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Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

Saul Goodman

Hello @Syntex ,

My opinion is that we should continue on STAGE 2 as much as possible and not go to friendlies between the stages. Many players have already expressed their displeasure that the tournament has a long duration and that the friendlies will take us even more out of schedule.

We have already played many battles in stage 1 and I think that wasting another time for friendly battles will be unnecessary for most of the teams here.


I absolutely agree, no further delays, schedule those battles as soon as possible so we can finally end this.
Some less hardcore teams are already falling apart, but i think we are all exhausted.

I am a bit skeptical about when the next schedule drops with responses from mods on forum are usually like once in 14 days and Syntex is probably the only "active" member of the team.
I think it wouldn't be unrealistic to schedule first round of battles for this thursday or so.

The Legit

My opinion is that we should continue on STAGE 2 as much as possible and not go to friendlies between the stages. Many players have already expressed their displeasure that the tournament has a long duration and that the friendlies will take us even more out of schedule.

We have already played many battles in stage 1 and I think that wasting another time for friendly battles will be unnecessary for most of the teams here.

While I agree with the players sentiment of the tournament duration, Syntex has stated ''We will have more practice battles between Stage 1 and 2.''

Some teams have had more training FFs than others, which resulted in having a lot more shiny weapons earlier which was a significant advantage to some teams and very unfair to others.

To my comments in an earlier date regarding this, NO ONE from the team has provided me with any answers. They didn't reply because they know they messed up.

If now they go back in not allowing these teams the FFs to finish the Shinys , like others had, just keeps my opinion that there has been a bias towards some teams.

Want to keep players engaged, provide more rewards for the players commitment and dedication to this event, which in terms of rewards/time invested, lack.

Absolutely DO NOT go back on the word TO FIX YOUR MISTAKES, WHICH ALREADY ARE VERY LATE, to give affected teams the extra training FFs they DIDNT HAVE AND OTHERS DID.

Fail to do this and prove everyone that there has been a bias and manipulation in pushing some teams to win more. Or come forward and take responsibility for the mistakes made.


Event Coordinator
Community Manager
Syntex is active? April Fools' Day is long gone man. It literally feels like Syntex and rest of the team gave up on the event few weeks ago.
Lucky for you, I am always available to review your comments :)))
Hello @Syntex ,

My opinion is that we should continue on STAGE 2 as much as possible and not go to friendlies between the stages. Many players have already expressed their displeasure that the tournament has a long duration and that the friendlies will take us even more out of schedule.

We have already played many battles in stage 1 and I think that wasting another time for friendly battles will be unnecessary for most of the teams here.
Roger that! We will continue on Friday than. Still, we will have 2 practice battle until that.
While I agree with the players sentiment of the tournament duration, Syntex has stated ''We will have more practice battles between Stage 1 and 2.''

Some teams have had more training FFs than others, which resulted in having a lot more shiny weapons earlier which was a significant advantage to some teams and very unfair to others.

To my comments in an earlier date regarding this, NO ONE from the team has provided me with any answers. They didn't reply because they know they messed up.

If now they go back in not allowing these teams the FFs to finish the Shinys , like others had, just keeps my opinion that there has been a bias towards some teams.

Want to keep players engaged, provide more rewards for the players commitment and dedication to this event, which in terms of rewards/time invested, lack.

Absolutely DO NOT go back on the word TO FIX YOUR MISTAKES, WHICH ALREADY ARE VERY LATE, to give affected teams the extra training FFs they DIDNT HAVE AND OTHERS DID.

Fail to do this and prove everyone that there has been a bias and manipulation in pushing some teams to win more. Or come forward and take responsibility for the mistakes made.
I have already said that we compensated teams which could not play due to server error. I do not think we messed up, we tried to mitigate the crash. Honestly, there is no good solution here. If we organize more battles for everyone, that team will still be off with 1 proper battle, so we do not solve for them the missed battle, they will always be missing one battle compared to others. If we do only for them, the other teams will get less battles played. Unfortunately, it was not possible to do for everyone technically, as the forts were occupied for live battles.

The Legit

I have already said that we compensated teams which could not play due to server error. I do not think we messed up, we tried to mitigate the crash. Honestly, there is no good solution here. If we organize more battles for everyone, that team will still be off with 1 proper battle, so we do not solve for them the missed battle, they will always be missing one battle compared to others. If we do only for them, the other teams will get less battles played. Unfortunately, it was not possible to do for everyone technically, as the forts were occupied for live battles.

Was not refering to those initial errors. Was in reference to my comment on the 6th of May, regarding the teams that had extra FF's in the ''break period'' in the middle of Stage 1.

While we also asked in ticket for it and were denied.
Lucky for you, I am always available to review your comments :)))

Roger that! We will continue on Friday than. Still, we will have 2 practice battle until that.

I have already said that we compensated teams which could not play due to server error. I do not think we messed up, we tried to mitigate the crash. Honestly, there is no good solution here. If we organize more battles for everyone, that team will still be off with 1 proper battle, so we do not solve for them the missed battle, they will always be missing one battle compared to others. If we do only for them, the other teams will get less battles played. Unfortunately, it was not possible to do for everyone technically, as the forts were occupied for live battles.
What about that Locked out quest and our glossy premium chests? What about the fact that the 48hr window support promised us is slowly turning into 4-8 days?


Event Coordinator
Community Manager
What about that Locked out quest and our glossy premium chests? What about the fact that the 48hr window support promised us is slowly turning into 4-8 days?
There was a misunderstanding, therefore some players were not offered the chest. They are welcome to contact us again and we can exchange the rewards. We have never promised a time to answer the tickets, most are done under 48 hours, but some cases may need more time due to the increased volume. We apologize for that.
There was a misunderstanding, therefore some players were not offered the chest. They are welcome to contact us again and we can exchange the rewards.
It comes veeerrry late. 19th may the team tell me (and others) I can't have the chest. What do you think I have done with an extra key till today?...... I don't want to discuss the ins and outs .......
We can all notice that some players, close to admin, get advantages in game.
Don't worry, I have fun with this event. I'm just sad with your mistakeS.



6th of May I complain that some teams (CZ VS DE1) were allowed to hold a ''pratice'' battle where they all used the BEAR.

We were denied one. Now we are finnally allowed and we do the same and receive bans.

@Syntex good job my brother, people are getting tired of this shit

The Legit

So, explain me something.

Equal opportunity has been a huge topic so far.
Lots of teams complaining others had more test FFs.
Today we see the same thing.

These aren't test battles, everyone using bear, to farm shiny golden guns to persue an advantage over other teams.

Yet, our team was denied a test FF.

Explain that to me , is the support team benefiting only some teams? If the answer is NO and it should be NO then go back on your word and schedule us a test fight, tomorrow, so we can be in equal standing.


I call them out, you do nothing Syntex.

We do the same, we all get banned.

Stooping the new lows.