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Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4


Jak to możliwe, że osoby z poziomem 153 nie mogły zapisać się do bitwy przyjacielskiej, a inne osoby z poziomem 153 mogły wziąć udział w bitwie eventowej?

Pragnę zaznaczyć, że dwóch graczy z drużyny PL1 było już 14.06 na poziomie 153, a 16.06 ci sami gracze zapisali się do bitwy na poziomie 153. Inne drużyny też mi o tym wspomniały po bitwie.

Gracze z drużyny PL1 mieli zmniejszone PD o określoną wartość (ze 153 do 99% ze 152).

Oryginalne zasady wyraźnie stwierdzają:


„Oferujemy jednorazową redukcję poziomu, jeśli przez pomyłkę przekroczysz limit poziomu. Usuniemy dokładnie 1 poziom.”

„Przekroczenie przez pomyłkę” nie oznacza awansowania na wyższy poziom, walki ze 153, a następnie obniżenia poziomu do 152.


„Jednorazowa redukcja poziomu = Podczas wydarzenia możesz poprosić o obniżenie swojego poziomu o 1 poziom, tylko raz! Usuniemy XP, aby pozostać na poziomie 0% dolnego poziomu. (np. na poziomie 151 zmieniamy Twój poziom 150 za pomocą XP: 22628789)”

Zespół PL1 dużo wcześniej wiedział, że taka redukcja (o 1%) będzie możliwa i akceptowana przez adminów. Informacje te nie zostały udostępnione innym zespołom jako informacje ogólne.

Takie zachowanie jest rażącym oszustwem i faworyzowaniem przez administratorów jednej drużyny. Gracze z PL1, którzy osiągnęli poziom 153 i brali udział w bitwie 14/06, nie powinni byli mieć możliwości ponownego wejścia do bitwy 16/06.

Nie narzekam, bo przegrałem bitwę. Przez 2 miesiące kazano nam nie awansować, bo nie będziemy mogli zapisać się do bitwy – przy maksymalnym lvlu wynoszącym 151, nie widzieliśmy nikogo z 152 lvlem na bitwie. Jeśli ktoś przypadkowo awansował na wyższy poziom, zgodnie z pierwotnymi zasadami, mógł go jednorazowo obniżyć o 1 poziom.

Nagle w regulaminie pojawił się kolejny zapis, o którym nie wszyscy wiedzą, bo nie ma w nim informacji ogólnej. W takim systemie inne osoby, które pilnują swojego XP, mogłyby już dawno podnieść swój poziom i obniżyć go na następną bitwę o kilka procent. Szczególnie drużyny, które zostały już wyeliminowane, mogły to wykorzystać w swoich decydujących bitwach.

To oszustwo, że niektórzy ludzie mogą osiągnąć 153, aby zyskać przewagę, a następnie ponownie wziąć udział w kolejnej bitwie ze 153, gdy informacja ta nie była publicznie dostępna dla wszystkich drużyn.


Yes, it's just a game. Apparently not for you.

We came to play honestly in the championship. Your ass is burning because you have to win at all costs.

Let everyone know that you have a contact with us, who keeps us updated on what is happening before and during the battle.

You are such champions :)


Bigos recipe
2 kg of cabbage
0.5 kg of fresh bacon
0.5 kg of pork neck or shoulder
0.5 kg of Głogowska (Silesian) sausage
20 dkg of juniper sausage
30 dkg dried mushrooms
4 pieces of dried plums (seedless)
allspice, bay leaves, pepper, salt
2 onions
1 jar of tomato paste
Pour water over the cabbage, add allspice and bay leaves. Fry the meat in fat, cut into cubes, add to the cabbage. Cut the sausage into cubes, fry in fat together with the onion, add to the cabbage. Add chopped mushrooms or dried mushrooms previously soaked and boiled in the water in which they were soaked, and plums. Cook bigos over low heat, at the end of cooking add tomato paste, mix well, season with salt and pepper to taste.


Well, time is short, there was enough controversy, instead of arguing or even insulting, we could at least try to find a fair solution. Because if the PL1 team wins tomorrow, there will be a lot of hatred, conspiracy theories, rumors, etc.

Therefore, I want to propose two variants of a possible solution, which could resolve this conflict once and for all.

A: Players who have been in two consecutive battles with level 153 will now ignore the battle (for example, it could be their own decision).

Namely, only two players would be affected: Padusz and Zajecza Lapka.

B: Players who were in two consecutive battles with level 153 (Padusz and Zajecza Lapka) would have their level reduced and could only participate in the battle with level 152. The problem with this variant is that it requires quick approval and prompt intervention from support.

There is no better solution than these two variants, and I am convinced that absolutely everyone would be satisfied this way and and no one could point to it anymore. If in such a case the PL1 team would win, no one can doubt the legitimacy of this victory and it would be proof that the semi-finals belong to them.

PS: Although I don't want the PL1 team to win the tourney, what I really want is that if the PL1 team wins, it should be legitimate. Because otherwise this tournament loses prestige and I don't know if PL1 would feel enough satisfaction if they win and others will suspect them of having achieved it by fraud, speculation or machinations. I'm sure this would be a compromise that cannot be disputed.
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Event Coordinator
Community Manager
This rule was there since the start, we have never reduced a level before adding this info to the support page. I have never thought about misusing this feature this way, it was added because in first request we were asked if we could remove less than a whole level.

It was never our intention to make such a scenario, but it also needs to be pointed out that based on the scenarios created everyone has the chance to do it once.

This info was also present in the home screen for a while and it was always this way since we started reducing levels. Some players may try to use some rules in their advantage, which is not our fault. We do our best to inform you about everything, we have learnt from this and for next events we can create an even more detailed and balanced rule set.


I will argue differently from the others, not on the theoretical side, but on the practical side, I want to point out what consequences it had for the other teams that are already eliminated.

The GR1 team had three players who were just below level 153 for the last few days, at 99% of level 152. These three players literally froze in the rankings for a week. However, they came into their third and final battle (June 14) at level 152, because according to the publicly and officially declared rules, they only knew that they could only go into the battle at level 153 on Sunday (June 16) or they could come in on Friday (June 14, their last battle), but then they would either have to skip the next Sunday battle or they could participate but their level would be reduced by 100% XP to 0% XP level 152, so they ruled out that option outright.

The same can be said about our former opponents, the DE2 team, they also had three players who could have been level 153 in their last battle on Friday (June 14) - however they came with level 152 - and I'm sure that if they knew that, that is, if the rules were declared clearly, they would certainly use such an opportunity or better said privilege. The same with us, RO teams and last but not least, PL2. Because they could use it as well.

The rules need to be clearly declared, that is self-explanatory. Or what is it about? Should I search for scattered information about the rules in places I wouldn't normally look for it to figure out how I can use the game to my advantage?

Only this was publicly declared within the rules (declared on April 18, 2024).
[All] One time level reduction = During the event you can request your level to be reduced with 1 level, only once! We will remove XP in order to be at the 0% of the lower level. (e.g. at level 151, we change your level 150 with XP: 22628789).

In addition, this publicly declared rule contradicts what is written in the support tool (an undeclared rule until this day):
If you do not want to be lowered at 0%, please let us know the exact XP amount you need. This value can be between the lowest value needed for that level, and the biggest value which still keeps you on that level (in case of level 151: between 24614129 and 26721541).

Quite simply, the rules contradict each other. Basically what happened was a precedent.

I'll tell you why I see this as a problem and why I'm actually discussing it. At the beginning of the tournament, quite a few players were banned for violating the rules that were publicly declared on the forum, the reason being that they were violating the rules that were declared on the forum - either they didn't read them or they didn't understand them. This gave the impression that what is written and declared on the forum is something like constitution, the alpha and omega of commandments and prohibitions. I'll bet that, except for the PL1 team, all the other teams are surprised by this finding, because it doesn't make sense to anyone.
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I have never thought about misusing this feature this way, it was added because in first request we were asked if we could remove less than a whole level.
And my final question is, so who asked you if you could remove less than a whole level? Because apparently it is obvious that absolutely no one knew about it except some players from the PL1 team.

That's sus.


@Syntex apparently there is an option to have just certain % of your xp removed if you level up before the 153 level is allowed, why is it written differently in the rules? Do you have any idea how many people would use that option if they knew its possible ?

This post is from Friday and the battle we're talking about took place on Sunday. If you can lower someone's level by a specific percentage in one day, couldn't you also respond to relevant questions on the forum in a timely manner and prevent such debates? This isn't the first time this has happened. Most contestants only learn about the details of certain rules when it's too late, even when they asked about it and pointed it out in advance.


This rule was there since the start, we have never reduced a level before adding this info to the support page. I have never thought about misusing this feature this way, it was added because in first request we were asked if we could remove less than a whole level.

It was never our intention to make such a scenario, but it also needs to be pointed out that based on the scenarios created everyone has the chance to do it once.

This info was also present in the home screen for a while and it was always this way since we started reducing levels. Some players may try to use some rules in their advantage, which is not our fault. We do our best to inform you about everything, we have learnt from this and for next events we can create an even more detailed and balanced rule set.
What are you even writing about? Don't be ridiculous...

From the very beginning, before IFBC took off all information regarding the event was posted on the forum. After the event started, all rules, schedules and updates in the rules were posted on the forum. To sum up... The main source of information that every player relies on is the forum, you have led to this yourself.

The rules on the forum (in this case) are clear. What happened is completely against the rules. For this you have no rational explanation.

You explain that you posted information on the support page, which is completely contrary to the main rules that are on the forum. Especially since this information is hidden to most people.

Are you saying that what is happening is not your fault? This is one of the funniest things you can say... You did not fit, no update of information about such a possibility on the main source which is the forum.

You are the coordinator of the event. The organization of this event is tragic. Most of the controversial actions that take place are caused by rules that can be interpreted in many ways. Something like this is unacceptable, this is the basis...
You are unable to work effectively with your team. Your reaction to problems that arise from your lack of competence creates further problems. You change your mind about things after a long period, an example is the distributed rewards for tasks for 1-3 keys and the Shiny premium chest. Setting up fort fights to make Shiny weapons. Allowing a situation with entering fights with a 152lvl restriction to people who have 153lvl. Finally, the main discussed problem... There were other things along the way that I won't list anymore.

You are responsible for everything, not the other admins. Your statements show that you are a person who does not want to admit mistakes. A person of your kind, is not suitable for organizing events of this type.

In addition, I am curious to know how many more such hidden things are against the rules.
Maybe it will turn out that if I write a ticket asking to add 20lvl, skill points, special items or points to the table (looking back in the past), there will be such an option. Looking at what is happening, I wouldn't be surprised at all :)
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I wouldn't say it so radically, we could acknowledge the qualities of this tournament, in many ways this tournament is a really nice diversion, after so many years I haven't enjoyed this game as much as I do now (thrilling fights, evenly matched duels and adventures too, the necessity of teamwork and the "anti-egoist" strategy), but what strikes me, and what I point out, is that an important part of the tournament (the elimination of teams) is spoiled by things that could otherwise be trivial and could easily have been avoided. .. that's why people write about double standards, because it's almost unbelievable.

Just take it as feedback.


Bigos recipe
2 kg of cabbage
0.5 kg of fresh bacon
0.5 kg of pork neck or shoulder
0.5 kg of Głogowska (Silesian) sausage
20 dkg of juniper sausage
30 dkg dried mushrooms
4 pieces of dried plums (seedless)
allspice, bay leaves, pepper, salt
2 onions
1 jar of tomato paste
Pour water over the cabbage, add allspice and bay leaves. Fry the meat in fat, cut into cubes, add to the cabbage. Cut the sausage into cubes, fry in fat together with the onion, add to the cabbage. Add chopped mushrooms or dried mushrooms previously soaked and boiled in the water in which they were soaked, and plums. Cook bigos over low heat, at the end of cooking add tomato paste, mix well, season with salt and pepper to taste.
Yummy Bigos

Strycek Skrblik

This tournament is one big joke, huh? right? Bending the rules during the tournament, now there is even an event that will give some teams the opportunity to reduce the lead against the more active ones, which is an interference into the tournament whether we like it or not -_-

next time if there will be .. for example create rules that are clear and don't change them during the tournament