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Search results

  1. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Hello, on winning proposal (option C) the experience bonus was low, and we were given potion to level up to 150 easily. In the practice server the experience bonus is so huge : i only made tutorial quests, save the saloon part 2, education and chaman, I went to level 142. Does the way to xp will...
  2. Provide your feedback for IFBC 4

    1. Stage: Eliminatory battles Each team will play all teams from the same Division as an attacker and a defender. Each division will play one other division from the same and the other conference, the teams will either attack or defend in the battle. I would prefer in this stage for 2 opponent...
  3. IFBC4 - Settings vote

    Well, I appreciate the great job made for proposals. So I read carefully each one. It appears to me that C option is the most fair in equality of chance : - in B option, starting items give potion of battleground that instantly up to lvl 180, then with exp bonus 2500% character will level up as...
  4. IFBC4 - Settings vote

    I won't participate in A option, I have to choose B or C... I'm looking for differences between B and C and consequences for strategy and fun during the event. Item upgrade inactive with premium but active with Dollars I guess And then what will be the equipment for battles? B: upgraded sets...