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Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4



Since every team have already farmed sets through the soccer balls found at work, I have a suggestion to make, because I find it difficult or impossible for the staff team to remove all the items & penalize EVERY SINGLE TEAM in the championship right now:

- FORT BATTLES: Keep the fort battles as they are, clothes/ride/weapon sets banned, only normal items or items from missions allowed.
- SETS CAN BE USED in any other activity EXCEPTING THE FORT BATTLES: for instance, leveling up by working, duelling or building the church.

The main problem would be the advantage from the consumables, such as the Rice porridge, to which I don't know what to say...



Since every team have already farmed sets through the soccer balls found at work, I have a suggestion to make, because I find it difficult or impossible for the staff team to remove all the items & penalize EVERY SINGLE TEAM in the championship right now:

- FORT BATTLES: Keep the fort battles as they are, clothes/ride/weapon sets banned, only normal items or items from missions allowed.
- SETS CAN BE USED in any other activity EXCEPTING THE FORT BATTLES: for instance, leveling up by working, duelling or building the church.

The main problem would be the advantage from the consumables, such as the Rice porridge, to which I don't know what to say...
I could agree with that, or the second option is to forbid everything from some point, but what you write is acceptable.

As for the Rice porridge, I have a suggestion that from now on it will be available in the store for everyone for UPD/dollars.
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Today a recipe for pickled cucumbers

- cucumbers (ground, not very large)
- garlic (Polish)
- dill (preferably with stem)
- fresh horseradish
- optional - blackcurrant or cherry leaves
- salt for preserves (rock)
- Wash the cucumbers, arrange them vertically and tightly in jars (clean, dry). Peel the garlic and horseradish. Put into each liter jar: 2 - 3 cloves of garlic, a piece of horseradish, a sprig of dill with a stalk and 2 blackcurrant or cherry leaves.

- Prepare the marinade (approx. 0.5 liters of marinade is needed for a 1-liter jar): boil a portion of water appropriate to the number of jars. Add salt to the preserves at the rate of 1 heaped tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water.

- Pour boiling water into prepared jars and close immediately. Cucumbers must be completely immersed in the brine. Make sure that the upper edge of the jar and the cap are dry when closing.

- Cover the hot jars with a blanket for about 12 hours to ensure good preservation. Then put the jars in the basement (or a dark, cool place).



First of all no one cares about additional fort battles, everyone has shiny golden gun at this point, Its just a waste of time.
Second of all is this horse from this quest allowed on battles? https://tw-calc.net/quests/group/224?lang=sk
And lastly what about Rice stew buff? Some players got it, some players didnt... You either have to give it to everyone or noone
I'm more than sure a clarification will come soon, but I agree that the Rice Stew should either be allowed and buyable in the SHOP, or forbidden. But i'd say forbidden.