• Attention!
    • In order to participate in the discussion, you need an account on forum.events.the-west.net.​
      • If you have a game account, register a forum account here: Create forum account
        Important: You cannot comment with your account from your home server (e.g. you cannot vote with an account from the German servers)! You have to have a separate registration on our Events Server!​
      • If you don't have a game account register here or send us an e-mail and we will create a game account for you: west-ts@support.innogames.com
        Please send us your desired nickname! Your account will be linked to the e-mail address from which you contact us! Please expect at least 48 hours for the account creation.​

IFBC - player replacements


Event Coordinator
Community Manager
Hello everybody!

If your team still lacks players, because some of your team members have not logged in yet or disappeared mysteriously, you will now be able to exchange them. You have time for requesting replacements until 27.09.2017, 23:59.

What are the requirements for replacements?
The player who is supposed to be replaced may not have interacted on the IFBC event world. If (s)he has already logged in on the IFBC world for at least one time, a replacement will not be possible!
Furthermore, the new player must already have registered himself for the IFBC by using the official registration form during the registration period, which ended in August.. Only in case there are not enough open registrations left, a new registration can be considered for a replacement.

How can my team replace players?
If your team wants to replace some team members and all requirements are met, one of the team leaders may write a support ticket in order to request the replacement. The following data needs to be specified there:
  • The nickname of the new player
  • The nickname of the player who is supposed to be replaced
In addition, the new player needs to fill in the local registration form (if not already done), which was used before in order to collect the registrations for the IFBC. You can still find the link for it in your local official The-West forum.

When will the replacement be executed?
As soon as we have received the replacement request, the new player has filled in the registration form and we checked everything successfully, we will execute the replacement and then notify the leader who wrote the support ticket. Please be patient, this can sometimes take several days. In case of any problems occur during the replacement, we will also inform the leader about it.

Thank you for your patience and have fun at the IFBC!
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Hello again!

In order to fill up the fortbattles, we decided to allow further replacements of inactive players, even at this stage of the event.

What are the requirements for replacements?
All players that are inactive for at least 10 days may be the subject of replacements. Furthermore, the new player must already have registered himself for the IFBC by using the official registration form during the registration period, which ended in August. Only in case there are not enough open registrations left a new registration can be considered for a replacement.

How can my team replace players?
If your team wants to replace some team members and all requirements are met, one of the team leaders may write a support ticket in order to request the replacement. The following data needs to be specified there:
  • The nickname of the new player
  • The nickname of the player who is supposed to be replaced
In addition, the new player needs to fill in the local registration form (if not already done), which was used before in order to collect the registrations for the IFBC. You can still find the link for it in your local official The-West forum.

When will the replacement be executed?
As soon as we have received the replacement request, the new player has filled in the registration form and we checked everything, we will execute the replacement and then notify the leader who wrote the support ticket. Please be patient, this can sometimes take several days. In case of any problems which occur during the replacement, we will also inform the leader about it.

Please notice that at this stage of the event the new players will not obtain a completely "new" inventory like they are specified in the announcements; instead they will receive the inventories of the players who are supposed to be replaced.

Good luck for the upcoming matches!
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