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about trading



somebody from our team seems on chat this: [22:31] Hoodoo Lenoir: tradin outside your alliance can cost you a ban

And it started discus about trading. What say about it Da Twista?


Trading outside your alliance is not ban worthy. You can trade with whomever you wish to trade with :)

I suspect the player who said this was just trying to scare you so his/her team members do not give away valuable items to other teams.


Is it allowed to buy items from teams, which are out of the turnament?

For example CZ buying items from RU?


Another question is: When is team out of tournament? After lost chance to participate in final group ro after last battle or after end of group stage?


Trading outside your alliance is not ban worthy. You can trade with whomever you wish to trade with :)

I suspect the player who said this was just trying to scare you so his/her team members do not give away valuable items to other teams.

Foei @Hoodoo Lenoir...


I would still like to gift some of my stuff to other countries is that still possible?





Trading outside your alliance is not ban worthy. You can trade with whomever you wish to trade with :)

I suspect the player who said this was just trying to scare you so his/her team members do not give away valuable items to other teams.

So coming back on this one....
I think this event has been one of the worst i've ever witnessed in my life. There are no straight rules, 1 mod thinks this and the other mod has an other idea and you get banned by one of them...
Great communication on their part (sarcasm), looks like the line-up from Lowlands was right. Puck inno....


So coming back on this one....
I think this event has been one of the worst i've ever witnessed in my life. There are no straight rules, 1 mod thinks this and the other mod has an other idea and you get banned by one of them...
Great communication on their part (sarcasm), looks like the line-up from Lowlands was right. Fuck inno....

banned again davieboy? You're doing great mate! But yeah the organisation of this event was as bad as the Dutch national football team.


Oh shut up willie, i got banned because you did something wrong... :confused:


Oh shut up willie, i got banned because you did something wrong... :confused:

you gave me council and you were mayor so your responsibility! And I got banned because you demanded me to iniatie these fortbattles.