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Classic Event World - discussion


I want to start by saying this "classic-like" world is way more fun then the current version, and thank you for running it. There are a lot of players competing here across all categories, and lots of players just having fun - I do have some notes on improvements that could be made, if anyone cares. Just a little fine tuning and we'll have a pretty good game-mode.

Too many useless quests - need a way to hide them
It's really hard to track the quests you want to do, amongst the countless quests that aren't worth the effort - this is true for the tombola version too. I'm all for quests and cool storylines, but not when I only have a month to play. The sheer volume of tasks to scroll through is a genuine impediment to gameplay.

Upgrades ruin the balance
I heard there weren't supposed to be upgrades here, like in Classic, and some items like the Mustang are inexplicably un-upgradable, even capping upgrades at level 1 would be a great improvement to the gameplay.

Forts aren't getting built
Perhaps due to the lack of product drops (relative to actual classic drops and tombola simulator), perhaps due to players preferring to spend time competing in other categories, or perhaps because it's one of the least fun parts of the game - to farm fort materials.

Honestly maybe this makes for better battles though...

Crafting rankings are somewhat based on RNG
The most important thing about competing in this category is finding the recipes.

2 more items in the wandering trader
That's all, we need 2 more items in the wandering trader, for "classic style" and tombola version.

Choices of clothes > greenhorn > Mexican > Indian set only
This world was all about the speed sets.

Speed impacts PvP too much
Whether you're spending 2 hours walking to a fort battle, or 40 mins to the highest exp duel, or 20 mins to the next jobsite that you'll spend a couple of minutes working at, tombola simulator has a bigger map than Classic, and speed sets to compensate, we could have done with a small speed boost to make it more enjoyable and less about waiting for a travel timer.

This was after all advertised as a "Classic Speed World" - it's neither Classic nor a Speed world, and having either one of these would have been the cherry on the cake.
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Is there any clarity about a participation reward yet? There was something said about it at the start of the world.


Im still confused that 3rd place in construction ranking gets better reward than 2nd place , like what is this joke? :D One more thing , constructing shouldve been a solo performance like the experience ranking , you just build and do nothing else basically , when you finish building the town you have the option to go and found another town , not have someone else go found it for you so you wont lose 80 energy and 8 hours. Not all of us have friends. I lost 16 hours and 160 energy to found 2 towns and lost way to many construction points that it cost me a lot and i couldn't even compete for 1st place anymore , 1st place is constructing then someone that is always with him goes found a town then he leaves and goes to that town and continues like its nothing.. Its unfair for the people that dont have any friends and play it alone as it should've been.


Im still confused that 3rd place in construction ranking gets better reward than 2nd place , like what is this joke? :D
  • 2nd place in construction ranking → 3 items from Prison Brothers' set (clothing, dog or shackle)
  • 3rd place in construction ranking → Prison Brothers dog and shackle
So 2nd place can pick dog, shackle and 1 other piece (or 3 random pieces if you want), which is better than just dog & shackle.

One more thing , constructing shouldve been a solo performance like the experience ranking , you just build and do nothing else basically , when you finish building the town you have the option to go and found another town , not have someone else go found it for you so you wont lose 80 energy and 8 hours. Not all of us have friends. I lost 16 hours and 160 energy to found 2 towns and lost way to many construction points that it cost me a lot and i couldn't even compete for 1st place anymore , 1st place is constructing then someone that is always with him goes found a town then he leaves and goes to that town and continues like its nothing.. Its unfair for the people that dont have any friends and play it alone as it should've been.
Sounds like something to report to the support, since it gives an unfair advantage (pushing) similarly to having friends/multiple accounts that only farm products/buffs for you.


  • 2nd place in construction ranking → 3 items from Prison Brothers' set (clothing, dog or shackle)
  • 3rd place in construction ranking → Prison Brothers dog and shackle
So 2nd place can pick dog, shackle and 1 other piece (or 3 random pieces if you want), which is better than just dog & shackle.

So I can choose dog , shackle and clothing?

Sounds like something to report to the support, since it gives an unfair advantage (pushing) similarly to having friends/multiple accounts that only farm products/buffs for you.

I did report it but they are still "investigating" ... its not even that hard to understand that those 2 accounts are always in the same town , one is founding town and the other builds it. You can check as well. Ive been close monitoring the 1st guy and always works with the same guy that founds the towns..


Still waiting for the reward , its been a month already and none of us have the rewards?!?! Inno WAKE UP , give us our rewards and make sure you include the Malechite rifle as well and do not make us wait any longer..

Deleted User - 2170

We are nearing the end of the process of collecting all of the needed information. The rewards will be distributed soon. If you haven't sent a ticket yet, please do so as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience :).

Deleted User - 10423

We are nearing the end of the process of collecting all of the needed information. The rewards will be distributed soon. If you haven't sent a ticket yet, please do so as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience :).

Should I collect prizes for participating in this server (classic )or in the world / country where I am playing?


Should I collect prizes for participating in this server (classic )or in the world / country where I am playing?
If you participated in the event ( Classic ) then yes you should contact them so they can award you , if you did not participate then simply dont even bother

Deleted User - 2170

Should I collect prizes for participating in this server (classic )or in the world / country where I am playing?
The reward is for those who have participated in the classic server. If you have done so, please send us a ticket.


We are nearing the end of the process of collecting all of the needed information. The rewards will be distributed soon. If you haven't sent a ticket yet, please do so as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience :).

2 weeks later?
still nothing
I don't call that nearing the end