• Attention!
    • In order to participate in the discussion, you need an account on forum.events.the-west.net.​
      • If you have a game account, register a forum account here: Create forum account
        Important: You cannot comment with your account from your home server (e.g. you cannot vote with an account from the German servers)! You have to have a separate registration on our Events Server!​
      • If you don't have a game account register here or send us an e-mail and we will create a game account for you: west-ts@support.innogames.com
        Please send us your desired nickname! Your account will be linked to the e-mail address from which you contact us! Please expect at least 48 hours for the account creation.​

Event sever downtime

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Event Coordinator
Community Manager
Good morning!

Please note, our event server "Gold Rush" will inaccessible for approximately 10 minutes on the 12th September 2018 (around 14:30).

We do apologize for the inconvenience this may cause.

Best Regards,
Your The West Team
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