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Classic Event World - discussion


something funny?
Construction ranking
  • 1st place in construction ranking → Prison Brothers' clothing set
  • 2nd place in construction ranking → 3 items from Prison Brothers' clothing set
  • 3rd place in construction ranking → Prison Brothers dog and shackle
you get half a clothing set at 2nd place?
and a complete dog/shackle set at 3rd place?
3rd place prize is better then 2nd place prize?


Today, in the italian server, our mod remembered us that all the script are forbidden as the Game Rules said.

How mod can verify it in this server and then ban all the player that use it?

Particularly in this event the massive use of script can change the final ranking.

Hope to read satisfactory answers from mods and player,


Event Coordinator
Community Manager
something funny?
Construction ranking
  • 1st place in construction ranking → Prison Brothers' clothing set
  • 2nd place in construction ranking → 3 items from Prison Brothers' clothing set
  • 3rd place in construction ranking → Prison Brothers dog and shackle
you get half a clothing set at 2nd place?
and a complete dog/shackle set at 3rd place?
3rd place prize is better then 2nd place prize?
Thank you for the feedback, we will consider it.

Today, in the italian server, our mod remembered us that all the script are forbidden as the Game Rules said.

How mod can verify it in this server and then ban all the player that use it?

Particularly in this event the massive use of script can change the final ranking.

Hope to read satisfactory answers from mods and player,
We will of course make all effort for keeping the fair play. Please if you suspect anyone for breaching our rules, send us a ticket.

how late will the server open?
We will announce it on the main page as soon as it was opened.

Deleted User - 5644

Very classical world xD You counted everything wrong, it's still 6 weeks until april fools day xD


Event Coordinator
Community Manager
Thank you for the feedback, and sorry for the confusion, but we didn't announce that we will have the old classic west, we announced a special event world, with setting which will have a more classic feeling, without sets and lot of shop items. We will consider your suggestion about creating again an event with the old west settings (like was in 2017), and also will strive to make our announcements more clear.


Some things that would be cool to add to the Classic feeling;
  • Remove chatroom limits so everyone is in one room, like old county chat,
  • A speed boost to compensate for the much larger v2.x map
  • Ban pants users
This should be fun :)


Please enable some kind of movement speed buff or at least enable speed premium function.
Riding around the map is not a fun part of the game and the lack of speed set paired with only one month of playing on this server puts way too much emphasis on moving from A to B.


You'll get the Mexican set eventually, but yeah, it's really slow at the start. You could also try Horseback Riding :p


Some things that would be cool to add to the Classic feeling;
  • Remove chatroom limits so everyone is in one room, like old county chat,
  • A speed boost to compensate for the much larger v2.x map
  • Ban pants users
This should be fun :)

Yes, please ban pants users!
And please remove adventures and replace it with poker


Hello I have two questions regarding the community prizes.

1) the building community prize is only for the highest church level, without other building levels mattering?

2) can a town win both the building prize and the dueling prize?

Deleted User - 2170

Hello I have two questions regarding the community prizes.

1) the building community prize is only for the highest church level, without other building levels mattering?

2) can a town win both the building prize and the dueling prize?
1) Yes, it refers to the church only :)
2) Also yes, a town can win both the rewards

Deleted User - 2170

The event will start on 15th February 2021 and will run until 15th March 2021.

15 March 23:59 server time?
As per the official announcement:

Event timetable:
  • 15.02.2021 → Event starts
  • 15.03.2021 at 14:00 CET → Event ends and the server will be closed

Deleted User - 1008

I agree to improve the speed, very slow for those who want to use and go in battle