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IFBC4 - Settings vote

Which settings would you like to see in the International Fort Battle Championship 4?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Like the playoff-idea C very much, cos we can have taste of every team and the non top4-team stay longer engaged in the tournement.

Not sure about the item-thing, but the option to equip are much bigger with the old items and have more various fight-possibilties,
maybe the maybe the organisation has to adjust a little bit to get everyone in - I think thats the most important ;)

Its not easy to get 100+ people always activ for fights and the smaller fight mostly better in quality.

The only point what´s a little bit tricky for version C is the 3 month-duration, maybe that can be shorter with some finding bonus to encourage more people to take part.

Hope the team find the best solution - see you fast as possible for ifbc4 - cheers break


C is the best onen by a mile, but I voted B for mediums fort, if I remeber correctly IFBC 1 was at big fort, and next 2 were at the small forts? So not a medium if I remember correctly.


Event Coordinator
Community Manager
Hey Everyone,

Thanks for your input so far!

We received some suggestions about why none of the ideas are good enough. We would like to address that. As for this IFBC we aim for a community driven setting, we will stick with the winning idea and we will contact the creators and discuss possible balancing options.

What I can say for those who think they can organize a better one, there was the possibility to submit the idea. I am sad that you did not do it. I can suggest that after IFBC4 ends, you come up with a detailed idea and submit to us, so we can work on doing that way. While we can still make some changes now, we will not change completely the idea.

Thanks for the understanding!
Hey Everyone,

Thanks for your input so far!

We received some suggestions about why none of the ideas are good enough. We would like to address that. As for this IFBC we aim for a community driven setting, we will stick with the winning idea and we will contact the creators and discuss possible balancing options.

What I can say for those who think they can organize a better one, there was the possibility to submit the idea. I am sad that you did not do it. I can suggest that after IFBC4 ends, you come up with a detailed idea and submit to us, so we can work on doing that way. While we can still make some changes now, we will not change completely the idea.

Thanks for the understanding!
I think it'd be interesting to see a crossover of all ideas submitted. Or the average of those. Or perhaps facilitate voting without the lengthy registration for the forum here.


Hey Everyone,

Thanks for your input so far!

We received some suggestions about why none of the ideas are good enough. We would like to address that. As for this IFBC we aim for a community driven setting, we will stick with the winning idea and we will contact the creators and discuss possible balancing options.

What I can say for those who think they can organize a better one, there was the possibility to submit the idea. I am sad that you did not do it. I can suggest that after IFBC4 ends, you come up with a detailed idea and submit to us, so we can work on doing that way. While we can still make some changes now, we will not change completely the idea.

Thanks for the understanding!
I can see that, but if you look at the number of votes, I think it's very low, I don't think there are only that few players interested taking a part. I wonder what the reason is that only so few players have voted?


We have to thank 110 guys right now for their vote for this idea. Thank you, we really appreciate it. :)
See you soon at the international fort battle championship! Hopefully we have some great fights. Love you all.
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