-final teams would agree on some fair terms through some kind of contract.

This very frustrating situation was caused by the fact that:
1. the management of the game did not prevent the start of the football event and Pandora's box was opened
2. the management of the game, unfortunately, cannot take a clear position and answer the trivially posed questions.

As for negotiations and agreement on fair conditions, it's not so much about Rice Stew as much as to Chamomile, whose use in battle cannot be traced in any way by opponents. Does anyone here still believe that when the management of the game can't even take a clear position, they will monitor whether someone had it in the battle? And can the admin figure it out or find out if the Chamomile was used in the battle?

Time is running out, and the ultimate solution could be, for example, all four teams basically agreeing on whether or not chamomile will be used in battle because we haven't heard back from game support and and we will have a battle tonight. What would happen? Would they disqualify all four semi-final teams? In addition, I repeat, this is an emergency situation that arose because the management could do absolutely nothing about it and it is no longer possible to look at it passively, there will be a battle in 20 hours.

In the case of agreement to use Chamomile, all teams could use it equally, so practically no one (no team) would be in danger (considering that this situation was caused by the inaction or indifference of the game support).

In the case of agreement not to use Chamomile, we can only rely on the good word or honest promise of the opponent, who does not use Chamomile in battle even if he loses and wants to save himself at all costs (relying on morals especially when everyone goes their separate ways after the tournament seems naive).


Succuboy, if we don't get clarification from support and you would like to negotiate, you can contact one of our leaders, e.g. EREWAN or Madagog.

Good luck.
We have already communicated in our team that Rice Stew and Chamomile are strictly prohibited in the fort fight. Therefore, we could establish a mutual agreement to avoid using them. However, there is a concern: we cannot control how many people might use them either deliberately or by mistake.

Furthermore, let's be honest, one of us might allow our team to use these items while the other team prohibits them, creating an unfair advantage just to secure a win since it's a tournament.
It's not that I don't trust you; I'm simply considering all possible scenarios, given that there are no official rules regarding these items, or they're badly written just to be easily taken out of context.

This situation is quite frustrating. They should
either make Rice Stew available in the shop or explicitly ban it by removing it from inventories.
Until then, I must insist that we do not use Rice Stew and Chamomile in the fort fights.

And that must be applied by the other Conference as well, GR2 & PL2.
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We have already communicated in our team that Rice Stew and Chamomile are strictly prohibited in the fort fight. Therefore, we could establish a mutual agreement to avoid using them. However, there is a concern: we cannot control how many people might use them either deliberately or by mistake.

Furthermore, let's be honest, one of us might allow our team to use these items while the other team prohibits them, creating an unfair advantage just to secure a win since it's a tournament.
It's not that I don't trust you; I'm simply considering all possible scenarios, given that there are no official rules regarding these items, or they're badly written just to be easily taken out of context.

This situation is quite frustrating. They should
either make Rice Stew available in the shop or explicitly ban it by removing it from inventories.
Until then, I must insist that we do not use Rice Stew and Chamomile in the fort fights.

And that must be applied by the other Conference as well, GR2 & PL2.
But the problem is that, while in the case of using Rice Stew you can find out, prove it and report it to support, in the case of using Chamomile you have no way to find out, prove it, and thus you have nothing to send to support. That's why I wrote the post above, it's logical or rational not to trust the opponent, that's why it seems like a fair deal, if support doesn't interfere in any way, to simply agree to use chamomile.

Today we can still wait until the support makes it clear to us and strictly not use it in battle, then the state of the number of attacks and defense will be balanced (2, 2), so it seems fair to me.


But the problem is that, while in the case of using Rice Stew you can find out, prove it and report it to support, in the case of using Chamomile you have no way to find out, prove it, and thus you have nothing to send to support. That's why I wrote the post above, it's logical or rational not to trust the opponent, that's why it seems like a fair deal, if support doesn't interfere in any way, to simply agree to use chamomile.

Today we can still wait until the support makes it clear to us and strictly not use it in battle, then the state of the number of attacks and defense will be balanced (2, 2), so it seems fair to me.
Since it's a bit too late to make changes now, let's keep Rice Stew and Chamomile prohibited and hope the staff makes an announcement after tonight's fort battle.
We will adhere to the existing rule regarding items dropped from the football balls: in fort battles, anything dropped from them is prohibited from being used. Until further notice, we'll continue playing the fort battles as we did before this situation arose.

BUT I MUST SAY AGAIN, HOPING SOMEONE WHO NEEDS TO READ IT WILL READ IT: We need clarification about WHAT is allowed and WHAT is not. The rule clearly states that we can use the sets in any other activity except fort battles, but we also need clarification about the consumables. We must consider that there may exist human errors as well, as some of the consumables may or may not be used as a mistake.


Succuboy, one of the admins (not Syntex) wrote back to us on the ticket that Rice Stew and Chamomile are forbidden, rather I'm pointing out (an example, not far from reality) that in one battle 20 attackers could use 20x Chamomile, which is plus 10 skill points per player multiplied by 20, which can significantly affect the battle, and when you see that the admins are not even able to write to the forum and answer our primitive questions, I am convinced that the support will not solve it, they will not punish anyone and it will stay that way. Additionally, you as an opponent have no way of figuring out that 0, 1 or 20 opponents in a battle could have used Chamomile - you can simply see that the opponent in the battle has a Bear, Wild horse, a weapon enhancement like Rice Stew, but you have no way to figure out if he had an Amulet or a Chamomile, it doesn't even show in the skills ranking - it's an easy way to cheat quietly and secretly and most likely nobody will do anything about it, so to this day we still don't know if support will monitor it, if it will be punished and how it will be punished.

A better solution is to completely disable Rice Stew, enable Chamomile, and give each player 5x Chamomile in their inventory. No one would have to suspect anyone of anything, and admins wouldn't have to monitor anything either (which I don't think they will do anyway).
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Succuboy, one of the admins (not Syntex) wrote back to us on the ticket that Rice Stew and Chamomile are forbidden, rather I'm pointing out (an example, not far from reality) that in one battle 20 attackers could use 20x Chamomile, which is plus 10 skill points per player multiplied by 20, which can significantly affect the battle, and when you see that the admins are not even able to write to the forum and answer our primitive questions, I am convinced that the support will not solve it, they will not punish anyone and it will stay that way. Additionally, you as an opponent have no way of figuring out that 0, 1 or 20 opponents in a battle could have used Chamomile - you can simply see that the opponent in the battle has a Bear, Wild horse, a weapon enhancement like Rice Stew, but you have no way to figure out if he had an Amulet or a Chamomile, it doesn't even show in the skills ranking - it's an easy way to cheat quietly and secretly and most likely nobody will do anything about it, so to this day we still don't know if support will monitor it, if it will be punished and how it will be punished.

A better solution is to completely disable Rice Stew, enable Chamomile, and give each player 5x Chamomile in their inventory. No one would have to suspect anyone of anything, and admins wouldn't have to monitor anything either (which I don't think they will do anyway).
This seems like a reasonable way to address the issue: adding Chamomile to the shop and giving everyone a few to keep in their inventory. I don't see it as a HUGE advantage, even in attack, but it's a notable improvement compared to the old 15 leadership points.

However, let's address the elephant in the room: the current form of the fort battles, without Chamomile, seems reasonably balanced. The outcome relies heavily on strategy, movement, and a bit of RNG. Introducing Chamomile, which provides a boost of 10 Hiding, 10 Dodge, and 10 HP, could significantly advantage the attackers over the defenders. This might destabilize the balance and alter the course of the tournament, just as the Rice Stew does with damage. All teams would need to reconsider their strategies.

If the attackers receive a consumable that boosts their side more than the defenders, then the defenders should receive a comparable boost (for instance, Red Pepper [item=50482000] which provides 10 DEX and 10 CHARISMA). Same as before, bought from the SHOP.

Overall, my opinion remains unchanged: Chamomile and Rice Stew should not be used. Additionally, we should uphold the 'pact' between teams. Although Chamomile is difficult to detect, the support team has stated it is forbidden, and we must rely on each other's trust.

A little off-topic: I am perplexed that neither GR2 or PL2 seemed upset about the situation, or confused, besides my sweet @Szarlota.

Finally, I want to convey this message to the admins:
We should not make changes on the day of the battle, as it may confuse players and create chaos. Changes must be implemented the day before the battle (for example, tomorrow), so team leaders have time to inform players about the decision. Also, if you give me enough access, I can go in and delete the Rice Stews from every account (obviously a joke, but I accept to do anything for this championship to go smoothly).
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I am perplexed that neither GR2 or PL2 seemed upset about the situation, or confused

We are.
We have sent tickets with the same questions to @Syntex and we are still waiting for the information...

The lack of official clarifications when the topic has been discussed on the forum for several days is becoming pathetic.

Good luck to everyone in today's battles :)


I am perplexed that neither GR2 or PL2 seemed upset about the situation, or confused

We are.
We have sent tickets with the same questions to @Syntex and we are still waiting for the information...

Same for GR2. Our support tickets remain unanswered and we are frustrated as much as you are. We have clear instructions from our leaders not to use Rice Stew or Chamomile and we expect our opponents to do the same. Our leader has also notified the PL2 leaders.

Let's play fair and enjoy our battles ⚔️