• Attention!
    • In order to participate in the discussion, you need an account on forum.events.the-west.net.​
      • If you have a game account, register a forum account here: Create forum account
        Important: You cannot comment with your account from your home server (e.g. you cannot vote with an account from the German servers)! You have to have a separate registration on our Events Server!​
      • If you don't have a game account register here or send us an e-mail and we will create a game account for you: west-ts@support.innogames.com
        Please send us your desired nickname! Your account will be linked to the e-mail address from which you contact us! Please expect at least 48 hours for the account creation.​

IFBC - Start of the final phase

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Event Coordinator
Community Manager
Hello everybody!

During the last weeks we had a lot of exciting fights and we hope you enjoyed them and had a lot of fun, even if your team did not make it into the next round. Finally the following four teams will fight against each other in the final phase:
  • Czech Republic (CZ)
  • Germany (DE)
  • Hungary (HU)
  • Poland (PL)
Congratulations!:) But we also have to thank all the other teams for great matches and the demonstration of their team spirit!

By clicking on the following link you can find the schedule for the final phase of second International Fortbattle Championship: Match schedule

Please keep in my mind that all players who don't belong to one of the four last teams are not allowed to have any kind of interaction with the players of the final stage, including duels, market trades, money transfers, fortbattles, ... .

See you at the final stage!
Your The West Team
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