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Search results

  1. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    @Syntex Okay, but what about this part of announcement, published on March 18, 2024? https://forum.events.the-west.net/index.php?threads/international-fort-battle-championship-4.52476/#post-57276
  2. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    So, we received rewards But what about this part:
  3. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    I believe that every unique/shiny item should be available in the town shops. I want to remind, that in this event, without spamming, you can't level up beyond 151 during the first three game weeks. Now, you should spam the works in order to get shiny items. When somebody obtains shiny items...
  4. Provide your feedback for IFBC 4

    Including unique items, for example Thomas Bogg's cowboy hat?